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About mamitalosingit

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    Sr. HR Manager
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  1. mamitalosingit

    *Almost* 4 Months out - 66 pounds gone total!

    Thanks everyone! Ready for 2013!!
  2. I'm one of those people on these boards that gains so much from others posts, rarely posting anything of my own. I've also been swamped with work and don't come on here as much as I should. As usual, with NY resolutions, I want to be on here more often! Though it hasn't been without struggle, I am very pleased with my results thus far. I will turn 30 years on Saturday and I'm hoping to hit 70 pounds gone total on that day. Surgery was on Sept 12th. I can pretty much eat anything these days, just not even close to any amount of food I used to eat before. I am still focusing on Protein intake and also Vitamins. Excited to see my progress (and everyone else also) throughout 2013! Happy Losing!!!
  3. mamitalosingit

    10 Min "hot Flash"

    So glad I am not alone! I wasn't pms-ing, just a normal day! Luckily, I haven't had anymore but I will armed and ready next time I go to the salon! Thanks for the responses!
  4. mamitalosingit

    Approved :-) Appeal Submitted Uhc

    Hang in there. The whole pre-op part is so difficult! All of it! Before you know it, you'll be being wheeled into the operating room!
  5. mamitalosingit

    Leak Test

    Rybecca - I completely agree. I almost wanted to vomit. And mine, they also had me going up and down on this xray machine, THAT did not help. Never want to go through that again!
  6. mamitalosingit

    Things I Don't Want To Worry About...

    Oh my, I feel the same way about the towels! Also, going to hotels, sometimes I couldn't fit the hotel rooms around me, especially my arms. Looking forward to wearing those puppies (even though they might be dirty from other people) also!
  7. mamitalosingit

    Last Hoop Jumped

    Congratulations! It is a process, that's for sure. Hoping you get a quick approval soon also. Wishing you well throughout the rest of your journey
  8. I started a blog years ago to "document" my weight loss as I progressed and it obviously was a total failure. However, looking back now at some of the posts, it is so amazing how what I was feeling years ago is exactly how I feel right now. I'm just beginning my WLS journey but look forward to crossing the items below off my list. Here was my list on October 24, 2011: 1) Sitting in fold out/up chairs...you know the ones everyone brings to baseball games? Yea, I've broken 2 of those in my life time. Actually come to think of it, I have broken 4 chairs in recent years. 2) Going to sound crazy but I fear breaking the toilet seat! When I sit down, it's a loud thud and it scares me. 3) My behind showing...guess I could just wear appropriate jeans but my thighs always make me buy a bigger size! 4) Airplane seats!!! AHHHH! Last time I flew, I literally had to pull as hard as I could to make that buckle fit... 5) Following #4, rollercoaster rides. I think one of the lowest points of my life was not being able to fit in the "big" seats at a ride in Universal Studios. In front of 2 of my friends. Needless to say, awful day...but as with anything, I knew at that moment I had 2 friends supporting me for life. Anyone experience any of these?!
  9. That sounds delicious!
  10. mamitalosingit

    Graduated To Pureed Food!

    Congratulations! I wish my doc was like yours! I have to wait until Wednesday next week for pureed foods. What was the first thing that you had?
  11. so would I! I LOVE laughing cow!!! SOOOO much. All the flavors are great. They have a queso fresco and chipotle one that I adore also :-)
  12. mamitalosingit

    1 Month Post Op Appt

    Great job! Congrats on the results thus far. Enjoy it and good luck in the future!
  13. This is sooooo true! I have been a witch and a Grecian goddess! LOL! Cheers everyone to next year!!!!
  14. mamitalosingit

    Has Anyone Cheated?

    I have cheated too :-(. I had some laughing cow cheese and deviled ham. Not a lot, but something. I need to write LEAK on my fridge so I will stop! I'm just having trouble not getting my Protein in. It really sucks drinking these shakes over and over. I really don't want to cheat again. I can officially have puréed foods next Wednesday. Ready already!
  15. mamitalosingit

    Pb2 Is Awesome In A Protein Shake!

    I just looked this stuff up! I'm so excited! I need something to spice up theses shakes. Thanks for the tip!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
