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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Bella86

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    Guru in Training

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  1. Bella86

    Sleeve gastrectomy surgery 2012 or earlier

    October 2012 sleeve, had a baby May 2018 and lost the baby weight pretty well 😊 I’m sitting about 10kg from my skinniest and 5kg from where I’d like to be but I’m active and happy
  2. I'm two years out from surgery - October 2012 and lost 98% of my excess weight and kept it off. I'm so happy with my surgery and believe it truly was one of the best decisions I ever made!! Everyone is different I have a friend who is sitting at about 60% lost and she's also happy with the positive changes vsg has had on her life, another friend who has lost about the same as me, also happy :-) Best to set yourself goals and targets rather than compare yourself to others, we are all different and have different bodies. Good luck with your journey!
  3. Bella86

    How much time off work?

    I thought I'd be okay with one week off however ended up taking two, just very tired and sore the first week and I think the second is good to take so you can adjust and recover to the drastic change in energy intake
  4. Bella86

    Am I FAT? Please tell me.

    My surgeon told me that because we have had such a high bmi that out body can healthily sit at a bmi of 28 and be considered out healthy weight range. Something to do with the body conditioning itself to be higher and therefore it can be very difficult to get down into the low 20's... Btw you look fantastic! Trim and healthy :-)
  5. Bella86

    always tired and cold

    Amanda any results yet?? I've had so many tests and other than b12 deficiency no other reasons... I am now getting b12 shots which seems to help but I'm still tired and although feel great most the time I'm battling to stay energetic such an effort!!
  6. Bella86

    Constant period, tired, b12 deficiency, cold

    I researched and thought the excessive estrogen May be a factor too!! My b12 was super low, like I think less than 100 when it's supposed to be 400 or something...I'm not too technical clearly lol I've had so many tests with more today actually including blood tests, Pap smears, ultrasounds and now off to see a gynecologist however I think once I stabilize and stop losing weight it will probably go back to normal - fingers crossed! I've had a lot of time off work I mean sometimes I'm just so exhausted and down I sleep all day... Like I need to recharge or something :-/
  7. Bella86

    Activity trackers

    I also have the flex and im really happy with it!! Links up directly with my fitness pal too which is perfect
  8. Bella86

    Question for the woman!

    I'm the same, started about 5 months and now I'm 15 months, over 100lbs down and still bleeding all over the place and pretty much daily...have you any solution??
  9. Bella86

    Blood after sex ?

    I've been experiencing the same issue consistently for about six months. After sex, orgasm and exercise. Had some tests but no solution as yet, would love any help, advice or similar situations...booked in for a pap next week nothing abnormal on ultrasound.
  10. Bella86

    The Neverending period

    Hi everyone I'm 15 months out now and have been experiencing consistent light bleeding with intermittent heavy periods since about three or four months out of surgery. I didn't bleed for the first 3-4 and now ever since it's been consistent. I did have an implanon which I thought was the issue and I had it removed a month ago and still no relief. I've now had an internal ultrasound, changed back to a standard pill and have booked a pap next week. Nothing found as yet but I now have a B12 deficiency which I believe is related. The bleeding gets really heavy post exercise and running. It's really getting to me!! Any similar issues, findings and remedies would be greatly appreciated!
  11. Has anyone had any drastic changes in their period? Mine has been consistent and I think it's all related somehow to weight loss and nutrition possibly! I've had an ultrasound, blood tests and I am anemic and lacking B12 so now getting B12 shots. I'm also in the process of getting additional tests but thought if ask if anyone else is experiencing similar symptoms? - tired - cold - weak - dizzy when standing quickly - b12 deficiency - constant bleeding, light periods - heavy bleeding post exercise and running - all other vitamins ok
  12. Bella86

    always tired and cold

    I am 15 months post op also and exactly the same! Freezing cold and exhausted constantly, get sick easily and although I'm ecstatic about the weight loss and surgery I'm thinking this may be linked to anemia even though I'm now getting b12 injections... Has anyone had any drastic changes in their period? It is consistent and I think it's all related somehow!! I'm in the process of getting additional tests but thought if ask if anyone else is experiencing similar symptoms?
  13. Bella86

    Goodbye last of the fat clothes

    I feel like the clothes have taken over...they will find me one day many years from now buried in an avalanche of clothing too big...time for a clean out I think...if you don't hear from me again I wish you all the best hahaha
  14. Bella86


    I'm in! Recommitment woot!! Been stuck at 165 pounds for months!! (75kg) Want to get to 145 pounds (65/67kg) and I need motivation! My stall is snacking, not enough Water and quick and easy bad foods too often...I think back to basics and Protein protein protein!!
  15. Bella86

    Any regrets?

    Best thing I ever did!! Sleeved in October 2012 at 277 pounds (123kg), biggest weight 288 pounds (130.7kg) and currently 165 pounds (75kgs) so I'm very very happy with the results!! Things you should know... - the first week is the hardest post surgery...only time I thought I regretted it...had a bad reaction and a lot of retching and vomiting - I managed to travel around the country running training sessions for work about 6 weeks post surgery without issue - back to normal but for food lol - you will get tired, I found that especially the first three months I had zero energy and stuck to walking and light exercise, worked for me :-) - after about 9-12 months you will be able to eat a lot more but don't do it!! Use the first 9 months to the full extent, I found after 9 my hunger started returning and desire for naughty food and more of it lol, use that first 9-12 months and then remember that you only think your hungry and don't start increasing the amount of food you eat!! - you will buy a lot of new clothes...constantly!! I've been through three lots of making things lasts till they hang off me and then donating them or selling. Keep this in mind when purchasing clothes...I really shouldn't have spent $200 on a dress that I only wore once!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
