I totally understand how you feel.
I was a pageant queen, very outgoing and always all smiles. Now i find myself depressed and with no intrests because of the weight and the medical issues than came with it.
No one seems to understand.
People in my life feel like they help motivate me by telling me everything that is wrong with me and trust me it does not help at all. It makes me get deeper in my rut!
First thing you need to do is tell yourself that you are having surgery for YOU! Not so anyone else will have you in pics or anything like that. I find that people who have learned I am having surgery still have not so good things to say. So, really its liked you're wrong either way. Do it for your health and for your kids...NO ONE ELSE!!! Not even your husband, as bad as that may sounds. In these ten months get yourself ready dont just sit around waiting for the day. You will emotionally stress yourself. I hope I was able to give you some comfort. Here for you if you need someone who understands.