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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by VitaleEM

  1. I am three years out and have yet to swallow a capsule since being sleeved. Do any of my fellow sleevers take capsules? I was told by my doc that this was forbidden, however, I've read other literature and heard from other sleevers that they do take capsules quite successfully. I was recently prescribed meds that only come in capsule form and I'm suppose to start them tomorrow. I'm so afraid of the capsule getting stuck. Has anyone had this happen? Please advise this nervous nelly! Thanks!
  2. I hope all goes well for you! The thought of doing this surgery again scares the heck out me! I was recently diagnosed with a hiatal hernia three years post op and I pray it doesn't get worse.
  3. VitaleEM

    Swallowing capsules

    I tried to take one this morning and it got stuck in my throat for a bit. I'm fine now after taking some honey and peanut butter, but I'm thinking I won't want that stress on a daily basis.... I may just have to be creative.
  4. I haven't read everything in detail, but I will say that I am one of those that did and do everything right and only ever lost 30-35 pounds since my sleeve gastrectomy. I track my food, etc., etc... My doc says some people are just like that..... I will say that I eat about 1300 calories a day. I have yet to figure out how to get all my Protein in, along with fruits and veggies for less than that. I want to say healthy as well. And honestly, I get toooooooooo hungry when I eat less than that. It's hard for me to eat 800 calories a day, but even when I was on liquids only at 800 calories a day the weight came off slower than slow. I realized right away that I wasn't losing as much weight as most others in the forums and I became discouraged. I still try every day to eat healthy, take my Vitamins, get in all my protein, but for me, apparently size 14/16 it is for now. Who knows, maybe someday I'll figure it out and lose more.... I just want to say that I completely understand the struggle and I BELIEVE and understand the dilemma of those who of us who do everything right with minimal results.
  5. My symptoms were heartburn, reflux at night in bed, and bloating.
  6. Has anyone else out there discovered hiatal hernia years post op? I'm so worried it will get worse and require surgery due to our new sleeved shaped stomach, which seems like it may lend itself to this kind of thing.
  7. I just found out that three years post sleeve surgery I now have a hiatal hernia. I'm concerned it's sleeve related and hope doesn't get worse and require surgery.....
  8. It's so hard trying to balance autoimmune protocol diet for Hashi's and protein intake for sleevers. It's a daily battle....
  9. I'm very curious to know how many calories per day everyone is consuming. I'm taking in 1200 to 1300 a day and gaining weight and or at a major stall, at 7 months out.
  10. VitaleEM

    13+ Months Out, Still Struggling

    I'm in the same boat! I'm six. I'm six months out and I've only lost 40 pounds and I've been stalled for about two months. I'm doing everything right...... It's so maddening!
  11. VitaleEM

    completely disgusted....

    I gain three pounds at least, during my menstruation! And I fluctuate as well for no reason sometimes, so I understand. It can be frustrating, especially when I'm doing everything right and see others doing so much better. But, I'm not giving up! I can't!
  12. VitaleEM

    completely disgusted....

    Same thing has happened to me twice now since surgery. The first time I panicked, the second time I was less distressed. I'm a slow looser as well. When I see everyone else's weight loss on here I get so jealous! But, I'm down 35 pounds total, which is more than I've lost in years! I have to try and stay positive. My nutritionist says I'm right on track. One last thing. As much as I'd like to lose more quickly, I've noticed that I don't have any loose skin with my SLOW weight loss. It's giving everything time to adjust and I don't seem to be loosing muscle. I probably sound like I'm trying to make lemonade out of lemons! But I'm reminding myself of the good things as well I guess! Hang in there!
  13. I did too. I gained three pounds back. I'm sick about it. I've noticed that I'm more hungry now too. I'm so worried about being hungry alot and not being successful. I am tracking and counting every calorie now though. I guess one day at a time
  14. VitaleEM

    Pureed recipes

    I bought the roasted chickens in the grocery store and peeled the skin off and then peeled off all the meat. Measured and weighed out two ounces, put in the food processor with chicken broth and/or a bit of olive oil mayo and then seasoned to taste! Delish! I also steamed big batches of cauliflower and made mock mashed potatoes with them. One ounce of the mock mashed potatoes and 2 ounces of chicken was a divine meal!
  15. Thanks for sharing! I will have to try this!
  16. I was exactly like you! Slow and steady and stalls..... Then the break and I loose more again, then repeat the cycle. Just hang in there! Your body will finally give in. I'm still loosing slower than most, but I've just accepted that we are all different. I'm loosing slow, but not loosing hair or muscle and feeling great.
  17. Has anyone else experienced protein shake burnout? I literally feel like I'm going to be sick if I drink one more. 2.5 months out needing some good shake ideas/recipes! Help!
  18. Yes, it's normal! Try measuring your waist and hips, etc. I think you will be pleasantly surprised!
  19. Although I've only lost about 4 pounds in three weeks, I've lost an inch off my hips and .75 off my waist! Thank goodness! Maybe us slow losers should measure inches too!
  20. VitaleEM

    Slow Weight Loss

    My post may not be helpful, other than to let you know you are not alone. I think I'm the slowest loser on this website! I eat 1,000 calories a day, walk 45 minutes a day, drink all my fluids, and I've only lost 30 pounds total, including my preop weightloss. I was sleeved 8 oct 12. I'm doing everything right.....it's just coming off slow. I get all my protein in, my net calories per day is about 800...... It has been depressing at times, but, I'm still heading in a different direction than before I started this process. And I guess I don't have to worry about gallbladder issues with such slow weight loss! I also have hashimotos disease, so that may play a role. But I feel your pain!
  21. VitaleEM

    It Seams That My Weightloss Has Stoped

    Me too! You look beautiful by the way!

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