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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by nvalicia

  1. Suzzie,

    I think you need to go to your doctor and talk to them about your restriction and your difficult time with eating the right foods. That is what they are there for so I would take advantage of it. I was also told that if you are too tight then that can make you gain also because we do tend to eat what will go down the best at that point.

  2. Hey Y'all!!!!

    nvalicia---YOU LOOK GOOD!!! I hadn't seen your new aviator.

    Hello to all---I'm still at about 80lbs loss...I haven't weighed lately, but my clothes are still fitting perfectly (size 16) reg...not W (YEA!!!!)...I keep getting so many compliments, that I'm about to become complacent and LOVE MY SIZE 16. I've never been a 16--and it feels great!!1

    However, my goal is 150lbs. I don't know what the size will be--

    Thank you. I need to update that picture as I have probably lost at least 20 pounds since then. I remember when I first fit into "regular" clothes, it felt so good. Keep up the great work!!!!!!

  3. Wow Nvalicia

    You have done soooo well! You have lost 2.5x as much weight as me and we were banded on the same day... amazing!!!

    I too changed my goal weight, and even though I'm 10lbs below my original goal I still have 10lbs to go! We will do it together!! I hope to be at goal by Christmas... I have a feeling you will beat me :-)

    Keep it up, you're inspiring.


    Thank you. It hasn't been easy but I am glad that I stuck with it. I would love to be at goal my Christmas but it takes me forever to lose now. I think it is because I am smaller so it won't drop off like it used to. But we can inspire each other to try to make it by the holidays!

  4. I am sad to see our thread so slow. I never posted much but I would read every day.

    I am doing good with the band. I can't wait until I get to the point where I can focus on maintaining and not worry about losing all the time. I think I mad a good choice in the surgery and I wouldn't change it for anything.

  5. Beckit--that sounds really good!!!! I still make the peanut-butter choc shake that Steph told us about....not often, but it's my favorite.

    Our little once vibrant thread is really dying...is it because we're all so busy, have gotten use to the band, or is it that we're not losing...thus not posting....I think i'm going to get a tiny fill next week. I can eat more than I am suppose to--I rationalize this by saying "My body needs food--If I don't eat, I'll be unhealthy"--

    I know that there are some who eat a few bites and that's it. I probably could do that, but it seems so unhealthy. what do you think?

    At any rate, LOVE TO YOU ALL!!! This is tax-free weekend in Texas. Happy shopping !!!!

    I don't think it's healthy for those people who say they take a few bites and they are done. I have asked my doctor about it also and he says they have too much fill if that is the case. He says it will cause major problems in the long run for them. My doctors office has plastic food that they use to show how much your portion size should be. Maybe you should ask you doc. about that.

  6. I am going to vent also. I have to see the doctor every 6-8 weeks, so I went in yesterday expecting a fill. They wouldn't give me one AGAIN. They don't want me to get too tight, I don't think I can get tight with the small amount I have in the band anyways. I told them that I don't feel restriction at all, but I haven't eaten a lot either so it hasn't really been tested. I guess I will wait until next time.

    On another note, is anyone having problems with low Vitamin D levels? I am taking supplements but the doc says it is still low.

  7. I have some weird thing happening lately and I was wondering if any of you have experienced it or have read about it on other threads. I call them "attacks". They start out as a pain in my lower stomach area and progress rapidly into an intense pain. Worse then the contractions from when I had my son. I have to go into the restroom when I have them. I am in so much pain that I break out into a sweat (so bad that I have to shower afterwards) and feel like I am going to get sick. It last about 20 minutes and the pain goes away. I brought it up to my doctor in February after my gall bladder was removed and he didn't say what it was or act too concerned about it. But, I have been having them a lot since my last fill.

  8. I have some weird thing happening lately and I was wondering if any of you have experienced it or have read about it on other threads. I call them "attacks". They start out as a pain in my lower stomach area and progress rapidly into an intense pain. Worse then the contractions from when I had my son. I have to go into the restroom when I have them. I am in so much pain that I break out into a sweat (so bad that I have to shower afterwards) and feel like I am going to get sick. It last about 20 minutes and the pain goes away. I brought it up to my doctor in February after my gall bladder was removed and he didn't say what it was or act to concerned about it. But, I have been having them a lot since my last fill.

  9. Okay so you got me, I am a lurker. I make sure that I keep up on all the postings. I usually do not have much to say but today I will share. After months and months of going to the doctor and them not wanting to give me a fill I finally got my second fill yesterday. They only put 3/4 of a cc in so I am not very optimistic. The last time I had a fill I had to go back in a few days later and have half of it removed because of the pain I was in and how much weight I lost in those few days. In the last 7 weeks I have only lost 9 pounds. The doctors had me trying to eat more because they thought that with how much I was working out that maybe I wasn't getting enough calories in. Well I tried that and it didn't work. So, I am trying not to beat myself up right now because I am not gaining and still have lost weight. It just isn't good enough for me, I want to be down at least 10-15 pounds a month. I really don't have restriction and have to make myself stop eating which I know is what we should do anyways but if I have this tool then I want it to work for me!

    Sorry for the long post.

  10. I've been away for a while. I had a hard time at first with the band, required 2 additional surgeries to reattach my port. But alas, I am down 167 lbs. from my all time highest. I lost 30 of those before the band, so I guess you could count me in as 137 lost. Anyhow you slice it, I'm happy! Just wondering if anyone else has a hard time "seeing" the weight loss? I still feel like I look the same. I even compare old pictures and they all look the same to me??? Anyone else feel that way?

    I can relate. When I look at photos of myself I can't see a huge difference. My husband says there is a points out stuff. I think it is just our mind set, we are so used to seeing ourselves big.

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