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LAP-BAND Patients
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About monterreygirl

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  • Birthday 01/06/1967

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  1. Happy 46th Birthday monterreygirl!

  2. Happy 45th Birthday monterreygirl!

  3. monterreygirl

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Hi all- Haven't participated much in these threads, but have sure enjoyed reading about all of your experiences. I had my first fill a couple of weeks ago, and it is working very well. My port had shifted a bit so it took them a while to find it, which was a bit worrisome, but they finally managed and filled me with two cc's. I have had several pbs, but was on vacation last week and wanted to try too many things. You sure learn quickly what will go down and what won't! Having some trouble staying away from chocolate and chips because they go down pretty easily. The real food presents a challenge, but am trying. I was happy to see that I lost 2 lbs on vacation, putting me at a total loss of 21 lbs since my surgery on April 10th. Need to start exercising. Am happy w/the lost weight, but could be doing so much better at everything. Now that I am back from vacation, I'm trying to get back in the habit of drinking the water, eating soups and things that are a bit easier on the system and wean myself off the junk. I've gone back on the Isopure protein drinks, which are much easier to tolerate than those thick goopy shakes. The only salvation I found for those shakes is to cut the sweetness w/decaf coffee. Of course, then you end up with this huge drink that is still too sweet. For those of you who haven't had your first fills, hang in there. I too was able to eat EVERYTHING in sight and felt as if I hadn't had the surgery at all. Well, the fill, if done correctly certainly changes that! I feel a very good restriction now, and am very full on very little. It's those snacks I have to stay away from! Not hungry at all, yet still eat them because they are there. I guess it is true what they say in my case that a lot of our eating is in our head. Gotta work through that. This forum helps. Thanks all, have a great night.
  4. monterreygirl

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    TracyK-Try the chocolate Unjury. By itself it is unbearably sweet, but if you mix it w/skim milk and chocolate, you end up w/a mochachino. Good luck, Kelly
  5. monterreygirl

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Hi all- How do you get your tickers to show up? I've tried cutting and pasting, but all that comes up is this gobbly-gook. It is so nice to see such progress with many of you. Also sad to see the hardships some are going through. I've been doing very well up until this week. I am hungry like I was before the surgery, and am gaining back some of the 20 lbs I had lost. I am also able to eat more and don't feel much of a restriction. My first fill is next week, so I HOPE that curbs the appetite. Have had some PB's, but not lately. I was worried that I may have done something to the band...sure hope not. Anyway, thanks for letting me join. Everyone hang in there, and I hope to have good news soon. Take care, Kelly
  6. monterreygirl

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Hi- I'm new to this site, but saw your thread. My surgery was on 4/10/07 with Dr. Rumbaut in Monterrey, Mexico. I started at 230 lbs and so far have lost 20 lbs! I'm very excited about that, and I have lost the pain in my knees and I feel like I have more energy, but I also feel very hungry, as if I hadn't even had the surgery. My first fill is scheduled for 24 May, but I'm worried that I will gain back the weight before then. I've also had a couple of episodes where I've thrown up. Not violently, but I am worried that I may have hurt the band in some way. I don't feel anything wrong, but was curious about anyone else's experiences with throwing up?

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