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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About cajunsweetheart

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  • Birthday 05/02/1963

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    State Association Monitor
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  1. cajunsweetheart

    Wow! We Have 6 Members!

    Just thought I would say hello to all my fellow sleevers. Down almost 30 pounds, but still having the nausea, not all the time, but boy when I eat something and it doesn't go right look out. Still having the weekness, it was a little better this week, but, I need to feel better because I have a meeting at my work on Wed. Don't want to have to get up in the middle of it. LOL! Hope you all are doing wellPenny
  2. cajunsweetheart

    This Is Frustrating As All Heck....

    I was able to eat a small piece. of meatloaf my husband made, I have been loosing about a pound a day. However i feel like crap. I am taking all the vitamins but apparently not getting enough protein. I had to force myself to drink the shake. I've been told it will eventually pass, but I wish it would hurry up.
  3. Hello fellow August sleevers. I had my surgery 1 wk ago today! I am down 7 pounds since Tuesday. Just had my first cream Soup today, at least it was not broth. Does any one have any suggestions? I have been taking all my Vitamins (gummy multi- purpose, zinc, Biotin, and Vitamin e.) My girfriend had the surgery in March, she has had problems loosing her hair, she was with me on my journey and asked the doctor about it. She told her she needed to take zinc. I have had no real problem so far. I just drink slowly and take one pill at a time, but if any of you can suggest different liquids, I am on the usual stuff, soup, popcicles, sugar free Jello, green tea, Water etc. Thanks, cajunsweetheart
  4. cajunsweetheart

    This Is Frustrating As All Heck....

    i have eaten the chicken noodle soup it's ok just tired of chicken LOL I would swallow a couple of noodles in the broth and I kept it down, had no problem the first time, but later this afternoon, i went back to eat some more and it hurt a little, I decided to can the soup for now (no punn intended) and I ate some popsicle sticks. I think since tomorrow being a week from the surgery I'm gonna try the cream soup and see how it goes.
  5. cajunsweetheart

    This Is Frustrating As All Heck....

    by the way you said you were on full liquids, besides the Protein Shakes what other "new" liquids have you had. Just interested. P
  6. cajunsweetheart

    This Is Frustrating As All Heck....

    I can't really say what I did. I tried loggig in using my facebook several times and it would just sit there. Then I tried to register and it said my email was already in use. So it would not let me join the group or nothing. So I deciced to go back and try and register using my other email address. then it came up under the first one I used. Go Figure! Determination is all I can say. Penny

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