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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Serena

  1. Serena


    Serisla, That's awesome that you have had no out-of-pocket expenses until now. I'm still annoyed that my very expensive supplemental insurance won't pay a dime.... I'm from Cincinnati, Ohio. I'm guessing that you're from Pennsylvania.
  2. Serena

    Cpap Usage question

    Deanna, I can't thank you enough!! Just think--it won't be long before we can kiss our Remstars good-bye for good!
  3. Serena

    A psychological blow

    Wow-awesome weight loss! Congratulations on your hard work!
  4. Serena

    How to ask my doctor for the band?

    I don't think that you need a physician's referral to start the process. If you attend an informational seminar and have written info in hand when you approach your doc, she may be impressed that you did your research before considering the band. Be ready with the "right answers" about how you know that the band is a tool, not a magic bullet etc. There is an excellent program at NYU with Drs. Christine Ren and George Fielding. Khaliah Ali got banded there are wrote a book "Fighting Weight" about her experience. Go for it! I wish the band had been available when I was your age. Good luck and keep us posted!
  5. Serena

    Cpap Usage question

    Deanna, Do those instructions work with all C-Pap machines or just your brand? Mine is from Respironics, the Remstar Plus. I would be happy to pay you for a copy if the instructions would work with mine. I remember that I needed pressure changes as I lost weight a year ago and it's a 44-mile round trip to my sleep lab and you have to meet with the physician each time. Thanks.
  6. I deserved that. 'Sorry, I had a pounding headache and took it out on you. I wish I could delete it.
  7. Serena


    Serisla, Did you have a gapfiller policy that paid the remainder? My supplemental policy that costs $416 a month (through my former employer) has a WLS exclusion. I am responsible for $996 plus the $500 program fee.
  8. Serena

    had my band repositioned

    Wisegirl and Vanessa, I'm also from Cincinnati. I have read so many good things about Dr. Curry, but my insurance would only cover a designated Bariatric Center of Excellence which meant that I had to go to Good Sam.
  9. I'm sorry but I don't have anything useful to contribute about your abdominal pain. I don't want to come across as a b*tch on wheels but: You are not a vegetarian if you eat seafood. I've been a vegetarian for 52 years and I am so weary of people claiming to be a vegetarian who don't eat red meat (but eat poultry) or who eat seafood.
  10. Serena

    Starr Jones-Reynolds

    Actually it's Laila's half-sister Khaliah who wrote "Fighting Weight". I have always suspected that she is one of those celebrities who are paid by the manufacturer to promote the band (call me cynical).
  11. Serena


    I totally agree. In fact I really have mixed feelings about getting my first fill on Friday. I am a fruit lover and would like to be able to eat a substantial salad (if I tolerate raw vegetables well). It's hardly worth all the effort to chop up only enough vegetables for a half-cup salad.
  12. Serena

    Really Worried...

    By any chance was your surgeon Dr. Wesley Alexander?
  13. I agree with HH about feeling confident about donating or tossing clothes as they become too loose. I also love saving so much money on food!
  14. I have several diagnoses including bi-polar, and the psychologist I have seen weekly for 14 years had reservations about the surgery. In fact, she was afraid to commit to an approval so she deferred to the psychiatrist who manages my meds. One of her concerns was that I had been using binge-eating for so many years to ward off painful emotions that she feared I might have a psychotic break when I was flooded with them without the "protection" of food. Because she is a very competent clinician who knows me well, I took her concerns very seriously and made no decision for several weeks. The psychiatrist thought that I deserved a chance since the band could always be unfilled or removed if problems arose. One danger that concerns me with bi-polar illness: that the initial elation that comes with weight loss might cause some folks to discontinue or reduce their meds. That wasn't much of a danger for me because instead of becoming manic, creative, and confident, I become agitated and irritable so I don't feel that the meds are holding me back. I had a bi-polar friend who had met the woman of his dreams. He was so happy as they planned their wedding that he thought that it would be safe to go off of his meds. A week or two later they had a minor disagreement at the florists about the wedding flowers and he went home and shot himself in the head with a shotgun. He actually survived but is in an institution for life. So I worry a great deal about people like us who tamper with their meds. The psych exam required in the US is mainly used to determine if the candidate can understand the commitment required and that his expectations are realistic. Not only must he understand the the eating restrictions but there should be evidence that he will adhere to those restrictions. I'm doing very well although I won't have my first fill until July 20. In fact, I've never been better. Especially if you have support available from a psychotherapist, I say "Go for it"!
  15. Serena

    Food Cravings!

    I hate protein foods but crave carbs. I've been so compliant with the eating rules for 5 weeks (and my program's rules seem stricter than many) but last night I ate a one-pound bag of pretzel sticks dipped in hummus. More accurately, I chewed each bite and then spit it out. It took hours! I hope that I didn't gross out anyone. I don't have my first fill for 8 more days. I hope that I got it out of my system......
  16. Janiee, Don't worry--it's pretty standard to send you home with a prescription. My doctor prescribed Roxicet solution which is oxycodone and tylenol. I was fortunate because I never needed anything for pain. I hope the same holds true for you. Good luck!
  17. Serena

    Question about surgery day

    Catheterization was on my mind also but my doctor said it is never necessary. I was awake exactly two hours later. Prep was only putting on a gown and getting an IV started. I did really well--I didn't have gas pains and never needed anything for pain/discomfort. I hope that your experience is equally as mellow. Good luck Rick! When is the big day?
  18. Serena

    Knee Replacement after Banding...

    Thanks so much for posting. I too will have both knees replaced when I lose a significant amount of weight. I'm also supposed to have a spinal fusion and I don't know which I should do first. Do you mind if I ask how long your scars are with the minimally invasive surgery? Thanks and congratulations on your new life!
  19. Serena

    Dr. Ren - NYU

    Dr. Ren did Khaliah Ali's band and she seems to think the world of her. Her book about her banding experience is called "Fighting Weight".
  20. Serena

    What to wear

    I wore what is sometimes called a "leisure bra", one of the sturdier ones. I wore loose cotton jersey pants and shirts from the moment I got back to my room so I could roam the halls in something other than a hospital gown. I'm 4 1/2 weeks post-op and my underwire bras still are a little uncomfortable but at my age, I need all the support I can get!
  21. I'm very happy with my decision not to tell anyone. There have been a few awkward moments. We had a few family celebrations with cook-outs during two weeks of my banding. I was asked things like "What kind of diet are you on that you can't eat grilled vegetables (or strawberries, watermelon etc...). I had a lot of purple bruising which my little grand-daughter saw when she tried to tickle me and then kept talking about my "boo-boos" to everyone. Thankfully we do respect one anothers' privacy so no one would ask even if they suspected. I was sent for cardiac testing (nuclear scan stress test) and the techs asked my about my bruising. They were both close to my weight so I told them and I was immediately sorry because of all their comments. I have a mammogram scheduled for next week and I have since decided that even though I must partially undress, I do not owe anyone any explanations about any bruising or scarring they may happen to notice.
  22. I'm in Cincinnati. Heart is performing in Blue Ash, a northern suburb with apparently a pretty big budget for entertainment! Did you see the VH-1 Rock Honors concert in May? Heart was one of the inductees and they did 2 songs. I think I'll go see if it's still available for replay. I'll close my eyes and pretend I'm there--in air conditioning instead of the 91-degrees of the outdoor venue!
  23. Heart is in my city today, July 4, doing a free concert at a July 4 celebration. My back problems are in full force so I cannot go. It's killing me (missing Heart, that is)!! I absolutely love them. They blazed the trail for women in rock.
  24. Serena

    Not Losing Much!!

    Monica, Great idea! Is Groveport near Columbus, or am I thinking of Grove City? I'm in Cincinnati. Now if I can just figure out how to use colors when I post.............
  25. I was so disheartened to read about maximizing weight loss by limiting carbs. I'm a lifelong vegetarian and I never met a protein source that I liked (except pizza!). I have choked down soy protein for decades, eaten tofu, edamame and cottage cheese until it has come out of my ears, all in the name of good health. But it was okay because I had my satisfying carbs to turn to, to make it all worthwhile. I had prepared myself to give up bread, popcorn, sweets etc. I don't know much about low-carb eating because I didn't want to start something that I couldn't commit to long term. Do you still talk about "net carbs" so that 100% whole-wheat pasta would have a much lower carb count that regular pasta? I do love whole grains... I hate to sound like a whiner, but it feels like I'm spending my days chasing protein, and there's no room for things I love, like fruit and the occasional pretzel. I am prepared and happy to make sacrifices to reduce my weight. But eating is a pleasurable activity, and I'm ready for a little pleasure!:drama::blah::Cry: Thanks for letting me get that off my chest! I'm ready to act my age again.

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