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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by KarissaKhaos

  1. KarissaKhaos

    5 Confessions (Join In)

    I confess that the past couple of weeks I have been eating whatever I want when I want because I'm so stressed thankfully no weight gain, but I need to take a deep breath and refocus!
  2. KarissaKhaos

    Alcohol and 2 weeks post op!

    If you can't abstain from alcohol long enough to let yourself lose weight and heal, then how will you control yourself when it comes to food? Just because you can do something, doesn't mean you should. Your surgeon must be losing marbles, because I don't know what surgeon in their right mind would approve alcohol consumption LESS than a MONTH out. It seems as if you weren't and still aren't in the right mindset for this journey. If you didn't want people coming at you like you have, then you shouldn't of posted something that sounds so incredibly ignorant. To come on here and boldly say that you're less than a month out and enjoying alcohol is bound to attract negative comments.
  3. KarissaKhaos

    freezing ?

    Yes definitely, it's just not fun when the lounge area of the firehouse is colder than outside. I was on stand-by the other night and I was rolled into a ball inside my jacket on the couch. Everyone was looking at me like I was crazy lol
  4. KarissaKhaos

    Gaining the weight back?

    I can eat all day long and just barely reach 1200 calories, I think the people who gain again are the ones who eat nothing but fattening and sugary foods and the ones who overeat.
  5. KarissaKhaos

    freezing ?

    I'm ALWAYS freezing, I can wear 3 jackets and still be shivering like a lunatic. I'm a firefighter and I've found it to be extremely hard to adjust when I'm out in the cold on calls. Even in my turnout gear I'm shaking. My poor hubby sweats all night long because I have 3 comforters on the bed along with a sheet and fleece
  6. I've suffered with panic disorder and OCD all of my life, unfortunately mine got worse after surgery. I wasn't on medication before surgery because it was mild enough that I could handle it, but now that I'm 6 months out I need medication to be able to cope. It's horrible, but I'm glad that I'm not huge anymore.
  7. KarissaKhaos

    Craving soda! Whaaaa?

    Whenever I have soda, I choose Pepsi Max because it has no sugar and very low sodium. It helps your soda craving without blowing your whole diet
  8. KarissaKhaos


    So far I've only dumped with milkshakes.
  9. KarissaKhaos


    So sorry to hear about your streak of bad misfortune today, I hope everything gets better soon. Prayers being sent your way!
  10. KarissaKhaos

    How many ounces

    I'm 6 months post-op, I'm drinking nothing but Gatorade today because of the electrolytes. Thanks guys
  11. of fluids do you think a sleeve can hold at one time? I ask because I have a mandatory agility test for my fire department tonight and I'm preparing by hydrating. I know that I'll be hot and sweating like crazy all night so I wanted to get as hydrated as possible. I didn't know if 16oz in one shot would be too much.
  12. KarissaKhaos

    Alcohol and 2 weeks post op!

    I have to agree with you, someone hiding behind a fake name, but even then I question the credentials of the psychiatrist who evaluated this person.
  13. KarissaKhaos

    Alcohol and 2 weeks post op!

    How exactly did you pass your psych evaluation to get this surgery, this has got to be a joke.
  14. KarissaKhaos

    Alcohol and 2 weeks post op!

    If you don't want to get too skinny then why would you get something as drastic as gastric sleeve surgery? Not only is alcohol empty calories but your sleeve is still healing and you could potential burn your staple lines. Ever pour alcohol on a wound? Yeah that's what you are doing to your stomach.
  15. KarissaKhaos


    I love salad, but unfortunately at 6 months out it sits in my stomach like a rock and I can't tolerate it.
  16. For the past week I've felt bloated and I hadn't had a BM. Tonight at dinner I had the intense urge to buckle over, I had the worst stomach pain for about 10 minutes, so I went to the bathroom. I swear I must've eliminated at least 5lbs of waste. It's like what I had for dinner decided to kick start my bowels and get them moving again. Now I feel soo much better and the bloating is gone. This is the 2nd time that this has happened since surgery. Has anyone else experienced this?
  17. KarissaKhaos

    Sorry if it's tmi..

    Hot dogs, last minute dinner after a long day
  18. KarissaKhaos

    6 Months

    And down 90lbs, is this enough or should I be losing more by now? I'm having a hard time dropping the weight at the moment because I have some personal things going on that I'm stressed about and I'm afraid that at my check-up soon, my surgeon will expect more weight loss.
  19. You only need it if you're getting reflux at least once a day.
  20. I'm 6 months out and take 40mg of Prilosec daily. I don't know when I'll be off of it but it sure does help. I still have bad acid reflux if I don't take it. Mine is prescribed though because the Prilosec sold in stores isn't as strong.
  21. Wow you are incredibly gorgeous! Jealous!
  22. I now have collar bones, nice hip bones, and a nice jaw bone I never knew I had lmao

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