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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    revmister got a reaction from Cookeeeeez in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
    I know everybody has their reasons for wanting to loose weight. Mine is about mobility. As a child I had weakensses in my lower body. I had a disorder that I believe was due to a reaction to the polio vaccine. Motor Neurons died in my legs leaving loss in muscles. I pretty much got by fine & played sports as a kid but always have been leg weak! Along with this weakness I have been overweight since the age of six.
    As I have aged my walking gate and weight have taken a toll on my joints. One knee more than the other and both ankles along with my back have suffered. I also have arthritis in these joints. I started shortly after the new year (2012) to have to use a walking stick to get around... & prevent falling. I have balance issues and feel it would be easy to fall. I also found myself using motorized shopping carts when in stores for the past two years.
    As I started to think things over I could see that very soon I would probably not be able to walk around ... This has been my motivation for surgery. It is my hope that I will recover my ability to navigate without the aid of canes or motor scooters...
    I guess I could add that taking blood pressure meds for 27 years & diabetes medicine for the past 2 years should have been enough motivation along with CPAP machine at night... But it was mobility that made me want to get help with my weight!
    Beyond all this my wife & I are raising our Grandson who will be 17 months on the 15th... I cannot keep up with him which places the bulk of the burden on my wife. I cannot bear to sit back and make her do all the work! He loves us both very much and depends on us completely!
  2. Like
    revmister got a reaction from Cookeeeeez in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
    I know everybody has their reasons for wanting to loose weight. Mine is about mobility. As a child I had weakensses in my lower body. I had a disorder that I believe was due to a reaction to the polio vaccine. Motor Neurons died in my legs leaving loss in muscles. I pretty much got by fine & played sports as a kid but always have been leg weak! Along with this weakness I have been overweight since the age of six.
    As I have aged my walking gate and weight have taken a toll on my joints. One knee more than the other and both ankles along with my back have suffered. I also have arthritis in these joints. I started shortly after the new year (2012) to have to use a walking stick to get around... & prevent falling. I have balance issues and feel it would be easy to fall. I also found myself using motorized shopping carts when in stores for the past two years.
    As I started to think things over I could see that very soon I would probably not be able to walk around ... This has been my motivation for surgery. It is my hope that I will recover my ability to navigate without the aid of canes or motor scooters...
    I guess I could add that taking blood pressure meds for 27 years & diabetes medicine for the past 2 years should have been enough motivation along with CPAP machine at night... But it was mobility that made me want to get help with my weight!
    Beyond all this my wife & I are raising our Grandson who will be 17 months on the 15th... I cannot keep up with him which places the bulk of the burden on my wife. I cannot bear to sit back and make her do all the work! He loves us both very much and depends on us completely!
  3. Like
    revmister got a reaction from Cookeeeeez in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
    I know everybody has their reasons for wanting to loose weight. Mine is about mobility. As a child I had weakensses in my lower body. I had a disorder that I believe was due to a reaction to the polio vaccine. Motor Neurons died in my legs leaving loss in muscles. I pretty much got by fine & played sports as a kid but always have been leg weak! Along with this weakness I have been overweight since the age of six.
    As I have aged my walking gate and weight have taken a toll on my joints. One knee more than the other and both ankles along with my back have suffered. I also have arthritis in these joints. I started shortly after the new year (2012) to have to use a walking stick to get around... & prevent falling. I have balance issues and feel it would be easy to fall. I also found myself using motorized shopping carts when in stores for the past two years.
    As I started to think things over I could see that very soon I would probably not be able to walk around ... This has been my motivation for surgery. It is my hope that I will recover my ability to navigate without the aid of canes or motor scooters...
    I guess I could add that taking blood pressure meds for 27 years & diabetes medicine for the past 2 years should have been enough motivation along with CPAP machine at night... But it was mobility that made me want to get help with my weight!
    Beyond all this my wife & I are raising our Grandson who will be 17 months on the 15th... I cannot keep up with him which places the bulk of the burden on my wife. I cannot bear to sit back and make her do all the work! He loves us both very much and depends on us completely!
  4. Like
    revmister got a reaction from Cookeeeeez in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
    I know everybody has their reasons for wanting to loose weight. Mine is about mobility. As a child I had weakensses in my lower body. I had a disorder that I believe was due to a reaction to the polio vaccine. Motor Neurons died in my legs leaving loss in muscles. I pretty much got by fine & played sports as a kid but always have been leg weak! Along with this weakness I have been overweight since the age of six.
    As I have aged my walking gate and weight have taken a toll on my joints. One knee more than the other and both ankles along with my back have suffered. I also have arthritis in these joints. I started shortly after the new year (2012) to have to use a walking stick to get around... & prevent falling. I have balance issues and feel it would be easy to fall. I also found myself using motorized shopping carts when in stores for the past two years.
    As I started to think things over I could see that very soon I would probably not be able to walk around ... This has been my motivation for surgery. It is my hope that I will recover my ability to navigate without the aid of canes or motor scooters...
    I guess I could add that taking blood pressure meds for 27 years & diabetes medicine for the past 2 years should have been enough motivation along with CPAP machine at night... But it was mobility that made me want to get help with my weight!
    Beyond all this my wife & I are raising our Grandson who will be 17 months on the 15th... I cannot keep up with him which places the bulk of the burden on my wife. I cannot bear to sit back and make her do all the work! He loves us both very much and depends on us completely!
  5. Like
    revmister got a reaction from Cookeeeeez in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
    I know everybody has their reasons for wanting to loose weight. Mine is about mobility. As a child I had weakensses in my lower body. I had a disorder that I believe was due to a reaction to the polio vaccine. Motor Neurons died in my legs leaving loss in muscles. I pretty much got by fine & played sports as a kid but always have been leg weak! Along with this weakness I have been overweight since the age of six.
    As I have aged my walking gate and weight have taken a toll on my joints. One knee more than the other and both ankles along with my back have suffered. I also have arthritis in these joints. I started shortly after the new year (2012) to have to use a walking stick to get around... & prevent falling. I have balance issues and feel it would be easy to fall. I also found myself using motorized shopping carts when in stores for the past two years.
    As I started to think things over I could see that very soon I would probably not be able to walk around ... This has been my motivation for surgery. It is my hope that I will recover my ability to navigate without the aid of canes or motor scooters...
    I guess I could add that taking blood pressure meds for 27 years & diabetes medicine for the past 2 years should have been enough motivation along with CPAP machine at night... But it was mobility that made me want to get help with my weight!
    Beyond all this my wife & I are raising our Grandson who will be 17 months on the 15th... I cannot keep up with him which places the bulk of the burden on my wife. I cannot bear to sit back and make her do all the work! He loves us both very much and depends on us completely!
  6. Like
    revmister got a reaction from Cookeeeeez in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
    I know everybody has their reasons for wanting to loose weight. Mine is about mobility. As a child I had weakensses in my lower body. I had a disorder that I believe was due to a reaction to the polio vaccine. Motor Neurons died in my legs leaving loss in muscles. I pretty much got by fine & played sports as a kid but always have been leg weak! Along with this weakness I have been overweight since the age of six.
    As I have aged my walking gate and weight have taken a toll on my joints. One knee more than the other and both ankles along with my back have suffered. I also have arthritis in these joints. I started shortly after the new year (2012) to have to use a walking stick to get around... & prevent falling. I have balance issues and feel it would be easy to fall. I also found myself using motorized shopping carts when in stores for the past two years.
    As I started to think things over I could see that very soon I would probably not be able to walk around ... This has been my motivation for surgery. It is my hope that I will recover my ability to navigate without the aid of canes or motor scooters...
    I guess I could add that taking blood pressure meds for 27 years & diabetes medicine for the past 2 years should have been enough motivation along with CPAP machine at night... But it was mobility that made me want to get help with my weight!
    Beyond all this my wife & I are raising our Grandson who will be 17 months on the 15th... I cannot keep up with him which places the bulk of the burden on my wife. I cannot bear to sit back and make her do all the work! He loves us both very much and depends on us completely!
  7. Like
    revmister got a reaction from adoptmom2_3 in Juice Plus+   
    I started back taking them again & really have no problems doing it! I also started to sell them too! Since I don't get much fruit & veggies these days this product makes perfect sense! Wish more sleevers knew about it!
  8. Like
    revmister got a reaction from Just peachy in August Sleevers?! Where Ya's At?   
    I was sleeved on Aug 27th & Hit 100 LBS! I really cant believe it! Started prediet weight at 341 and I now weigh 242! Much faster than I thought!
  9. Like
    revmister got a reaction from ilmkids in Temple Hospital Philly   
    Love Temple! Dr. Meilahn & Dr. White.... They did an awesome job! I had surgery on August 27th, 2012. Since my 2 week preop diet I have dropped 56 pounds! So thats a total of 9 weeks .... Dr Meilahn can come across a little abrupt BUT he is a seasoned veteran surgeon! He is a good man & has my respect. I started at the hospital in the northeast - Jeanes ... but as I got approved Temple had more surgical dates open & I had the surgery done downtown. I have kept my post op check ups at the TU office....
  10. Like
    revmister got a reaction from runner in August Sleevers?! Where Ya's At?   
    Sleeved on August 27th... Doing really well... I have dropped 45 lbs approx. since the pre-two week diet began ... Still having issues getting all 64ozs of liquids but try really hard to get them in!
  11. Like
    revmister reacted to O.T.R. sleever in "wls Is Not What God Intended..."   
    Since this thread is still active, I'd just like to point out a simple observation.
    Both of these surgeries are directly related to and are a result of sins (deadly sins).
    The major difference I see is that one is done to help us flee fom the sin of gluttony, the other is performed to embrace the sin of vanity.
    So what have here is someone who is embracing their sin chastising someone for turning away from theirs.
  12. Like
    revmister got a reaction from Piplula in Watch What You Say....your Ignorance Is Showing...   
    Still - I love the fire out of the eyes....
  13. Like
    revmister reacted to Dooter in "wls Is Not What God Intended..."   
    Ok...Throwing my two cents in the pot here. And really....it's not MY two cents. It's from God's word. Your friend says WLS is not what God intended. Well, we have to back WAAAAAYYYY up to the beginning. Here's what God intended: Perfection. To give it a crude summary- He put perfect Adam on the perfect earth, gave him a wife and they screwed it all up. They plunged the creation into death and decay by their sin.
    Now bear with me....A little more history....This is why God gave The Law to His people, to show them their sins and that they've offended a holy God, the price for which is eternal damnation and that's why God sent Jesus to pay this price for us, so that if we have God granted faith in him, we will be with God forever. Again...crude summary. (Lest you think God didn't see this coming, this was not "plan B." It was foreordained from eternity past....but that's another conversation.....)
    Adam and Eve were not meant to die. Or get fat, or old, or cancerous or anything else. They were meant to live perfectly forever in perfect bodies. SO...here we are in decay. God has so graciously given us many many many means of keeping ourselves taped up, stapled up, sewn back together, medicated, sliced, diced, lifted, and healed in a variety of ways. WHO says that weight loss surgery is NOT a legitimate form of healing one of our many ills, and what is their qualification in that opinion?
    The Bible does not say "Thou shalt not have weight loss surgery, but an appendectomy is fine."
    Here's the bottom line: Can you glorify God in your surgery and weight loss? Can you lose weight to the glory of God? For me that is a resounding YES and AMEN!
  14. Like
    revmister got a reaction from 7carol3 in Rant!   
    Buyer's remorse? Hang in there... Look at how much weight you are loosing! Ride that wave to week 4... Its right around the corner!
  15. Like
    revmister got a reaction from Cookeeeeez in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
    I know everybody has their reasons for wanting to loose weight. Mine is about mobility. As a child I had weakensses in my lower body. I had a disorder that I believe was due to a reaction to the polio vaccine. Motor Neurons died in my legs leaving loss in muscles. I pretty much got by fine & played sports as a kid but always have been leg weak! Along with this weakness I have been overweight since the age of six.
    As I have aged my walking gate and weight have taken a toll on my joints. One knee more than the other and both ankles along with my back have suffered. I also have arthritis in these joints. I started shortly after the new year (2012) to have to use a walking stick to get around... & prevent falling. I have balance issues and feel it would be easy to fall. I also found myself using motorized shopping carts when in stores for the past two years.
    As I started to think things over I could see that very soon I would probably not be able to walk around ... This has been my motivation for surgery. It is my hope that I will recover my ability to navigate without the aid of canes or motor scooters...
    I guess I could add that taking blood pressure meds for 27 years & diabetes medicine for the past 2 years should have been enough motivation along with CPAP machine at night... But it was mobility that made me want to get help with my weight!
    Beyond all this my wife & I are raising our Grandson who will be 17 months on the 15th... I cannot keep up with him which places the bulk of the burden on my wife. I cannot bear to sit back and make her do all the work! He loves us both very much and depends on us completely!
  16. Like
    revmister got a reaction from Cookeeeeez in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
    I know everybody has their reasons for wanting to loose weight. Mine is about mobility. As a child I had weakensses in my lower body. I had a disorder that I believe was due to a reaction to the polio vaccine. Motor Neurons died in my legs leaving loss in muscles. I pretty much got by fine & played sports as a kid but always have been leg weak! Along with this weakness I have been overweight since the age of six.
    As I have aged my walking gate and weight have taken a toll on my joints. One knee more than the other and both ankles along with my back have suffered. I also have arthritis in these joints. I started shortly after the new year (2012) to have to use a walking stick to get around... & prevent falling. I have balance issues and feel it would be easy to fall. I also found myself using motorized shopping carts when in stores for the past two years.
    As I started to think things over I could see that very soon I would probably not be able to walk around ... This has been my motivation for surgery. It is my hope that I will recover my ability to navigate without the aid of canes or motor scooters...
    I guess I could add that taking blood pressure meds for 27 years & diabetes medicine for the past 2 years should have been enough motivation along with CPAP machine at night... But it was mobility that made me want to get help with my weight!
    Beyond all this my wife & I are raising our Grandson who will be 17 months on the 15th... I cannot keep up with him which places the bulk of the burden on my wife. I cannot bear to sit back and make her do all the work! He loves us both very much and depends on us completely!
  17. Like
    revmister got a reaction from Cookeeeeez in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
    I know everybody has their reasons for wanting to loose weight. Mine is about mobility. As a child I had weakensses in my lower body. I had a disorder that I believe was due to a reaction to the polio vaccine. Motor Neurons died in my legs leaving loss in muscles. I pretty much got by fine & played sports as a kid but always have been leg weak! Along with this weakness I have been overweight since the age of six.
    As I have aged my walking gate and weight have taken a toll on my joints. One knee more than the other and both ankles along with my back have suffered. I also have arthritis in these joints. I started shortly after the new year (2012) to have to use a walking stick to get around... & prevent falling. I have balance issues and feel it would be easy to fall. I also found myself using motorized shopping carts when in stores for the past two years.
    As I started to think things over I could see that very soon I would probably not be able to walk around ... This has been my motivation for surgery. It is my hope that I will recover my ability to navigate without the aid of canes or motor scooters...
    I guess I could add that taking blood pressure meds for 27 years & diabetes medicine for the past 2 years should have been enough motivation along with CPAP machine at night... But it was mobility that made me want to get help with my weight!
    Beyond all this my wife & I are raising our Grandson who will be 17 months on the 15th... I cannot keep up with him which places the bulk of the burden on my wife. I cannot bear to sit back and make her do all the work! He loves us both very much and depends on us completely!
  18. Like
    revmister reacted to MinaT in Please Help With Puree Stage   
    Here's the list I typed up directly from my Dr.'s office. I had to do a search for the word French Toast lol thank goodness not too many people used the word in their posts on all of the forums lol.
    1/4 cup high Protein cooked Cereal
    1/4 cup pureed low sodium/low fat meat
    1 chewable sugar-free complete Vitamin
    1/2 cup pureed fruit
    1/4 cup cottage cheese (lowfat)
    1/4 cup pureed fruit
    1 cup High Protein shake
    1/2 cup mashed potatoes with low fat gravy
    1/2 cup broth
    1 chewable sugar free complete vitamin
    1 sugar-free fudgiscle
    This sample menu provides approximately 80 grams of Protein and 885 caloires - SIP Water throughout the day
    High Protein Pureed Diet recipes
    3 oz. lean chicken or turkey
    1 slice fat-free cheese
    2 tbs.p warm beef broth
    1/2 hamburger bun
    Cook meat and drain fat. Add all ingredients except broth to blender and puree on high. Gradually add broth to desired consistency
    Yield 1 serving
    Calories 309
    Protein 27.0 grams
    Chicken Stew
    1 Cup chicken, cooked and cubed
    1/4 cup rice, cooked
    1/4 cup mixed vegetables, cooked
    1/4 cup chicken broth
    1/4 cup skim milk
    1/4 cup nonfat dry milk
    Blend together
    Yield 3 servings
    Calories (per serving) 120
    Protein (per serving) 15.0 grams
    4oz. Whitefish fillet
    4 tsp. nonfat tarter sauce
    Warm skim milk (as needed)
    Cook fish by baking or broiling. Place fish and nonfat tarter sauce in blender. Puree on high speed. Gradually add milk to make mashed potato consistency.
    Yield: 2 servings
    Calories (per serving) 116
    Protein (per serving) 15.0 grams
    French Toast
    1 slice frozen French Toast
    "I can't believe it's not butter!" spray
    3 tbsp. warm sugar-free syrup
    Warm French toast according to package. Spray with I can't believe it's not butter. Cut into quarters. Place all ingredients in blender. Puree on high until smooth consistency is achieved.
    Yield 1 serving
    Calories: 171
    Protein 4.0 grams
    Grilled Cheese
    1 slice whole wheat/high Fiber bread
    2 slices fat-free American cheese
    I can't believe its not butter spray
    3 tbsp warm skim milk
    Heat non-stick pan over medium heat. Spray one side of bread with I can't believe it's not butter side down on pan, top with cheese and heat until cheese melts and bread istoasted brown. Fold sandwich in half and cut into four pieces. Place in blender and puree on high, adding milk until smooth. Adjust the amount of milk used for thicker or thinner consistency.
    Yield 1 serving
    Calories 146
    Protein: 12.0 grams
    High Protein Breakfast Shake
    1/2 cup fat-free plain yogurt
    1/4 cup skim milk
    1/2 small banana
    1/4 cup non-fat dry milk
    Mix all ingredients together in blender
    Yield 1 serving
    Calories 125 per serving
    Protein 12.0 grams per serving
    High Protein Mashed Potatoes
    2 tbsp mashed potato mix
    1/2 cup hot skim milk
    2 tbsp. nonfat dry milk
    Mix nonfat dry mil with skim milk and heat to a boil. Add mashed potato mix. Mix well with a wire wisk. Mix thickens as it stands
    Use Butter buds or fat-free gravy to add flavor
    Yield 1 serving
    Calories 148
    Protein 10.0 grams
    4oz meat cooked
    6 tbsp. low fat gravy
    Chop meat into small pieces, blend on high speed, gradually adding gravy until desired consistency
    Yield 2 servings
    Calories (per serving) 126
    Protein (per serving) 16.0 grams
    Tuna salad
    1 6 oz. can light tuna in spring Water, drained
    2 tbsp. fat-free Miracle Whip
    1tsp mustard
    1/2 tsp. onion powder
    1/4 tsp. celery salt
    Add all ingredients to blender. Puree on high until smooth. Refrigerate
    Note: May substitute canned chicken for tuna
    Yield: 3 servings
    Calories (per serving): 60
    Protein (per serving) 11.0 grams
  19. Like
    revmister got a reaction from Cookeeeeez in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
    I know everybody has their reasons for wanting to loose weight. Mine is about mobility. As a child I had weakensses in my lower body. I had a disorder that I believe was due to a reaction to the polio vaccine. Motor Neurons died in my legs leaving loss in muscles. I pretty much got by fine & played sports as a kid but always have been leg weak! Along with this weakness I have been overweight since the age of six.
    As I have aged my walking gate and weight have taken a toll on my joints. One knee more than the other and both ankles along with my back have suffered. I also have arthritis in these joints. I started shortly after the new year (2012) to have to use a walking stick to get around... & prevent falling. I have balance issues and feel it would be easy to fall. I also found myself using motorized shopping carts when in stores for the past two years.
    As I started to think things over I could see that very soon I would probably not be able to walk around ... This has been my motivation for surgery. It is my hope that I will recover my ability to navigate without the aid of canes or motor scooters...
    I guess I could add that taking blood pressure meds for 27 years & diabetes medicine for the past 2 years should have been enough motivation along with CPAP machine at night... But it was mobility that made me want to get help with my weight!
    Beyond all this my wife & I are raising our Grandson who will be 17 months on the 15th... I cannot keep up with him which places the bulk of the burden on my wife. I cannot bear to sit back and make her do all the work! He loves us both very much and depends on us completely!
  20. Like
    revmister reacted to traceyinflorida in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
    Mine was an inspirtation. A friend of mine (and past diet buddy) ran the NY Marathon. She had been around the same weight as I was and had bypass surgery about four years ago. I had always marveled at her weight loss, and even met with her several times to discuss the surgery. I kept thinking I would try to do it on my own, rather than undergo something so drastic. Well now, here I was at my highest weight ever, feeling tired, disgusting and miserable, and there she was running a MARATHON!! That was when I decided I had put my life on hold long enough and immediately started steps to get the surgery. It took me nine months from that decision to the actual proceedure, but now I am finally on my way to being a happy healthy person like she is. I do not really see the NY marathon in my future (I hate to run and always have, even when I was thin) but who knows. Either way, I know now that the future now looks bright for me and I will have my own "marathon" moments as a new, healthier, lighter me!
  21. Like
    revmister got a reaction from runner in August Sleevers?! Where Ya's At?   
    OK this is my first time on this site... I am being Sleeved on Aug 27th Today I started the first day of liquid diet leading up to my surgery! I have been having mobility issues and I hope by loosing significant weight that I will be able to get around a little better! I need to be able to keep up with my Grandson who is 17 months old! I wanted to get this surgery done earlier in the Summer but by the time I jumped through all the insurance hoops I got a late Summer date!

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