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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Mastiff_mama

  1. Mastiff_mama

    Comparison pix

    Thanks for posting this... In my own weird way, I feel this was posted just for me! LOL I've had a tough time today with my eating, weight loss and worrying I will be a failure. I've lost 20 lbs in the last 5 weeks. I know being 50 I can't compare my weight loss to a 23 year old... It's a fact it comes off slower. Thanks for posting. I've cried off and on all evening... Hoping I've not done this for naught
  2. Mastiff_mama


    As long as we're complaining can we start a thread on how to spell losing? I can not get over all these people loosing weight! I wanna know what loose weight is!!
  3. They didn't go through my belly button, but I've had surgeries that did and mine is totally different and more shallow and distorted... I'll never rock a bikini so I'm not too worried
  4. Is dehydration worse now than preop? I've been sick because I've had to restart victoza. I am eating bad and not drinking well... I drink all day, but the queasiness prevents me from drinking enough and if i take the medicine for the upset stomach I sleep way too much to drink. I am getting about 30-40 oz a day. Also, can I count the water I mix my protein drinks with as water drank? I am not doing great on protein, but I am getting some. The week before I had a terrible uti and ran a high fever and vomiting... Been a rough two weeks. I've eaten too many carbs, because that's all I felt I could eat... Crackers and toast, etc..
  5. Mine was in my bird legs! I am super apple shaped... My face is now showing at about 4 weeks
  6. I am almost 5 weeks out and the cravings are bad. I've been completely quit for a few months... I played around with cigs before because I was on chantix and could. Now I want a cigarette and a big cup of coffee. Part of me wants to just because I do and part because it would help me not eat, but hell, I smoked for 30 years and was fat as everything! It's just in my head! I've smoked once or twice when I am around a smoker and it sucks... I keep reminding myself how expensive it is, how bad it makes you smell, and mostly how unhealthy it is! I don't wanna lose a lot of weight and have my face extra wrinkled because of cigarettes! Had to vent... Needed to vent. Cigarettes and food are powerful vices!
  7. I agree... I wasn't as prepared mentally for the after diet... Had no idea what to expect really
  8. Mastiff_mama

    Daily meds!

    They had me take my meds whole the day after surgery... Even my slow release metformin... Didn't have any issues
  9. I thought after 24 hours it was a breeze... I am nearly 5 weeks out and wouldn't be concerned about doing it again!
  10. Mastiff_mama

    5 days post op and STARVING! Help!

    I can be satisfied with a little deli meat or string cheese... It doesn't take much. I usually wake hungry and have a small fuzzy navel drink and a boiled egg.... I am good for hours!
  11. Mastiff_mama

    5 days post op and STARVING! Help!

    I take two a day and I've been hungry since day two post op. . Not everyone is not hungry!
  12. Mastiff_mama


  13. Mastiff_mama

    Vajay jay question....?!

    I'm afraid I'd end up with a goatee I have so much extra skin! LOL
  14. Mastiff_mama

    Vajay jay question....?!

    My friend had a tt after lots of weight loss and her's went down and they addressed that extra skin too... She looks a lot better 'down there', but she does grow some pubic hair on her lower tummy... She's had lazer done, but still has to shave or use a depilatory... It would be worth it to me... Is to her too
  15. Mastiff_mama

    smokers... er... ex smokers

    I do have an electronic cig that has no nicotine... They do help! So funny how the vapor gives you the ability to blow "smoke" wonderful
  16. Mastiff_mama


  17. Mastiff_mama

    Got my bloods did.

    Plus you have to be exposed!
  18. Mastiff_mama


    That's what I need... I have a disease called ankylosing Spondylitis and have to take mobic.. Now surgeon says I can't... I imagine I will! Got an appointment with rheumatologist and surgeon same week! We will see who wins! I did my homework and I know that's the benefits if this surgery and why I had it instead of the RNY

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
