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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by robbie_rotten

  1. robbie_rotten

    Down there?

  2. robbie_rotten

    How long did you take off work?

    I had it done on the Thursday & went back to work on the following Monday.
  3. If I don't eat when my tummy is rumbling it turns into terrible reflux.
  4. robbie_rotten

    Starving !

    I was sleeved 10th May 2012 & because of hunger I eat no less than 6 times a day, I'm starving hungry every 2 hours sometimes sooner but can still only eat a small amount (awesome). I've lost 48kg & still losing weight, admittedly its slowed down heaps now thankfully. I've tried every acid reflux med there is & none have stopped the hunger or apparent rumbling feeling.
  5. robbie_rotten

    What's For Lunch?

    Chicken curry that contains potato, kidney beans, baked beans & crushed tomatoes.
  6. robbie_rotten

    Weight Gain

    Has anyone had any serious weight gain? I haven't had weight gain I was just wondering in fact totally the opposite for me, I'm at a stage where I'm trying to stop the weight loss!! My mate had the procedure fond on the same day & he's started regaining weight.
  7. Had procedure May 10 2012 I've lost 48kg to date. Best thing I've done in years!!
  8. robbie_rotten

    Before & After.....

    I'm feeling great to cheers. Loving life!!!
  9. robbie_rotten

    Gas and burping

    There's some weird stuff that happens, I had it done 8 months ago & I'm still getting use to different things. If it does get to weird or painful though maybe it might pay to ring up you Dr?.....just in case!
  10. robbie_rotten

    Gas and burping

    Yep for sure & you'll keep getting weird things like this for awhile yet. Don't fear though its normal.
  11. I've noticed since the operation on the 10th May that it doesn't affect how much alcohol I can consume, if anything I seemed to be able to consume more in a session. I'm now making a conscious effort to not let alcohol take place of the food I was once able to eat. Is anyone facing this potential dilemma? I'm not an alcoholic as I only have drinks once a week on the weekends however I do believe I need to manage it.
  12. robbie_rotten

    Alcohol Intake

    I'm having at least 1 bottle of bourbon every week.
  13. Hi All, I've told very few people I know that I've had this procedure as I thought I'd just keep it to myself HOWEVER I have told some people that I trust but wish I hadn't I've told maybe 10 people & of this 10 people at least 4 have said "oh you cheated" and the others just simply disregard the subject of weight loss because I can tell they are thinking the same "cheated" rude thoughts. I tend to get defensive when they say it to me and reply with something like "oh yeh I've cheated hey, let's see I spent 8k to have 3/4 of my stomach removed and I now have to watch everything I eat more than ever before"! Uh huh yep that's cheating!.......has anyone else experienced this stupidity?
  14. robbie_rotten

    I've Cheated!

    There's no way in hell it's easy. You have to make sure your getting the right nutrients out of a much smaller portion and on top of that you still have to get at least 1 litre of Fluid in a day. I'm 7 months out and still get full from a few mouth fulls of Water. The thing I love about this procedure is that I CAN NOT over eat, if I eat to much or eat to fast I'm physically sick, I know that sounds horrible but hey it works well for me....I love this procedure!
  15. robbie_rotten

    I've Cheated!

    I just tell everyone I make healthier choices, regulate my potion sizes & excercise.
  16. Here's something I thought I'd never hear myself say, I'm now trying to maintain my weight and stop losing it. I was sleeved 10th May 2012 and I've now lost 42kg. I'm now easily within my healthy BMI however I can't stop losing weight! I'm now eating whatever I want 6 times a day just to manage it. I'm starting to look unwell.

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