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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by rosehips

  1. rosehips


    I dreamt about food for as long as I can remember in my life. I thought about what I would have for dinner at breakfast. Since I have had the sleeve I have been released of these dreams & I am less obsessed with food, thankfully!!! Before my surgery I was very worried about the surgery because I did not want to make a mistake. For years I had not been ready to give up my food, I needed my food. Now I felt ready but it was still a worry. Anyhow I went forward, I found support, I love the results and I am working the tool. I am still the same person so I am a bit obsessive, but it is now exercise, yahoo. Good luck with your journey.
  2. rosehips


    I had the same problem, I needed to come up w/ 5 yrs weight loss history and I did not think I had it. THIS WAS A PPO, United Healthcare. I was so upset w/ this stupid rule. Fortunately for me, I had a trail of weight posting when I thought about it a little longer. I am embarresed to say, I get in a funk every year after Xmas. Even though I enjoy the holidays it is the big let down. I hope you get to the gym tomorrow. I am five months post op. for the first 3 months I was exercising but my mind would tell me " stay home, u r too tired, go tomorrow" and on & on this went. Well, I forced myself so many time that my head finally got out of the equation. I discovered no matter how tired or lousy I THINK I feel, I just stand up and get to the gym and every single time I feel better after the gym or snowshoeing or whatever I do to get moving. Fo for it!!!
  3. rosehips

    Down 75! Yippy!

    I am down 70 lb's....I am having a harder time seeing it too BUT I FEEL FABULOUS. Sitting in any chair I want, pulling pants on that I am positive are not going over my butt, but they DO! Thanks for posting your weight loss on a topic, all the kudos on the replys are fun, my friends have been treating me like a new puppy, all the attention.....I have not been this weight in 23 years, I even forgot my original body shape. Keep up the good work, We are in this together.
  4. rosehips

    In my head

    Yep put the scale away, I weight every 3 weeks and every month I lose 10 lbs. in December I decided to freak out and worry, I weighed myself everyday for 2 weeks, not a bit of weight loss, not a bit!!! I put the scale in the closet, continued to eat correctly and exercise and on January 1st another 10 lb's gone. During the month while I am not weighing myself my clothes continue to get bigger and we eat so little it just happens. The same will happen for you & yes, I felt like you my first few weeks. This is going to be so fun for you as you start to shrink.
  5. rosehips

    Amount of Food and Your Mind

    Great question. I am now 5 months out w/ 70 lb's off, 50 to go and loving my new size. I mention this because part of me is thinking maybe I am loosing motivation and that is why I want more food. I eat a 1/2 cup of food and if I try for more I am nauseous, I don't throw up but I hang over the sink thinking I might. Up until 4 months I was fine w/ the small portion. In December I found out I can eat anything, where b4 that I was not sure if I would dump. Then I started feeling like I wanted a quanity, like my husband eats. Before that, I am now remembering, the few restraunts I went to I had 1/2 in a doggie bag, ate a quarter of the serving and left the rest. I was satisfied. Now I want more. So I went to a support group, I always force myself to tell the truth there. As I listened to myself share I KNEW I needed to shift my thinking. Now when my head gets mad that I I ate a 1/4 tuna sandwich and that is it, I stop and remind myself I am thankful my pouch stops me because I continue to get smaller. Someone shared "as an alcoholic is new in sobriety, they think about alcohol and want to drink. As they continue to abstain & work a program the desire lessens.". It is the same for me, as I continue to work this tool I will have my success right next to me, w/ my continued exercise, exploring my food addiction and gratefulness I will deal with what comes my way. This post is convoluted , I hope I made some kind of sense. It sounds like I was loosing sight of my original goals. I am a work in progress.
  6. Did you call your doctor? I hope you have answers, let us know.
  7. rosehips

    I am back

    I so far have avoided pizza cause it was a food I pigged out on. I just had spaghetti w/ light EVO and lemon, 2 bites, all OK for me. Bread, again just started with sprouted rye and tuna/pickle/avocado. Fine, I can only do 1/4 sandwich, that is a 1/2 c of food but it seems so silly, A QUARTER SANDWICH!! Who would of thunk. I was sleeved 8/27/12
  8. Make yourself go to the treadmill, it will change your attitude, you will feel successful and in control. I made myself go exercise so many times when I DID NOT WANT TO & now my head quit messing me and I feel fabulous. 10 minutes of forcing yourself will lead to 24 hours of being happy with yourself, and then you do it again. Rock on.
  9. rosehips

    totally depressed!

    I sure hope your husband hides that scale real good. I weight myself every 3 weeks, I get too grumpy if the scale does not move. I just put it in my closet, if that scale is in my bathroom I step on it, I can't resist, if I have to go get it and bring it to hard floor I have time to tell myself NO. During the 3 week span I use my clothes for encouragement. Yea to baggy clothes
  10. rosehips

    Can I Slap You Now?

    My two cents is......you told the trainer your personal story as information so she knew you are losing weight fast, loose skin is a concern. A persons 1st time w/ a trainer is intimidating enough, and the gym is sort of overwhelming in the beginning. Your hackles went up cause you were giving her information, her job is to build you up mentally and physically. Athletes know the mind controls part of the success on winning. What she said is like going to get your teeth cleaned after you have been away for a few years and having your hygienist say, "man I had a friend who stayed away from teeth cleaning, she still bleeds all the time, I have my teeth cleaned every 6 months so I am fine. As a hygienist I would be reprimanded. A professional meets the client where the client is. God luck, Keep the confidence you are headed for success.
  11. rosehips

    Totally random milestone-- I have butt bones!

    I have not felt any bones in my butt but the day I felt my ribs, boy did I get excited. I'm not doing to quit til I feel a butt bone in each cheek!!!
  12. rosehips

    Big thighs!

    The person who said that is insensitive & ignorant. I am small on top and big on bottom. I have gone from a 3x top size 24-26 bottoms. Now I am an XL on top and an 18 on bottom. Everyone tells me how fabulous I look, but I am in the 50 year old group. Jennifer Lopez changed my world on large butts, Hudson's body is raved about. You said she is your friend, remember the saying "you hurt me once, shame on you. You hurt me twice, shame on me. I know...easier said than done. All this comes easier with age...hang in there, you are smart to write about it, get it out.....of course if you are able to tell your friend her comment made you feel rotten and body types come in all shapes and sizes, then you would feel powerful, you would own it. Hang in there, more greatness is coming your way
  13. rosehips

    In need of some help...

    Since you are at 12 days I would think you received exact directions on how much Fluid we are suppose to get in between 1-3 weeks. Do you have this info. What do you mean by a tons of Water. My doctor actually leaned his head against the wall and said "if you just follow directions you will do well". If you don't have a guideline on liquid in the time frame you are in, please reply and I will look mine up. The glue on your incision,...sorry, I don't know, maybe you can show someone in your life who has good common sense. I am not saying you don't have common sense, just saying people seeing it would be better.
  14. rosehips

    Motivate me....Pleeease!

    These new habits of yours are for a lifetime, not a few months. You are one month out so that means you are one weekish into puréed foods. Lots have new things have been thrown your way over the last month. Just you reaching out and saying "help" shows you are on the right track. Most people's minds fight them before they get to the gym but once we get going I sure do like it. When I got going on my exercise my mind would tell me "oh you're too tired, oh you don't feel good". Well I forced myself to go and each time I felt FABULOUS when I got there and got going. Finally my mind stopped messing with me and now I know, regardless if I want to go or if I feel low energy, I now KNOW, without a shadow of doubt I will feel better. I am so thankful my mind got out of the equation and I just go. Do you have a friend to drag your a** to whatever PF is? When you walk in do you know what your plan is? Are you going to ride the bike or? Be careful of your back, I overdue sometimes and then I reinjure myself and have to slow down or stop.. I hope something I wrote helps. :-D
  15. rosehips


    I would save the $12. You mentioned you can take it or leave it. Since that will be your first time drinking it would be a real drag if the alcohol did not settle well and you were unable to celebrate and feel good. Good luck which ever way you chose.
  16. rosehips

    Struggles with not drinking while eating

    My doctor has changed the "rule" on no drinking w/ meals, teeny tiny sips are OK and for me this helps. I too end my meal and want a swig of liquid to sort of finish things off. I keep it small and I am thankful to have the swig. Since I am full I will get into trouble if I were to continue drinking.
  17. rosehips

    Frozen yogurt

    Thank you all for these ideas, I went to a frozen yogurt shop and asked if they had a book on the nutrition of the yogarts. I was the only one in the store and when I saw how high the carbs were (18-20) for ? Ounces, I wanted to leave but the guy was holding the cup and I was too embarrassed to just leave. I bought 2 ounces of vanilla sugar free and was out of there never to return. I thought jamba juice non fat yogart was a smaller carb count but I can't remember now. I'm going to try the Greek frozen Yogart. overall I really can't bring any of it home cause I eat more than one portion. Dryers sugar free popcycles, I can control those and they help w/ nausea
  18. rosehips

    Hunger after 4 months

    Funny you would state 4 months. I became hungry at exactly four months. Had some cravings pretty much for my first time, ate some icecream, went to a support group and GOT A GRIP on ME. As far as regular hunger, I just got use to it, I drink more water, I still am eating a 1/2 cup of food, anything over that amount I feel nauseous so I am thankful for that. Also, whenever I get hungry it is usually time to eat, ya know sometimes when I am out in the world I forget to eat so overall it is not a problem. Head hunger can be a problem but I do my best to control it and if I don't bring the food home my success rate is great.
  19. rosehips

    Back To Basic

    One gallon of water, 128 oz in one day? That must be what it means. Holy Toledo
  20. Yes I did do wellese so that worked out well for my Vitamins. I had prescription meds I had to take that were pill form. Currently I have stopped using the Wellesse. I have some acid reflux going on since I am on solid foods. Water can even give me acid reflux. Anyhow w/ the Wellesse I was taking Multivitamin, Calcium, Protein, B12 sublingual, Iron. It was just too many 1 oz gulps FOR ME. I now take something else but I am not the poster girl for vitamins. Sounds like you have made a good decision for now. Also, I personally did not start vitamins until 14 days out. I was worried the first week that I was not getting them in. My doc said not to worry, this is not nutrition for a month, it is nutrition for a lifetime. I calmed down and everything is going fine overall and I bet my acid reflux would be better if I would chew more and slower.
  21. rosehips

    33 BMI and scheduled for VG...

    Hi to all, I read all 74 posts here, interesting topic. I am a Libra, I can see all sides of this. I am 53 yrs old, 5 months post op, was 291, 5'7". Therefore my BMI was I think 49. I had no persay comorbidities. I am surprised I did not read a discussion on the relevance of the BMI #. As I have gone down the WLS path I have mulled over this BMI label. So after reading all these posts I googled BMI inaccuracies. Quickly found info from 2009 to 2012 stating info such as.....1." The person who dreamed up the BMI said explicitly that it could not and should not be used to indicate the level of fatness in an individual. The BMI was introduced in the early 19th century by a Belgian named Lambert Adolphe Jacques Quetelet. He was a mathematician, not a physician. He produced the formula to give a quick and easy way to measure the degree of obesity of the general population to assist the government in allocating".......tons more info if u google. Just one more thought a person may (or may not) want to mull over as they decide what they will do. Good Wishes to all
  22. rosehips


    I don't have room for fruit cause I am suppose to eat my protein first and then if room I would eat veggies and fruit. But I don't have room. I do get about 1/3c organic raspberries everyday in my protein shakes. At 2 months I was at the same place as what Butterbean said
  23. Measure yourself b4 u go in & u will need a pill crusher for any drugs/vitamins that r not liquid. Message me direct if u have meds u need to crush, I will try to tell u what I learned thru trial and error
  24. rosehips

    8 month update

    Wow....for a gal that is not an exercise nut you are rockin!!! You look great, I am so happy dot you. I too am lovin how I look in clothes and geez what can I say about the naked part....not too good And I have 60 more to lose......hahaha, for me it is going to get worst!!
  25. rosehips

    Not losing weight

    My doctor calculated my resting metabolic rate a few days b4 my surgery, u sit there relaxed and breathe into a tube and a machine records something that tells me how many many calories I burn a day. For better details ck it out on the Internet. About 5 yrs ago I paid to have this done at our local hospital also so it has been around for a while. One more thing, in one year my doc will redo this test to see how my body is burning calories, the more muscle I have the better it will be. Hope this helps

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