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RJ'S/beginning last won the day on September 27 2014

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About RJ'S/beginning

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  1. the snow banks are over 15 feet high. The snow on my back deck is higher then me and when I walk down the walkway to the driveway it is like a tunnel.....Did I mention I hate winter!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. ProudGrammy


      omg our snowbanks "maybe" are 6' no tunnel here!! so...you - -5-2+ - are you in the bad cold?? brrrr

    2. RJ'S/beginning


      Yes frigid temperatures and high winds. You would think we lived in Manitoba! yikes! :(

    3. pupichupi


      I am totally with you on hating the winter!!! We don't have 15 feet high snow banks but they are as tall as me and I am 5'8" tall so we do have pretty tall banks driving out of a road to see around the corner is like a hazard they totally are stupid with the way they plow around here????

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