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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    Expert Member
  • Birthday 12/21/1969

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  1. So very sorry that this happened to you. Hoping that this all in your past and you get better everyday. Cyber hugs!
  2. Also a nurse (did ER for 10 yrs). Another reason for us to ask about your procedure is to assess your understanding of it. There are many people who just do "what the doctor tells them" and there are those people to who actually participate in their own health (hence all of us on this forum soaking up information). It us much easier to gear your treatment and education when you know where the patient is coming from. Granted there is a time and a place for extensive questioning. But in triage you do have to make quick decisions regarding who is the most acutely ill in comparison to who else is in the waiting room all the while answering a billion phone calls and the never ending questions of the patients and families in the waiting room.
  3. What else do you eat in a day?
  4. CCCross Did you ever follow up with Dr. Orris? I'm in Phx too and went to Dr. Kelly a couple of weeks before you. I moved to AZ about 2 years ago from the East Coast and had awful problems with my band and couldn't get a surgeon in Phx to see me. When I called Dr. Orris's office they said that they'd take out the band that day but I needed to pay $2k up front because my insurance did not reimburse them enough. Finally got seen at St. Luke's. Just curious if you had a similar experience.
  5. Questions?

    Pain after revision

    I had my band removed and revision in two separate surgeries. The band removal was a breeze. I think I took one dose of Percocet the night of surgery and that was it. The sleeve revision was not much worse and the surgeon said I had a bunch of adhesions. The original band surgery was by far the worst of the three but less of a recovery than my c-section. I'm pretty sure most revision patients will tell you that the sleeve is so much better than the band. You'll do great. Good luck!
  6. I had surgery with Dr Kelly 9/22. I am pretty sure Cecelia Reyes is his wife and her English is not that great which would possibly lead to confusion regarding coordinators. I did have a drain (for what it's worth) because I was a revision surgery. The drain was more annoying than anything and did not hurt at all coming out. I had minimal pain and an easy recovery. Hope this helps.
  7. Questions?

    torani syrups

    They were$6.99/ bottle. They also had the pumps for $2.99.
  8. Questions?

    torani syrups

    I was just at World market yesterday and they has sf salted caramel, almond rocha, and coconut. My kids were not cooperating so I left without buying any but want to go back tomorrow.
  9. Questions?

    Frozen yogurt

    Just bought an ice cream maker. These recipes look amaze balls. http://theworldaccordingtoeggface.blogspot.com/2008/08/protein-ice-cream.html?m=1
  10. Questions?

    I have failed the sleeve

    Art song, Interested in a buddy. I was sleeved 9/22 so similar start point. I am starting a grad class Monday for 16 weeks and gave a goal of 25 lbs to lose during that time. I'm a sloooow loser too so the roughly 1 1/2 lbs per week us realistic for how things have gone so far for me. Anyhow I know I would benefit with company on my personal challenge. LMK. Susan
  11. Questions?

    Arm Lift

    Yep, that's the plan. I'm just a planner and like to know the specifics. ????

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
