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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by sfernandez2828

  1. Hang in there! It does get better! The first six weeks are the hardest. I am almost 10 months out and have lost 140lbs. Just take it one day at a time. In the beginning, I drank nothing but either Isopure (which I didn't like, but it was high in protein) or Water mixed with nectar Protein powder and had Soups occasionally. I remember I would get 4 meals out of one can of Soup. By the time you're about 2-3 months out, you will be thinking and feeling differently. Good luck and hope you feel better soon!

  2. First - you are ONE HOT MOMMA!!!! And a true inspiration!!!

    Second - What brand of moisturizer do you use?

    GREAT JOB!!!!!!!!

    Thank you! I have so many different lotions it's crazy! Some of the ones I have are the Lane Bryant firming lotion, aveeno, vaseline, and meleluca among many others that I don't remember off the top of my head right now. I use all of them throughout the week. I use an anti wrinkle cream on my face at night, but I can't remember the name or brand right now.

  3. You look great! I started at 310lbs and I'll be 5 months out next Thurs so it's great to see that weight is attainable in a year :). What is your monthly losses?

    Congratulations to you! I have been averaging about 12lbs a month. Sometimes a little more and sometimes a little less. Just depends on how hard I push myself during my workouts and how diligent I am with my diet.

  4. Sfrenanddez what are and was u eating I was sleeved 8/2012 and lost a total of 45 And walk like three times a week and I would like to know some of the food u eat if u like u can add me on my fitness pal my name is conner4ever....thank u for any help u can give

    I sent you a friend request on myfitnesspal. I eat a lot of fish and chicken and fresh fruits and veggies. If I have to have Pasta or bread, it's always whole grain or whole wheat. I do not do any of the white Pasta, bread or rice anymore. I do a lot of baked or grilled stuff now rather than fried or sauteed. I always buy either low fat or fat free cheeses and yogurts. I also always buy plain yogurt and add my own fruit to keep the sugars down. Yogurt with fruit already in it, the sugar content is through the roof.

  5. How did you make such a dramatic lifestyle change with the surgery? Did you work out like that before surgery? I haven't been sleeved yet and I'm trying to figure out how to make that change. BTW you look great!

    Thank you, but no I did not really excercise much before surgery. I did however, start changing my diet before surgery. I quit drinking sodas and sugary drinks. I quit eating junk and fried foods. Just those small changes and walking 2-3 times a week, I managed to lose 25 lbs during the 3 month nutrition classes I had to take. I had always told myself that if I was ever in a place where I could have the surgery, that was it. I knew it was going to be a change for life and I was ready for it. That's why I started doing small things before surgery and before you know it, all of tge little changes end up adding up to big changes. :)

  6. Oh my gosh...u r my inspiration!! I am bobbling between 297 & 303. My surgery date is Nov 20. Can you tell me what you did as you went through your journey? How did you exercise? What Protein did you drink? I would appreciate any information :-) I want to be a success like you...you look GREAT!!

    Thank you! I mainly just stuck to the rules. I used the myfitnesspal app to track my fluids and food to make sure I got all my fluids, Protein and Vitamins everyday. I used both the nectar protein and Bariatric Advantage protein powders and I still use both. I walked as much as I could in beginning slowly increasing my time everyday. After I was about 3 or 4 months post op, I joined a gym. I would make sure that I worked out at least 5 days a week 2 hours a day. Usually an hour in the morning and an hour in the afternoon. Sometimes more if I have time. I started out with just cardio and slowly added in some light weight training. I'm very strict on my diet since the surgery. Don't get me wrong, I do treat myself every now and then, but I don't go crazy like I used too. I hope this helps you and congratulations on your surgery date! It will be here before you know it. Feel free to add me as a friend or message me any time if you have any questions. :)

  7. You look amazing! Tell how did you get those arms so toned? I have large arms and that is one of my concerns

    I do have some excess skin on my arms, belly, and thighs, which is why my arms are covered in the second to last photo because I don't like the way it looks in pictures. My dr said that my excess skin is not as bad as it could be because I do a lot of exercising, weight training and always getting in all of my liquids and Protein in everyday. He says that I may not end up with much excess skin at all if I keep doing what I'm doing because it takes up to 2 years before the skin is done shrinking. I'm just really good at hiding my excess skin. I have noticed here lately that I don't have as much as I did a couple months ago. I also use a high moisturizing lotion everyday, sometimes twice a day if I remember. Hope this helps.

  8. Congratulations to you! You look amazing! Loved your story. What an awesome journey this is! I will be 10 months post op on the 28th of this month. I've gone from 309lbs to 168lbs and a size 26/28 to a size 10. It's amazing all the things we can do now. I did a 5k for the first time ever a couple weeks ago and I couldn't believe how easy it was. Now I'm going to do a half marathon in April and eventually I want to do a full marathon.

  9. I hated shopping before surgery and now I love it a little too much lol. In the beginning, I only shopped at thrift stores because I knew the clothes wouldn't fit for very long. I will be 10 months post op on the 28th of this month. I have gone from a size 26/28 to a size 10. I'm so glad I decided to have the surgery even though just about everyone I knew was so against it. Best decision I have ever made for myself! Congratulations to you! :)

  10. Thank you! It's definitely been a lot of hard work. A lot of people told me that the surgery was taking the easy way out, but it's not. You still gave to do the work. I do excercise at least 1 hour a day, sometimes 2 depending on the day, 5 days a week. I keep track of my foods with the my fitness pal app and I make sure I get my Vitamins and Protein in everyday. I also make sure to drink at least 64oz of Water everyday. I do hit stalls every now and they typically last anywhere from 1-3 weeks. The closer I get to my goal though, the harder each pound is. I'm trying to reach my goal weight by my 1 year sleeversary, but if I don't make it, I will still be proud of what I've done and accomplished during this first year.

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