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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Bella86

  1. Hey CC, My knees were really bad too!! I'm a little worried about them actually as I think the years of being overweight have taken their toll...one makes a loud clicking grinding noise whenever I walk up stairs and the older one has Fluid and is a bit achey...weird that the grinding one doesn't hurt lol it sounds like it should!! My nutritionist has told me that the Multivitamins can help with the joints but I'm hopeless with them plus I swear they make me ill :-/ I normally taken them every other day or so... Thanks for the compliments and I'm excited for you!! When's the big day?? This skin brushing thing sounds good - I'm going to look it up and maybe use it to apply my bio oil :-D
  2. Bella86

    I Cant Believe This Is Me!

    Hey ooffa511 you look fantastic! How much weight was in the skin? Was it a noticeable decrease before and after the plastic surgery? I'm considering a nip, tuck and lift however the surgeon has told me to wait another year.
  3. Hey CC, I use bio oil plus palmers cocoa butter moisturiser however would like to hear from others too. I am badly scarred with stretch marks - always have had them ever since puberty so I'm predisposed to it. My worst areas are my stomach and arms. The surgeon said give it another year for my skin to 'catch up' as it moves slower than the weight loss. I am trying to do as much pump class as I can- weight training - to build up my lean muscle for definition. I've lost over 100 pounds but really can't complain - the skin isn't so bad I just feel a little 'squishy' lol and you have to give the body some credit as the cms go! Hope this helps!
  4. Hey Marci, Thank you, those pics in red are from day before surgery at 123.5kg, not at my biggest 130. A 38kg loss and into double figures that's awesome progress congratulations!! Always exciting hitting under 100, I remember sitting at 102kg for so long all I wanted at that time was double figures :-) Lol Yes I'm happy with myself now however my surgeon has told me things will continue to change over the next twelve months with skin, shape and toning and I'm hoping to retain a fit and lean physique for life!
  5. I'm 16 months out and will probably never attempt full fat dairy again. I find fat free skim milk is great!
  6. Bella86

    The Underarm Question

    Omg I'm having this issue!! I can't get a really close shave in this hole it's so annoying!! Will have to try nair lol - does it get better?? I don't really understand what's going on lol
  7. Hey I'm 27 and 5ft 8/9 - 173.5cm. Starting weight 132kg Surgery date and weight 15/10/12, 123.5kg or 272 pounds Current weight 75kg or 165 pounds Goal is 65-70kg over next twelve months
  8. Never knew how much being objectified by people - men and women - changes the way they treat you...I find it very sad that I am treated so differently now when I am still me inside
  9. Bella86

    Best and worst "compliments"

    Worst: 'Wow you lost your boobs! Like....I didn't realise when we were younger that you had no boobs' 'You're 27?...wow I thought you were sooo much younger' at a work function after rolling their eyes about my life and work experiences and rudely asking my age... (Normally I like the comments on my regained youth lol)
  10. Hey me too! I'm so cold unless sitting in the sun and my partner tells me that I radiate heat?? Does anyone else seem to radiate heat in bed?? Yet feel cold still?
  11. Bella86

    Skinny Jeans!

    I'm in love with Levi skinny jeans they are awesome!! To think I always swore I'd never wear a pair lol
  12. How are all the Aussies going anyways?? Glad to see people meeting up :-)
  13. Back to basics, I was just thinking the same thing over the weekend!! I haven't gained but I want to lose my last 5lbs (approx) or 10kgs - I'm Aussie :-) been stuck at 78kg for months now and picked up bad habits too and been sooooo slack with water!! I'm in :-D
  14. Hi all, Thought I'd start up a singles chat see if I'm the only one not married on this website lmao So single ppl (if there are any) how was your wknd?? I went and attempted to wakeboard today then a bike ride, I am sore already and know I'm going to be in pain tomorrow lol Today made me promise myself to continue upping my activity, I loved wakeboarding today and really want to have an active lifestyle! Anyone else been getting out for new experiences??
  15. Bella86

    Bizarre trend?

    Best thing I've ever done :-) I'm 26 and I have to say losing over 92 pounds in six months has changed my life!! I'm in love with my sleeve its really helped me a lot :-) I understand that it can be hard for some but I come into this fully prepared for worst case scenario in terms of complications, difficulties and understood what I was in for. I still struggle with my anxiety and depression and ill admit I've had more time off work in the last six months than ever before but I'm focusing on my health and me for the first time ever and I deserve to be happy and choose my life!! :-)
  16. I have been hoarding clothes for years without realizing!!! Just did a massive clothing clean out and bagged at least 20 garbage bags of clothes that don't fit now lol never thought I owned so much...
  17. Send me a private message if you'd like to talk to me, I'm six months out and I'm 8kg off a healthy BMI - lost 42kg (I'm in Australia)
  18. Bella86

    Aussie singles :-D

    Haha Aussiegirl I'm in Sydney and yes definitely need a man hunt!!!
  19. I feel like I'm stuck in the worst stall of this whole process!!! Desperate to get under 80kg and struggling so much!!!
  20. Bella86

    Post op march sleevers

    Hey Sherriews how far out from surgery are you?? I'm at 7 months now and I experienced stalls for up to a month before but I ended up averaging over a kg a week about 2.2 pounds, found mixing it up a bit helped, changing my eating routine and definitely drinking lots of water
  21. CLOTHES!!! OMG my clothes have taken over my room and the house!! I've been buying (cheap) new clothes as I've dropped sizes and although I cull my old clothes I haven't kept up... Can I just say this is exciting stuff!! Although now I'm poor lol Hope ur all having this much fun too :-)
  22. Bella86

    Aussie singles :-D

    OMG they are all drop kicks!!! I'm in such a man hating mode now :-/ Aussiegirl what are we going to do???!!!!! Where are all the nice guys who aren't just after 'a good time'??? BTW coffee man was just one of them, was sleeping with his housemate while trying to 'date' me OMG
  23. No arguments here :-) Have had the worst flu ever for like 10 days!!! Do you find it harder to get better when ur sick??

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
