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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    anayortiz reacted to chiki in Whay i haven't lose any weight in 7 months post-op! why, why? any one out there?   
    I need help i have only lost 10 pounds in 7 months with the VGS... i am stuck and dont know that to do.. anyone out there with the same issues??? please help, going crazy.. spoke to my doctor and no answer!!!
    Sent from my iPhone using VST
  2. Like
    anayortiz reacted to No game in :-( struggling   
    I think what you are feeling is normal reaction you just had major surgery.. Getting Water in the first couple of days is not easy. But it will get easier every day I went through so many emotions that first week. It was harder than I thought it was going to be! And yes I went through wanting real food! The first day I could have puréed chicken was the best, which is funny because pre surgery I was like I am not eating ground up watery meat
  3. Like
    anayortiz reacted to lovelylauren89 in :-( struggling   
    Hi all. Had my op on 12/12. So today is day 3. Feeling absolutely terrible. Little depressed. Haven't been able to drink much because I'm finding it hard to understand what my body is telling me. I've been trying to keep up the Water but and don't think I'm drink enough. Craving real food. Have had to stop watching tv cos the ads are making it harder. Can someone please tell me this is normal. I'm not sure what's happening and would love some advice:-)
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    anayortiz got a reaction from sexy_sleevegirl in stall stall dear god help   
    I've only lost 36 lbs. and on 12/19/12 it will be 3 months :-( I gave up already and don't let it get to me anymore, i noticed that when i least weight myself that's when i do loose weight, so don't pay no mind and just keep going :-) Good Luck !!
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    anayortiz reacted to sexy_sleevegirl in stall stall dear god help   
    so i been in a stall for a month now im 3 months out i have been 225 for about 5 weeks i upped my Protein upped my food intake lowered my food intake i added a day of the gym i am very confused i know stalls happen but this is crazy to me im getting so frustrated its a little to early for a stall like this i thought the first 6 months are when u lose the most weight what is going on could i possibly be done losing there is no way oh god i feel lie a failure if u fail at weight loss surgery that embarrassing everyone knows i had it dear god
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    anayortiz reacted to delta_girl in Salad   
    My surgeon cleared me to start introducing salad back in at around the 10th week.
    I made one using spinach, which I tore into super small pieces. I added in some feta cheese, 1-2 chopped grape tomatoes, 2-3 crumbled pecans, a little fresh avocado and some fat free raspberry vinegarette. It was the tiniest salad I had ever seen. It was almost comical.
    It was SO delicious. I ate it very, very slowly along with some chicken. What was unbelievable to me was how full I got so quickly. I couldn't even finish my tiny salad. I had enough left over for lunch the next day. My stomach handled it just fine.
    That was about a week and a half ago. Tonight I came in from traveling across state and was starving. I made another tiny salad with spinach, about 1.5oz chicken, 2 grape tomatoes, 2 chopped pecans and feta. I also added 3 pods of sugar snap peas and 2 pickled okra. I didn't even finish half of it and my stomach told me that I had overeaten. Now I'm uncomfortable. I noticed that this time I ate a lot faster, so I wasn't taking time to pay attention to my stomach's signals. It wasn't the salad itself, it was me rushing. No throwing up, though. Just feeling like a stuffed, bellyaching puppy.
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    anayortiz reacted to ugot2laff in Hit 60 lbs today!   
    Got on the scale this morning and hit my 60 lbs mark. Sugery was Aug. 1st. I never in my wildest dreams thought I would be at this point. It's starting to slow just a bit but I'm so content with that now. I can't remember when I was at this weight. Maybe when I got married almost 30 years ago. This has been the best decision I've ever made! It's been alot of hard work but boy oh boy has it paid off. I work in 10 lb increments and that seems to be a very manageable way of looking at it. Watch out 70 lbs, here I come!!!
  8. Like
    anayortiz reacted to Imlosing big in Size Zero   
    I went to old navy today and tried on a size zero and they fit. From a size 18 to zero amazing.
    Sent from my PC36100 using VST

  9. Like
    anayortiz reacted to rosehips in Acne After Surgery   
    Yes, there is a thread on here somewhere rewarding this happening to some of us. I had acne w/ just like liquid in them. I think til about week 6. I bought some Retinol cream and it dried them up and they have not returned. I am now 3 mo out, 55 lbs down (includes the 10 or so from PRE op) & have clear skin, hang in there.
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    anayortiz reacted to Amytequilahouse in 110 Lbs Gone In 5Mos :)   
    I'm so glad I made the decision to have the gastric sleeve surgery. What a life changing experience. I'm still single but that's the least of my worries. I fit in any booth, any chair, from 26 jeans to a 14/16. Shoe size from a 10 to a 9 my foot looks cute and skinny. Size 11 ring to a 9. I finally rode on an airplane and didnt need any extension. I'm sooooo happy people. I'm living life now

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    anayortiz reacted to LadyK in Yay Me! I'm Down 59Lbs Since 9/27/12   
    I was nervous going to my surgeon today about having to step on the scale...I did and I started at 480, and today's grand total was 421 lbs WOOT!! This is so amazing to me, never in life have I lost this much at once!!
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    anayortiz reacted to noelaniskyful in I'm Hungry!   
    Hi Tiffany, take a deep breath and let go. Okay, everyone is different and just because you feel hunger does not mean there's anything wrong with you inherently. Give yourself a break, you've not eaten for days so it stands to reason that you are experiencing this right now. I remember having hunger at about a week out that I couldn't seem to satisfy. This will fluctuate. If I had to call it I would say that first month is a really rough recovery time. You will be eating as soon as you feel you can't stand it any more. It's only a few weeks away, once you go on mushies you will feel very satisfied. If I could suggest increasing your fluids and sipping on something very often. You may be feeling hunger which is actually thirst. You may also be feeling what has been termed "head hunger", a very strange phenomenon which occurs with those of us who have been sleeved. Remember, appetite occurs in the brain. Your brain is also adjusting. Try to drink fluids and keep your mind off of food if you can. Just keep walking, keep breathing, keep sipping and try to have a few laughs. You have come this far and you will be so happy very soon. I am four months out and have no regrets. I eat whatever I want (it's just so nice to be so easily satisfied). I feel normal all the time. I had a rough recovery too and I totally understand. You will be fine. Everything will be ok, just keep to your post op and nourish yourself body and mind. Best Wishes.
  13. Like
    anayortiz reacted to tiffany1114 in I'm Hungry!   
    Hello All,
    This is my first day after surgery and I have a lot of gas and I'm hungry! For some reason I am hungry and so far no matter how much Water, Isopure, and broth I drink. Most of the people who were in my classes with me and have already had their surgery are not hungry. It figures that I'm so fat that even after surgery I'm still hungry. I thought I wouldn't get hungry, or at least not as much. It's constant or maybe I'm confusing it with some sort of weird pain I'm mistaking for hunger. I feel like I could eat normally, though I wouldn't dare try it! Is this normal and if so for how long? How long will I be in pain? Please help...
  14. Like
    anayortiz reacted to SummerMarie in Purees   
    I've been on pureed for almost 2 weeks.
    I guess its what your stomach can handle but ice tried chicken with BBQ Sauce and a pinch of mozzarella cheese that melts on top.
    Ive also tried chicken with mushrooms chopped up small, diced onions and a small amount of frozen spinach. Cook the vegs Sep on stove and then puree the ck after its cooked...
    Refried Beans are on my list too.
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    anayortiz reacted to Earwood in My 6 Week Side-By-Side Photo   
    OK I'm learning how to take these side by side photos. I need to do full body, hopefully this weekend. I've always hated taking pictures so willingly remembering to take photos of myself hasn't got into my brain yet Anyways this is me...6 weeks out and down 38 lbs!

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    anayortiz reacted to skinnycupcake13 in 3 Month Sergiversary Update W/ Pics   
    48 lbs down feeling fantastic ; discovering a new person please check out my you tube to get the full update username : skinnycupcake13
    Sent from my iPhone using VST

  17. Like
    anayortiz reacted to april0474 in BMI of Texas   
    I had my Sleeve done in 2009 by Dr Seger and Dr Duperier assisted. I reached my goal weight in 11 months and since then have had a baby and list all the weight after that too. I highly recommend BMI of Tx over any doctor in Mexico because the doctors here will follow up with you for the rest if your life. The staff is so friendly and the support you'll get before and after surgery is amazing. Remember, cheaper is not what should matter... Make sure you are comfortable with the doc you choose and do your research. I know for a fact that you would be in the best of hands if you decide to go with BMI OF TX.
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    anayortiz reacted to enigmachik in Nsv - Someone Finally Noticed!   
    I've lost a little over 43 lbs and up until today no one had even noticed. Not my friends, not my family, no one. But today a co-worker asked me if I'm losing weight. Finally! I'm not crazy about added attention, but it was a little disheartening to have lost this much weight and having nobody even realize.
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    anayortiz reacted to JayneD in Bmi Is 38 But I Have No Health Problems   
    My BMI was a 36 and no other health problems. My first appt with Dr. was 7/2/12. Completed all testing required. I was approved with no complications. I was so worried I would not and my Dr. just said stop worrying about it. My first surgery date was 10/1 but Iron was to low, went for two iron transfusions all is good now! New date 10/23/12.
  20. Like
    anayortiz reacted to Dooter in How Does The Stomach Heal Together From Vsg Surgery? Can Anyone Tell Me?   
    Great video! Thanks for sharing. It leads to other helpful videos too!
  21. Like
    anayortiz reacted to gettingthere in How Does The Stomach Heal Together From Vsg Surgery? Can Anyone Tell Me?   
    look at this video, it contains a really good explanation of what a bougie and shows you how it is used:
  22. Like
    anayortiz reacted to samomom in Sleeved Messed Up My Mirena!   
    True. So maybe I'm going through something like a newborn growth spurt! Lets just hope this means in the next few days I lose like 5 pounds!
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    anayortiz reacted to Tamara Carter in Sleeved Messed Up My Mirena!   
    It has to do with the hormones that are stored in your fat that are being released due to losing the fat. Things should regulate themselves when you get to goal weight or your weight drop off slows down.
  24. Like
    anayortiz reacted to samomom in Sleeved Messed Up My Mirena!   
    So I am sure there are other women who have Mirena too. I was happy for the past year period free, until my surgery in July that is. Now I have a very light one it seems every 3-3 1/2 weeks with a pissed off ovary. And now today I realized why I have been a ravenous pig the past two days and have had 2-3 days every 3-3 1/2 weeks where there is not enough food in the world to satisfy me. It all makes since now. At 38, I have spend many month of my life getting off very easy with virtually no PMS, bloating, never once had cramps, or was a raving mad overeater for a few days. Now I am pissed off! I chose Mirena because I'm done with periods. The factory is shut down folks. I have two kids. No need for that monthy irritation.
    Anyways.... Just like to get some feedback from anyone who has had similar issues. Honestly, it's the crazy hunger for a few days that bugs me the most. I want to cry at the amount of food it take to fill me up during these little spurts. It's not even like I can walk away and talk myself out of being hungry either. It's full on growing, lightheaded hunger for 2-3 days. UGH!
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    anayortiz reacted to melvytx in How Many Calories Should I Have At 10 Months Out   
    I have gotten out of the habit of tracking calories but I was averaging 1200 calories previously and still losing. At my six month follow-up appointment, the PA suggested I stay closer to 1000 calories since I still had 5lbs to go before reaching my goal of 140. I didn't feel comfortable with that suggestion knowing I get faintish during spin class when my calories are that low. I guess you have to find what works for you.

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