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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by robynluevano

  1. robynluevano

    Preop Diet, Surgery On 9/24

    You could be turned down for surgery once they are in there. Although I haven't ever heard of that happening, but still.
  2. robynluevano

    Have A Question...

    Mine had a nurse or NUT come in before I was discharged & told me exactly what to take & when. :-)
  3. robynluevano

    Ladies Only Question...

    I don't see how they would get bigger by losing weight. Mine only got bigger by gaining weight! I'm only almost 3 weeks post op & I can already tell I am smaller in the chest!
  4. robynluevano

    Neosporin & Mederma

    I was told nothing on them at all. After another week (I will be 4 weeks in another week) I can use mederma.
  5. robynluevano

    Clear Liquids Going Down Well

    I am started blenderized/puréed food Wednesday but I have tried some this weekend (last night & today) bc I haven't had any issues with the all liquid stage. What's 2 days going to do? I would have stopped if I felt any discomfort or anything.
  6. robynluevano

    Clear Liquids Going Down Well

    I haven't ever felt full on Clear Liquids. Cream of potato soup (the liquid) I felt like I ate an entire meal!
  7. I can't take Benadryl bc it really bothers my RLS (restless leg syndrome). If I take Benadryl bc of allergies, I have to take at least 3 Tylenol to be able to sleep. Stinks!
  8. robynluevano


    I haven't thrown up once & I'm almost 3 weeks out!
  9. I called Dr. Kim (Colleyville, Tx) this week & they said Tylenol pm is fine, just break it in half. :-)
  10. robynluevano

    Where Is Everyone From?

    Me too! (Just the DFW part)
  11. I couldn't lay down on my side until about 1.5 weeks after. I am almost 3 weeks out & was just able to (carefully) sleep on my stomach comfortably last night.
  12. robynluevano

    Sept 18Th - Post Po Sleeve

    I don't feel any hunger & I am 2.5 weeks out. What I do feel, that feels similar is bubbles of gas & the stomach trying to "wake up" still, from surgery.
  13. robynluevano

    Where Is Everyone From?

    Texas! DFW to be more precise!
  14. robynluevano

    Where Are Your Incisions?

    Mine were staples. They don't look bad now at all!
  15. robynluevano

    Where Are Your Incisions?

    Oh and the thing in the center of my stomach is where I had a mole removed, not from the surgery!
  16. robynluevano

    Where Are Your Incisions?

    Here you go. Disregard my undies lol. The one with the dried blood/clot is the one they had issues with bleeding from. I need to take an updated picture. :-)
  17. robynluevano

    Diet Coke Junkies

    I was addicted to DP. I quit cold turkey the day my preop diet started. Haven't missed it at all actually. In fact, I'd hate to taste it at this point (preop started 8/21, sleeved 9/4). My husband & I have given up soda many times cold turkey & slowly go back to them after a few months. I just don't see that happening now bc of how uncomfortable I would imagine it would be on my tummy.
  18. robynluevano

    Where Are Your Incisions?

    I have a picture. I had 6 incisions. A small one is between my breasts. And 5 others spread out randomly on my belly. One just where my belly button goes in, it's about an inch across. One on my right side just below where my ribs end (3/4 inch) one on my left side in about the same spot, maybe a little higher up, it's about 1.5 in across, and two between my belly button & the incision on my left side. One of them is close to an inch, the other is maybe 1/2 in or less. It's not the prettiest picture, and I was pretty puffy & swollen but I will try to post it if you are that interested.
  19. Wow! I felt so good too! Our Brinks guy came today to pick up our currency at work. I haven't seen him since 8/29. He saw me & said "have you (motions to his shoulders/belly/chest) lost something?" I of course said I have lost weight, and that I have lost close to 20 lbs. Yay! Such a good feeling!
  20. robynluevano

    First Person Noticed!

    Exactly. I am 2.5 weeks out, but he hasn't seen me in 3 weeks+ so that may be why he noticed. My husband says he can't tell but it's bc he "sees me everyday". I was shocked bc no one else has said anything. I do notice that my chest isn't sticking out as much a before.
  21. That's me too! I lost 8ish lbs after surgery (1st week), and so far nothing since then! According to the scale at work, I have gained a pound (but our scale never matched the doctors, so I am not too concerned). Robyn

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
