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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by eburns

  1. I am 5'4, started bariatric Program at kaiser in October 2012, I weighed 250. Was supposed to lose 20lbs before surgery and when I fell short they cancelled the surgery I had scheduled for January. After I realized that they were actually SERIOUS about the weight loss, I did HCG diet and got down to 225. When I had the surgery May 30 I weighed 219. No issues with surgery other than nausea from anesthesia. A cold rag on my neck kept my from vomiting but it wasn't easy. Some gas pain and incision pain but it wasn't that bad compared to 2 c sections and each day it got better. Was supposed to be on liquid diet for 2 weeks but only made it about 4 days before I started trying other soft foods like egg, etc. Nothing bothered me. In week 2 I tried meats and cooked veggies, and just chewed the heck out of everything, and I had no problems. I am nearly 3 weeks out and have tried a some of everything, from pizza to ice cream and even some wine. Was just curious to see if anything would upset my stomach. But so far I can pretty much eat or drink anything (just smaller amounts!). Am a bit relieved but also somewhat nervous since now I know that it's still going to take lots of willpower to lose the extra weight (its just a tool, as they keep telling me!). So far I have lost 14 lbs since the surgery, 45 lbs total. My goal is supposed to be 246, although I can't imagine that,, can't even remember weighing that EVER.... Just trying to take it day by day. Trying to get walks in, though I am still very tired and my stamina is nowhere near where it was. I work and 2 kids, 2 and 5, so they keep me busy! So far I am glad I had the surgery. I have to work on portion control, its easier than i thought to go over 1000 cal/day, A couple times I've eaten to much and felt overfull, still getting used to my new portion size. And head hunger is an issue. I am disappointed to say there are no foods that I used to like that no longer taste good, it's all just as tasty as it has always been... Except for coffee. Used to be die hard drinker but now I don't like it. But that could be because decaf sucks? Not sure, haven't tried regular. Was on blood pressure meds but stopped since its gone down so much. Looking forward to raw veggies and salads. And shopping in the regular women's section, Whoo hoo!
  2. Wow! I can't believe these harsh responses, though I guess you mean well... I am not concerned or looking for advice, just sharing my story for anyone looking for info as I did before I had the surgery. I have tried lots of foods but junk food is not my staple, I am just curious. My surgeon told me just to do what works for me, and if something doesn't agree I will know it! Also he and I are both happy with my weight loss so far. All I wanted to put out there was my experience- I can apparently eat whatever but of course that doesn't mean that I will or should keep doing so. How can you not be curious? Anyway this is my last post, you can all keep preaching to each other if it helps.
  3. Hi, I'm new here but have been reading your posts since I started looking into this surgery (thanks for the helpful info by the way). So I finally got scheduled for a surgery on October 17th. However I have a work convention I have to attend in Hawaii Nov. 5th, and had planned to take my husband and two little girls so we could tack on some family vacation time. My work is not strenuous; there will be walking and sitting but no lifting (aside from my 1 year old). I thought we would stay for a week total. My surgeon says I should be ok, but I am a bit worried about being on soft food/just starting on solid food. I am 38, 240lb and generally a good healer. 2 c-sections already... Would hate to push back surgery but don't want to set myself up for an expensive nightmare. Any advice? Thanks,

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