Well Since my endoscopy I found out that I have GERD which I should mention I never knew I did have. Secondly I also have H. Pylori so that was fun to find out that I had that. So they put me on a rigourus round of antibiotics and now I have to lose 10-15 lbs pre op. I had my surgery postponed to 10-11-2012 which is fine with me I know I can do it. So if any of you come across my blog and have any tips or tricks in order to lose weight that would be greatly appericiated. I have bought my protien shakes, bought fruits and veggies, etc etc, no carbs either. SO any other advice would be helpful this way when I go there I will be able to get this done. I dont want to get to the surgery center and they say they cannot do it. Please any piece of advice helps THANKS IN ADVANCE