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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Bella86

  1. I love this thread and have read every post!!

    I confess...

    - that I have weighed myself almost every day (after surgery on the 15th October)

    - although I've lost about 12kg since I started pre-op that this is not enough and I should've lost more

    - I can't seem to get enough Protein in every day

    - I have eaten 3 pieces of chocolate - about one per week - since being sleeved

    - I chewed a cheeseburger and spat it out

    - other than the cheeseburger episode every other time I see a food court or fast food I am now amazed at the sheet volume of food and how much ppl have on their plate - I used to eat that much!!

    - after reading an earlier post I am now choosing a name for my sleeve

    - I am so excited that I'm full so quickly and already feel that the sleeve was the best decision I ever made

    - I cannot wait to go out with my friends and have a vodka (by the way the post about vodka on rocks with lemon is GOLD!)

    - I keep thinking that I am going to fail as I feel like I've stalled already after no weight loss for about a week??

    - I am now determined to live and plan on some adventure sports once I've lost some weight - wakeboarding, surfing, sky diving here I come!

  2. Hi all, thanks for the support. It's been pretty smooth sailing except for the damned hiccups. Been sleeping lots, surprisingly not hungry. Can't wait to be out of here. Check in tomoz

    Oh those hiccups are a nightmare! I couldn't stop vomiting first 24 hours then the hiccups had me holding a pillow tight against my stomach because they hurt!

    You will get used to the non hunger, I'm in week 3 and its weird looking at how much other people eat now! Lol

    I've been walking last few days, got some new Adidas shoes :-) feels good

    Hope everyone is well!

  3. I felt super crappy week 2, heaps better this week...

    Week 2 I was still on liquids, my surgeon and NUT said that some ppl struggle with certain foods that make them ill, even egg scrambled can make ppl feel sick right to week 4/5. Also if ur eating too quick or even a tiny little bit too much I was told u can feel really sick and vomit as ur stretching the stomach.

    Hope you feel better soon!

  4. Obviously this is a good thing, since at my worst I could easily put down a whole pizza, a dozen wings, a liter of coke, and still have room for huge slice of cake... all in the span of "grazing" over an hour or two. :ph34r:

    Thanks in advance for the replies!

    Lmao that was so me too! I'm amazed at how little I eat and how I get full quickly and satisfied, I eat slowly and can get about 1/2 a can of tuna puréed, 1/3 a Protein shake, 1/3 a tub of cottage cheese or about 3/4 the way through my single scrambled egg- Protein protein protein right now lol

    Back in reality now at week 3' walked around a food court and all I could think was how much crap we have out there and the sheer volume of food that you get!

    Loving actually eating now - oh I forgot my porridge, probably about 1/2 an instant porridge, although I am nw eating all day in between sipping Water lol

  5. I'm two weeks out and moved the wrong way a couple of days ago where I quickly jolted backward and up as I leaned forward. I felt a sharp stabbing pain to the right of my belly button that literally felt like I had a red hot poker stabbing into my stomach. The area was sore to touch for a few minutes and I was frozen in pain for about a minute.

    I spoke to my surgeon who assured me I was okay and advised me that I have aggravated the internal stitch that is put in. Ever since now when I bend the wrong way or sneeze I get the sharp stabbing pain that radiates from that spot. It's awful! Anyone else have this issue?

  6. Hi all,

    I'm feeling much better after surgery on the 15th, felt horrid for a week, then exhausted this week! Tomorrow I'm going to Sydney markets with a friend, my first real 'outing', feel like I've been a real hermit (normally I'm out and about on weekends and after work) so I'm looking forward to it :-)

    Went back to work on Tuesday and then crashed and burned, took Wed to Fri off sick, saw my GP and they were great explaining that I need to adjust and I'm still healing.

    Can't wait to take these dressings off and start doing some sport or something! Stomach is still sore, muscle pain and a little bit where I've got my one internal stitch (from where my stomach come out).

    I have been struggling to get the required Protein in, but fluids are ok and I can drink Water without any dramas. Some things taste really sweet now and I'm having to adjust, milky stuff is just too creamy too sometimes.

    Glad to see ppl who have had complications getting home, I really struggled for the first 24 hours with vomiting on the hour every hour and hurt my stomach muscles terribly. Luckily though the nurses sorted me out and I was out of hospital after 4 days. My heart goes out to ppl who have had serious complications, at least we have good surgeons here who minimise these risks and look after us if we do get the complications.

    I've lost about 12kg so far incl the 2 week pre op where I lost about 6. So I'm a week and a half post op and 6kg down since d-day, seriously I felt like I should've lost 10kg in hospital with the absolutely 0 food lol but I know I need to not look at the s ales every day but every week and focus on just getting better atm and getting in my fluids :-) I started at 123kg and I'm 111kg now, I'm 5ft9.

    Hope everyone else is going well!

  7. Hi Mimz!

    I'm 12 days post-op so all these answers are coming fresh!

    1. Pain was relatively minor. Some discomfort stemming more from the drips and inability to sleep on my tummy (which I'm back to doing now no problem). My wounds have healed beautifully and cause me no pain (just itchiness from the healing!)

    2. No nausea. I did experience it a bit about 5 days post op but have now realised that was more lightheadedness, due to not having enough Protein. I've rectified that in my diet and am nausea free (I am notoriously weak stomached; I get nauseous sleeping on air mattresses)

    3. My surgery was Thursday 6th and I went back Thursday 13th. However, I was totally fine by Monday and was contemplating going back earlier (partly because I was bored out of my brain. Usually when I'm bored, I eat, so that was a new experience!)

    4. I was never anxious. Odd considering I suffer with anxiety and depression. But I was so focused on how my life was going to change for the better that I didn't have time to get anxious. Best thing I did was have the surgery because even though I've only lost 8kgs so far my self-confidence is on the rise and my daily anxiety receding!

    5. I feel SO much more energy now. Pre-op, I was a massive napper. I always felt lethargic and planned my weekends around being able to have a nap mid-afternoon. I even used to go into the spare office at work and sleep the whole of my hour lunch break. I haven't had a nap since surgery. As food regular food, not there yet but I'm cool with that, especially watching the number on the scales go down!

    6. I'm in Perth so no.. My surgeon was fantastic though and the aftercare is beyond belief!

    Wow Perth chick hope my surgery goes like that! Mime I'm booked into the Mater with Craig Taylor, will let you know how it all goes :-) very excited and nervous!

  8. Hi Mrs Hanson, I'm booked for my surgery 15/10 here in Australia very excited but nervous about the whole thing, on the Optifast diet ATM myself, first couple of days were a struggle but I'm liking the weight loss so far! Can't wait till after surgery and clothing sizes start dropping! Looking forward to going shopping in normal clothing stores! I think we've made the right decision, I decided I didn't want another 5 years of my life to pass me by.... Good luck and keep posting! It's been great on here to read and speak to ppl who have been through it and exciting to see the weight loss others have so inspirational!

  9. I think getting a pic and putting side by side like you said. In sure you will be quite surprised how much change you will see with 26kgs. That is great achievement and you need to know big changes are ahead of you and for all of us.

    I did that with my pic and my family nearly fell over when they saw it side by side.

    I love hearing everyone's progress.

    Sueoco - when was your op and how much have you lost if you don't mind me asking...it looks as though you would be very close to goal, so great.

    I'm aiming for another 15 by Xmas and then on the home run for the last 15 by mid next year. Would love for it all to be done by July (1 yr anniversary)

    Wow Shell you've done so well! I'm on the Optifast at the moment, how did everyone go sticking with it? I've been super strict so far but so tempted to break it this wknd! Shell you're a great inspiration to me as I'm also quite tall 5'9 and weighing in at 123kg - well 118kg now according to the scales this morning which is awesome! Surgery is booked for Monday 15/10/12 and I'm super nervous but excited! My biggest worry is this restricted ability to drink Water quickly, I'm so used to being able to just drink!

    By the way not sure Ill ever want an Optifast again after this two weeks... Going to stick to tony ferguson shakes, up&gos, sustagen, etc - has anyone found that shakes are a good way to make sure u get Protein and Vitamins post surgery??

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
