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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by TapSnap

  1. I can no longer update the original post. The forum only allows me to edit the post up to a month after posting. All free samples I find will just be posted as I find them.
  2. Nowhere in my post said it wasn't hard for me. Nowhere in my post did it say I did not go some where for help when I did struggle. The people that gave me the straight up truth of the matter hit me more then the people that see everything in rainbows and unicorns. It is hard. I never said it was easy. I struggled less than most because I came into this knowing what I was getting into and told myself its this or it nothing. I failed at many things I have done. I don't have the option at failing at this. Many people jump into surgery without doing research. They then think they can do whatever they want and lose weight. Again if you don't like my opinion just skip over it and give your own opinion to the poster. No need to start a forum war over someones opinion.
  3. I am not attacking anyone with my posts. It is cut and dry for me. People have the right not to like my opinion and I won't lose sleep over it. If I didn't care about what people do after surgery I wouldn't post. Some people respond different to different opinions . My self and a few others I have met respond better to a cut and dry answer. The honest truth of what you are doing wrong. If I had a problem and someone said it was alright and I don't get any backlash from doing it I am and most people will do it again. We see this in children all the time. If they get away with doing something with little to no backlash they will do it again and push the issue more and more till they get back lash. This is basic human nature. "It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission." - Grave Hopper So people will go out of their way to do what they want and then ask for forgiveness after the fact. I see this in the forums over and over. Day after day people come here saying they haven't lost weight or they are doing something wrong. Well own up to it and fix it. You know you shouldn't do it but you continue to do it. When do you stop relying on others? I stopped relying on others when I realized it was my problem and not theirs. We made ourselves fat over many of years of bad habits. You can't blame this on anyone else but ourselves. There are many reasons each of us have for getting surgery. But for me surgery was my last option after years of doing everything else from pills to meal plans to starving myself. In my head this is my last chance if I fail I will die young. I have choose to follow everything by the letter where I can. I will not change how I post. It might not help this poster or even 80% of the people on this forums. But for the people it does help I will continue to do so. Thank you, John
  4. So I am thinking of starting a blog but not like every other blog where people talk about their lives. What I am thinking is a blog that has different aspects of what everyone needs, thinks, and use before and after having surgery. The blog would consist of: - Q & A butt with my tough love twist that people either love or hate. - Product review. Protein powders, Protein Bars, Vitamins, etc. - recipes - Personal stories of my post surgery adventures. - Rants - Giving out free product to people who post like, subscribe, and post on the blog I want to see how much interest I might get from this before diving in. I have tons of ideas ready to go and have some support from people on this site. I am also brainstorming names. Any help would be great. This isn't just going to target sleeve people. his blog will be for anyone tht has had bariatric surgery. The ore intrest I get the sooner the blog will be up and running. Thanks
  5. You have to realize you are eating very little so you have less to come out. We are no longer eating the greasy food we were eating before surgery that acted like a lube to make things come out easier. With that saying I think I didn't have a good bowl movement till 3-4 weeks after surgery. Not because it wouldn't come out but because there was nothing to come out. At 8 moths out I am lucky I go every 2-3 days now.
  6. I am one of the people that posted one of the so called "rude" comments (I am like the 3-4th person that posted). I am sorry but I am not going to sugar coat my answers to anyone. If I answer a question I am answering the question based off my own experiences, other peoples posts, and how I learn. I am going to tell people how I see it. I am sorry I didn't spend years of my life trying different weight loss pills and programs. then spend months getting everything done to have this surgery. I didn't spend a lot of money and go through a surgery to eat what made me fat before surgery. I don't see how people can do everything in their power to get healthy and then say f**k it I am going to eat this slice of greasy pizza or deep fried breaded chicken nuggets (pink slime). Why go back to old habits that made you the way you were before surgery? I don't know about everyone else but I go out of my way every day to stay away from things that I had before surgery. Before people start saying I never have anything nice to say or they never see me helping ill leave you with a thread I posted a month ago that has be pinned and has over 3,000 views. Its a list of free samples and discounts on protein supplements and vitamins. I contacted almost all of the links personally and even called 50% of them to get more information before posting them. http://www.verticals...g-free-samples/ I also have spoken at seminars and helped with support group meetings. I have posted recipes on the forums and even got voted best recipe at my hospitals protein party (brings in venders and people so people can taste protein products and recipes). I didn't sugar coat anything when I was speaking to 50+ people at the seminars and I was thanked just not by the people who were attending but also other speakers and the doctors that were there for being open and honest. So I am not sorry for my post. I am sorry that people find my opinion not to there liking. I won't change how I post because some people do need tough love and to hear it how it is.
  7. If you know you shouldnt be eating something but you still eat it? You are doing it to yourself. If you cant help from not eating junk food and things you shouldnt what are people on the internet going to do? Say its ok when its not?
  8. TapSnap

    Taco Pizza

    It was brought up that the math for the calories and Protein could be wrong. they have it as 135cal. and 14g of protein. Ill be checking my math tomorrow morning. either way its still a good. Taco pizza Ingredients: - One medium-large sized egg - 1lb lean ground beef (also good with ground chicken) - One pack of taco seasoning (I used the reduced sodium one) - 1/2 can of refriend Beans - 1/2 bag of reduced fat cheese - 1/2 can of salsa (I use chunky) Extras: - Light sour cream - Lettuce - Onion - Peppers Any Veggies you want to add go right a head. Directions: Pre heat oven to 350 degrees and either wrap a pizza pan or baking sheet with tin foil and spray it with non-stick cooking spray. Mix ground beef and egg in a large bowl. Then slowly add the taco seasoning till it becomes doughy. Start spreading out ground beef on the tin foil like a pizza. You want it about 1/4in. thick. Once you have it spread out place in the oven for 20-25 mins. After you take it out cut into it a bit to make sure it’s fully cooked. If it looks good use paper towels to wipe of all the extra taco seasoning and grease that his leaked out from cooking. This is what it will look like before wiping it off. Below is what it should look like after wiping if off. Now add your refried beans and spread it out over you ground beef crust. Now add you salsa the same way. Now you add the cheese to the top. Put taco pizza back into the oven for 5 minutes or until cheese is melted. I cut my pizza into 10 slices. This gives me two slices a day for 5 days at work (my first and second breaks). Add any extra toppings to it and enjoy. If you cut your pizza into 10 slices and just add light sour cream it comes to about 300 cal. and 38g of protein a slice.
  9. Quest bars are 180 calories 20g of protein. Also any protein drink will get you protein you are looking for.
  10. TapSnap

    Taco Pizza

    Thanks for all the positive reviews. I have changed the recipe a bit to fit me a bit more. Added more veggies and such. I also use a bit more ground beef or ground chicken now.
  11. Trying to add another coupon to the list but for some reason it wont let me edit my first post. So going to put it here for now 3 coupons for $1 off Body Fortress products (Wal-Mart brand) http://www.bodyfortress.com
  12. TapSnap

    Taco Pizza

    I would wait at least 2 months to eat something like this. Yes its soft but it could be hard on your stomach. I didnt start making it till about the 3 month mark. But I also didnt come up with it till them.
  13. I haven't heard from anyone since I got my samples. I delt with Herbalife a few years ago but didn't hear anything from them after a got the bar from them.
  14. I am glad that this list has helped you. I hope more people see it and can help them find products they like with out spending to much money like I did. I ended up giving away over $300 worth of protein after surgery because my taste changed.
  15. This one is already on the list. But thank you for trying to add to the list. It has helped a lot of people so far
  16. TapSnap

    Free Quest Bar from GNC

    Free Quest Bar from GNC valid 8/21/13-8/28/13 http://imageshack.com/scaled/large/560/3voo.jpg Enjoy everyone!
  17. Added: http://www.bbvitamins.com/Welcome.aspx www.gotein.com/sampls_pack.html www.fitness-connection.com Thanks sylvynn
  18. Add www.twinlab.com to the list Thanks Veruca Salt
  19. Wow thats awesome. they sent you a lot of Protein Water.
  20. Thanks. Most places have a limit of stuff they give out. Once they hit their max they stop for awhile. just try again in a few weeks and I bet hey have some more.
  21. Mine did this for almost 3 weeks. They thought was a clot and and tests done and was all clear. They said it could've just been a side effect from the anesthesia. I had the same thing with my right hand it was numb for about a week. I would talk to your doctor
  22. So I am 7 months out and doing everything I can to fill out the extra skin that starting to show more and more. I am lifting weights 3 times a week to build muscle to fill up the extra skin but seems to not be working as much as I like. Does anyone use any types of creams or other things for extra skin?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
