Hello Everyone, I just found this app today and I'm super excited to be able to read the different journeys u guys have to share. I'm 32 yrs old and work as an Ops Manager at a mortage co...married with 4 beautiful little ladies. I'm 5'2 with a BMI of 69.9....no I didn't make a
typo, 69.9 is correct. I was always told I had a pretty face which wasn't a compliment in my book. As the years went by I didnt want to do anything outside of work....I missed school activities and family gatherings so after this year's family vacation and having to rent a mobile machine to ride through Sea World I knew I had to do something fast or I would continue to get bigger and eventually die. In order to reach my goal weight I'll have to lose around 220 lbs. My surgery date is scheduled for 9.10.12, so pls keep me in your prayers and I'll keep u guys posted on my progress. Thx