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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by skinnyjenn

  1. So I was sleeved on 12/6 and since then I've been following my liquid diet. I was expecting to feel hungry but I don't at all. When i do a little i just drink some water or broth and i feel full!! I am hoping that it stays this way but I'm wondering if its because my stomach still hurts so maybe that's why I don't feel hunger. This is wonderful and I just really hope it lasts. I guess that's a part of what the sleeve is for anyways lol. Still getting use to this but loving it so far. I can't imagine what it will be like once I switch to normal foods...curious how much I will be able to eat ect...
  2. skinnyjenn

    No hunger in the beginning?

    That makes sense I didn't even think about my stomach being swollen may be the reason. It's good to hear that after 2 months the hunger is easy to squash. I also use to feel like I would DIE if I didn't eat before this surgery and I always over ate. This is why I needed this surgery so bad. Looking forward to everything!
  3. skinnyjenn

    Crushing Meds

    I wasn't crushing mine either because the hospital said I didn't have to but then I was reading thru my manual from my doctor and it says in there to crush them! So now I'm worried since I didn't crush them the first couple days. I'm 4 days post op.
  4. skinnyjenn

    surgery tomorrow, any advice?

    Good luck I am 4 days post op and feeling great! The first 2 days are rough because of the gas pains but don't be discouraged everything gets so much better!
  5. On my way to the hospital feeling nervous and excited! I can't believe today has finally come!
  6. skinnyjenn

    Getting Sleeved Today!

    Thanks everyone... I'm doing great just having gas pains. The gas pains are worse than the stomach pain I can't wait for it to be gone. Still in the hospital but should be going home later today. I'm so glad I did this and the worst is behind me!!!
  7. From your experience how long was it before you feel like you can get up out of bed and start doing everyday normal things like going to the grocery store, cleaning the house, ect... ? My surgeon gave me 3 weeks off work so makes me wonder. My surgery is tomorrow so I have a lot of questions and things going thru my mind right now lol
  8. skinnyjenn

    My Day Has Arrived!

    Good luck mine is tomorrow I too cannot wait to be on the Post OP side lol
  9. Thanks everyone for the support.. Nice knowing im not alone in this :-)
  10. Thank you that's good to hear!
  11. Just wondering what brand of multivitamins did everyone use for after their surgery? I checked a lot of the ones they have at Walmart but can't seem to find one that meets the minimum requirement of 200%.
  12. skinnyjenn

    What Brand Of Multivitamins?

    Thank you everybody! Great advice :-)
  13. Just curious about this because my doctors office never mentioned anything about having to switch to an open procedure. I found out about it and reading the booklet I was given. It says if there are complications it's possible they may have to switch to an open procedure... Just wondering has this happen to any of you? If so, did u know ahead of time it was going to be open? What could possibly cause this to happen?
  14. skinnyjenn

    Emotions Running Wild

    My surgery Is Thursday the 6th... I'm SO nervous too I can't wait to get it over with and know that everything went ok. Just keep praying! Good luck to both of you! :-)
  15. I received a call yesterday that they were canceling my EGD because they had so many other patients they were only going to do it for those that were high risk. This has me really worried now and my surgery is in a week. Anyone else have this happen to them? Maybe I'm worried for nothing...
  16. skinnyjenn

    50 Pounds Lost!

    Congrats! This post made me feel better... I am on my 2nd day of liquid pre op diet and feel like I am going crazy. I want to eat so bad but I keep trying to tell myself In a couple months (surgery Dec 6th) I will be feeling so much better just like you!
  17. skinnyjenn

    This Definitely Is Mind Over Matter

    I'm on day 1 of the diet and I feel like I'm going to go crazy! lol... I keep thinking of bad foods too. This is so hard but I just keep thinking of the benefits I'm going to have afterwards!
  18. skinnyjenn

    Egd Cancelled? Is This Ok?!

    Ok thank you... I'm glad I saved some money not having to go lol! Thanks for all the replies makes me feel better :-)
  19. skinnyjenn

    Egd Cancelled? Is This Ok?!

    Thanks everybody that makes me feel a lot better! I just thought it was weird but at this point I think I'm just over thinking everything...I'm so ready to get this surgery it's been a long wait. Thanks Marathoner you are right...one less thing to worry about!
  20. Got approval from insurance today and surgery is scheduled for Dec 6th!!! So excited!! I'm going to be anxiously waiting for the next 2 months... Did anyone else have to wait a while once they were approved? This is my first post here I love this forum... ready to share my journey with everyone...

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
