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Big Wave Dave

LAP-BAND Patients
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About Big Wave Dave

  • Rank
    Expert Member
  • Birthday 12/10/1956

About Me

  • Interests
    Woodworker, Archery
  • Occupation
    Safety Tech.
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  1. Happy 56th Birthday Big Wave Dave!

  2. Big Wave Dave


    Aloha my friend My DSW and I use the Premier Nutrition Protein shake (chocolate) They don't taste bad. DSW is kind of like you and the taste of things. So we put them in the frezer about 1-1.5 hours before we drink them. I think it's really good, we get them at costco. If your using the dry mix that you add to water, try skim milk, that's what Bev did till we found the shakes were using now. Good luck BWD
  3. Big Wave Dave


    Aloha my friend My
  4. Big Wave Dave

    Is your wife banded ??

    Aloha All My wife and I are both banded, I got mine in July and she was done in Aug. It's the best, both of us on the same page, we do everything together, bike riding, gym, walking and a lot of other things too.. it's the best. She is the rock that is my foundation. I have lost 100 Lbs. and my DSW has lost 58 Lbs. and look great. Take care and good luck to all and Happy New Year BWD
  5. Big Wave Dave

    100 Lbs. Post Op.

    Aloha Up every morning @ 4:30am in the gym by 5:00am. 45 min. on the Bike and then the weights. My DSW and I do this 5-6 days a week, we both have the band and that really helps. We really watch what we eat. Thats about it, good luck and best wishes. Aloha BWD
  6. <p>Aloha All</p> <p>Thought I would never get to post this, but here I am 100 Lbs. post op. Was banded in July 2007, and what a difference 100 Lbs. can make. I can ride on airplanes without using my seat belt extender, even on the small planes. Can get a good nights sleep, without feeling like I'm going to choke to death. And did I mention how much better the sex is? Christmas Day was the best, decided it was time to get out the "Green Hornet" (my bike) and clean it up and see if I could still ride. Use to ride a lot 10 years ago (6000 miles a year) well after checking everything over it got on and rode around the hood and my DSW said that it would be cool if we could ride together, so got one of the old bike's out cleaned it up and off we went on a 5 five very easy all flat ground ride. It felt so good to be back on the "Green Hornet" and my wife had a great time also. Well I know I've gone on too long, just very excited about my new life, did I mention how much better the sex is? LOL Well Aloha and take care and good luck</p> <p>BWD</p> <p>PS I love my band, and did I mention how good the sex is?<img src="http://www.LapBandTalk.com/images/smilies/clap2.gif" border="0" alt="" title="Clap2" smilieid="217" class="inlineimg" /></p>
  7. Big Wave Dave

    For Just Us Guys

    Aloha Keith Exercise is the key, I have a very busy schedule too. So I go to the gym in morning when everyone else is sleeping, except my DSW she has the band also and goes to the gym with me. Where up at 4:30am in the gym by 5:00am at work by 7:00 am. I got my band on 7/11/07 have lost a total of 95Lbs. (20 pre op) it's hard work, but you can do this. The time in the gym is your time, you deserve it ! Good luck and all the best to you. Remember "The only easy day, was yesterday" Aloha BWD
  8. Big Wave Dave

    Where does the fat go?

    Aloha I don't think it goes anywhere, I've heard the fat cells are still there they just get smaller. Thats why it's so easy for us people that have been fat to get that way again really fast. I don't know if this is the correct answer but just what I've heard. Please if I'm wrong someone set me straight. Good Luck BWD
  9. Big Wave Dave

    Strange question, I know

    Aloha This has happened to my DSW, she has lost 50 Lbs. but a ton of inches. Just keep up the good work and soon the scale will start to show it. good Luck BWD
  10. Aloha McQty I had my surgery on the Wed. and was back at the gym on Monday. I was doing some very slow walking on the treadmill and was back to 100% in about 3 wks. I'm a 50 year old male, I thought I was going to be out longer, I think your the same age as my wife and she was about the same as me. Good luck and keep up the good work. Aloha BWD
  11. Big Wave Dave

    Catheter? Weird question...

    Aloha My DSW and I have the band and neither one of us had a Catheter. BWD
  12. Big Wave Dave

    Help: Swelling & Bruising

    Aloha Sades I was banded on 7/11/07, and had some swelling and redness at the port site. As for the bruising, well thats another story, I looked like I had been kicked by a mule. When I asked the Doctor about it, he said it was because I was really big guy (398 Lbs.) and when they but the Gas in to extend my stomach the insturments were almost too short and he really had to work to get the band in place. I have six incisions not the normal 5 because he wanted to make sure the band was seated good. But it all went away in about 3-4 week. Take care and good luck with your band. Aloha BWD
  13. Big Wave Dave

    This can't be happening!!

    Aloha Hope your doing better, just found out yesterday my 70 something Aunt has a kidney stone that she needs to pass. Sound like that would hurt. Good Luck with the band Aloha BWD
  14. Big Wave Dave

    What is helping you succeed right now?

    Aloha For me it would be having my DSW having the band also and going to the gym with me at 5:00am 5-6 days a week. Cooking and eating the right types of food. Just seeing the success that she is having, the motivation that I get from her is the greatest. Oh one more thing, loosing 76 Lbs. and getting off my HB & Diabetes Meds has helped a lot also. Good Luck and Aloha BWD
  15. Big Wave Dave

    For Just Us Guys

    Aloha DavidB I'm have lost 72Lbs. and you will feel great! I don't know if you take High Blood Pressure Meds. If you do and when you get off those meds and they get out of your system and THINGS (do make draw a picture) start to wake up again, you will feel like your 25 again. Enjoy the ride brother, it feels great to be our age and moving, exercising and living life to the fullest again. I got another 78 till my goal, can't wait. Aloha Big Wave Dave

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