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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About racoon_439

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  1. racoon_439

    Cottage cheese... yuck!

    Yep, you got it! I love yogurt but im having trouble gettinf in enough protein everyday. Looking for things that pack a protein punch in small amounts! Lol
  2. racoon_439

    Cottage cheese... yuck!

    Ok i do not.currently like.cottage cheese. However, i know its an excellent source of protein and im struggling to get enough in everyday. Does anyone.have suggestions as to how to dress up cottage cheese without making it horrible for you nutritionally?? Or do i just have to choke it down? Lol
  3. racoon_439

    Anyone on here in Kansas?

    Omg i just saw this lol i was sleeved by Jennifer McCallaster on march 1st 2013. Just saw her for a check up today and im down 127lbs. Bmi went from 50.9 to 30.6. I still have a ways to go but im a lot closer than i was!
  4. racoon_439

    I Want To See Before & After Pics!

    Down 51 lbs 318 on march 1st and now 267 [ATTACH]11908[/ATTACH]
  5. I am 7wks porlst op and its still difficult to eat slow. Its a mind thing i know but anyone else struggling too?
  6. racoon_439

    In Need Of A Workout Buddy In Kansas!(:

    Im in Hutchinson!!!!! Elizabeth Immesote on fb
  7. racoon_439

    Where Is Everyone From?

    Where at? Im in Hutchinson
  8. racoon_439

    Where Is Everyone From?

    Where at? Im in Hutchinson
  9. racoon_439

    Where Is Everyone From?

    I had surgery in topeka!!! I live in Hutchinson
  10. racoon_439

    Emotions ? !

    KEEP GOING!!! My worst week was week 3 i think. Im 5 wks out now and it is SO MUCH BETTER. I had moments of regret but i promise it gets better.
  11. racoon_439

    Preop Diet...

    Also maybe a little help.... only 2 wks post op and my knees dont hurt anymore!!! Thats amazing for me i can hop down the stairs now in the mornings and not hobble down like i need a walker and im 80 yrs old lol
  12. racoon_439

    Preop Diet...

    I am 16 days post op and just wanted to dish out some.encouragement YOU ALL CAN DO THIS!!!! Believe me, the preop diet sucks majorly!!! But you can do it!!! I cheated on the preop diet. And cheated. And cheated. I was terrible. But looking back i wish i had followed it more. It was such a shock mentally after surgery not being able.to have anything pretty much!!! Im being forced to deal with my food addiction. And it sucks. But maybe if you guys can face the addiction by choosing to preop, hopefully it will be a little easier postop. Anyways, just wanted to put my two cents in. Dont let anyone tell you this is the easy way out bc youre already learning its def not!!! Youre making this decision for YOU AND YOUR HEALTH. It will be worth it!!!
  13. racoon_439

    Losing too fast?

    Thank you! That comment made my day my husband went out to get a scale for me. He bought a $35 one which i told him he was crazy for lol but now im thankful for it. I think a trustworthy scalr is worth the money. Also on 6 lbs and 6 days postop, thats what i lost too!! My start weight was 318 so i was pretty high up there so idk of that has something to do with how fast im losing. But dont get discouraged. I have a friend from vst that was sleeved same day as me, start weight was 215 and she just hit 199 yesterday!!! So proud of her but her loss is def slower than mine. Everyone is diff!! We will all get there!!

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