Hello there everyone! Well, I am a granny, how did you guess?? My grandson just turned 4 years and my granddaughter is 4 months old as of today. Both are spoilt but I have NO CLUE how that happened. As for how much I want to lose, I'd like to get down to about 130lbs, I'm 240lbs right now and it's killing my back and I have 3 heart valves leaking. The weight is causing me to have a lot of tiredness and it's hard to breathe, especially at night when I retain more water. Penni, I don't shave my chin, I'm in competition with my 21 year old son to see who can grow the most chin hair! So far he has me beat by a hair or 2 or 4 but I'm gaining. Speaking of hair, I had a stress test done for the first time about 2 years ago and when the electrodes were pulled from my chest it hurt! I went outside to the waiting area rubbing the top of my chest. Hubby asked what was wrong and I told him I had my chest hairs pulled out by the electrodes. He said I didn't have chest hair, I answered I didn't think so either but was just proven wrong. We were overheard by a few people that started laughing. Just amazing what you start cultivating on your body when you hit middle age, ain't it?
As for being banded, I'm trying to find an experienced doctor that's in my PPO and around here in southern Arkansas, there isn't anyone so I'm looking over in Texas. I have Cigna insurance and from my reading of other posts, it's gonna be a long hard battle to get them to approve. I'm just about at the end of my 6 month supervised diet and guess what? I've GAINED while trying to diet! And not on purpose either. Well, I'm off to get hubby up and going, he has to go into work 3 hours early today Hope to talk to ya'll soon!