LAP-BAND Patients-
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Everything posted by kaylali
I am going in tomorrow to my doctor to find out if I have a slipped band, or find out what is wrong with me??? I had 6 weeks ago a tt and a breast reduction. I have had a very great recovery and have felt great for several weeks. About a week ago I started having extream pain in my cheast (same place I always feel pain if I overeat and bp) and it has only gotten worse and I finally had to realize that somthing really is wrong. I dont know if it is somthing that might have happened due to my plastic surgery or what? I have been feeling so great that I am so close to my goal weight, (I started at 230 and am down to 167, my goal is 150 at 5'6") I have been running and toning up and really feeling good about myself, this will be such a setback. uhgg I am so discouraged:( wish me luck tomorrow.
So I havent posted on here for a really long time, however I am feeling really great about where I am currently at with my weightloss. I do still want to loose another 15-20 pds. but I know that will come off. I have accually develped a love for running ( very hard to get to that point) and that is when the weight melted off. I am 4 weeks post op for getting a TT and breast reduction. And I feel so great! I am so glad that I started this journey, to look back not even a year ago and see where I started is amazing. I started at 230, I am currently at 170 I am 5'6" with a flat belly and super cute boobs:)) I have to say that because it isnt somthing i have been able to say in a long time. good luck everyone.
so, have your docotors explained why exactly they put you back onto a liquid diet after a fill? Just curious. I got a fill of 2.2 in a 10cc band on sat. and I am starving already, so I ate some soft food. do you think that will hurt anything? I am going to be scheduling another fill already for like another week or so because I know that I dont have enough yet.
Hi there may bandsters, so I went in for my first fill today and was so excited for more restriction, and nurvous at the same time. I had heard from everyone that it really wasnt a big deal to get a fill and very little pain. WRONG! after 3 pokes and lots of proding around (about 15 min) I was dying. It was then decided that my port had flipped over while healing. So I am headed back into a little surgery that I was told takes about 15 min to repostition, I do get my fill while doing that. hopfully it is as easy as I was told. yikes, this had to happen to me!
Hi may bandsters, so I have an appointment to get my first fill on monday morning. I am so excited, I am going to ask for an aggressive fill, I need to see some results again. I am frusterated at not seeing the scale move since the first week, which was 13 pds. I have gained and loss 2 of those pds ever since. I have even hit the gym nearly every day. I started with a lower bmi and hear it comes off slower but I need to see somthing. Hopfully the fill will help.
The bping is when you overeat or you eat somthing like bread, or celery, steak and other things that might possibly plug up your stomach ( for everyone the foods that do this are different) and so you will start burping for your stomach to try to break things up. This hasnt happened to me thankgoodness, but I do think that this is one of the reasons why it makes it easier to make the right choices and to not overeat, for the fear of it happening. I guess also for some people it is a painful feeling like there is a golfball stuck in your chest. I do know that alot of people on here talk about it happening several times a week, but my dr told me that if you are pbing alot it could possibly ruin your band and you will have to have it removed if you dont figure out your eating, and how to stop it.
so after I got banded the nutritionist came in my room to talk to me about a few things and then let me see and hold a lapband like the one I now have in me, then she showed me the needle that they do the fills with. umm that looks like a preety big needle and it has me a bit nurvous. However everyone claims that it really doesnt hurt to bad, Is this true????? Im am not much of a wimp, but still it looked simalar to the needle that my epidural was done with:( I am just wondering
Hey MaryumC, as far as I understand the VG is the largest band and thus gives the least restriction without a fill. bummer! I think that it will make it that much harder until the fill stage. I have the 10cc and feel very simalar about being able to eat more than 1 cup at this point, and also I am able to drink lots of fluid at one time. I was accuallly missing being able to drink lots, living in az it is dang hot and I was feeling dehidrated all the time, so I am happy about being able to drink more. It sounds like your calories are right were they need to be so great job!!!! keep up the great work!
So do the fills hurt???? also, do they num the skin with some lanicane or anything? I am a little nurvous. I dont know why, after going through the surgery you would think this would be nothing. My doctor said that if I am not feeling restriction that I can get a fill as soon as 3-4 weeks post op. so I am only about another week away from that! and let me tell you, I NEED it. I have been starving!! I would hate to put back on some of the pds. that I have been loosing. any input on the fills would be greatly appriciated.
Hi I live in Queen Creek, Dr. Valencia in TJ Mexico for the surgery. I had such a great experience down there.
I would say that you would probley be able to do this, you would need somone willing to pick you up. only because you both may be on pain killers which they say not to drive while taking. I stayed in the hospital for 2 days and got so board I felt like I could have done the same things at home as there after day 1. I have heard that men usually have a harder time than women do, maybe because they are more of babies, ha ha! I hear it is because women have menstral cramps, deliver babies and all sorts of different things that give us a little higher pain tolerance. good Luck!
Hi all you may bandsters, I have just hopped on the scale to see if this is starting to do its thing and wow, can I say cool. I have lost 10pds since my surgery 6 days ago. I will really be siked when I loose another 8-10pds only because these are #'s that I have not seen in over 2 yrs. good luck to all of you!
what is a good web site for soft food stage recipies? I thought I remembered awhile back somone posting one. I would love to go through the recipies and get a list of good ideas for when I get to that stageF:)
Hey Kim, I was in TJ and was banded on the 24th. By dr. Valencia. where was your surgery at? was it in Hospial Angeles? as far as the soulder pain, I have walked myself silly and that does the trick. it seems that when I would walk and get tired then I would push myself after that, when I was done with those walks I always felt my best rather than just the short little walks. Also hot hot showers were amazing!
I was told that the flemy stuff is from the anastesia, a hot shower seemed to be what helped loosen the flem for me. I was not ever given a breathing thing like you talked about.
My mother is a nurse and has said that liquid colase ( not sure on spelling) is a great over the counter diaretic.
Hi everyone, I am now morning of day 4 and am feeling great, I could accually go back to work and feel fine, I am a hairdresser and think that I could do what I needed to do and feel great. The pains are gone from gas. But excuse me for being so blunt but one of my only concerns is passing more gas at this point, after being on a liquid diet for the past almost 5 days is anyone else having liquid poopie:) ha ha these are the things that are much easier to share on a message board than face to face with somone. anyways alls I can say is walk walk walk it makes me exausted and if I walk to the point of exaustion and then push myself after that, when I am done it makes me feel like a million bucks. I have been off any pain meds since day 2. I am beginning to feel hungry and my stomach is a growling. thank goodness my doctor didnt do any preop diet, this seems to be hard enough. I just wasnt able to eat anything after 10pm the night befor surgery. I went to mexico and had the greatest experience! my doctor and anathesioligist came together in my room atleast 8 times in the 2 days I was there he really make me feel so comfy about everything. Also he only needed to make 4 insisions! Is this the same # of insisions as the rest of you?????????? also one of the greatest things I did while not feeling good, is take long hotttttt showers, wow that felt amayzing!!!! you wont feel like getting up in the beginning but that shower is worth it once you are in there. hope you are all doing great! o ya and I am down 7 pds, horayy
HI there, so I am going to be starting with a low bmi and I totally understand how you are thinking. YOu can either put everything into loosing 5 maybe 10 pds. just to eventually put it back on. Or do this life changing thing that will be there to help you forever be a healthy weight. I really went the rounds with weather or not to do it, but I am going in on the 25th of this month and feel so great about my desision:) I dont know if this helps your desision at all but like I told my husband, I can either get control of my weight now or just wait and continue to gradually get larger with my poor eating habits, I needed somthing that forces me to learn a new lifestyle. Let us know what you decide.
Hi Mischievous1, congrats on gettting banded! I cant even imagine the feeling of looking at food and not wanting it, not to much longer for me!
for anyone in arizona, I have a lady nurse that has an office in mesa and charges only $100. she will take patients from any doctor. I have talked to many of her patients and they all say great things about her. if you would like more info let me know. I will be banded the 25th of this month, so I havnt tryed her yet, but plan to.
you have been through so much, and it sounds like you have been blessed with so much strength! I know you will loose this weight and check that off the list of huge accomplishments:) its kinda funny to me to think of my own reasons for becoming like this and as huge as they are I read other peoples stories and think wow, I dont know how I would handle it. But I do think that we all have somthing in common and that is that we are all stronger than we think. We can, and will come out on top, in obsticles in our lives. Good luck!
Hey, my story started in 98' I had always been super athletic and even voted for having the greatest legs. go figure:)so staying fit was a way of life. I married my highschool sweetheart and had a baby. When my daughter was a few weeks old my husband was killed in a car accident. Here I was young with noway to provide for myself and my new little baby. I was from a small town and felt like all eyes were on me, that was a time I wanted to become invisible so that others wernt watching me be on public display as I was going through my greiving process, and then when I choose to begin dating and picking up the peices there were those who thought it was to soon. I wanted to just not have any reason to stand out. I did move away about 2m after the accident and jumped into schooling full time and the rest of the time trying to be a new mommy to my daughter who had lost her daddy and now preety much her mommy to. The guilt was overwhelming to me. I new that I had to do it though, I worked my butt off and did so great in school ( what a distraction from the real sadness in my life) but I have to say at this time things were still good, and I did have a lot to be greatful for considering. Looking back I think my baby knew and understood that me going back to school was the only way. She was so great, she always just loved her sitter and was NEVER sick, and was just a little rock even at that age. ( her and I will always have an extra special bond) anyways back to the weight thing. So after schooling I moved to a new state where I had never been befor and started working, and later open a buisness that is doing great today. I did remarry a fantastic guy and have 2 more kids that are the greatest. But through 2 more pregnancies and my old habits of being an emotional eater. Everytime I was sad, happy, moody, in my pregnacies I ate, ha ha anyone knows that during a pregnancy you feel every feeling so intensly almost everyday of your prego. so needless to say I packed on the weight and going back to being athletic I worked out hard and didnt loose much. so here I have sat for yrs at this weight of 212, and I am finally ready to tackle this issue in my life once and for all, I know that it will be hard, but I can handle it after all else I have done. I want the way I look represent how I feel inside. I am so happy and successful. I want to be able to go back to that small town and people to be able to say that I did it!
Ok, so I lived in utah up until just a few yrs ago, and I totally dont think that the kids and depression go hand in hand. I think that these families have probley experienced things in there personal lives which they dont totally wear on there sleaves, therfore it would be hard for you to judge what the reason for there depression. Others may not know what that person is going through until things may build up to the point of them experiencing some depression. Who are you to judge and say that it is because of there children. I have to say that I have 3 children and they are so fantastic! if anything, when things are bad in my own life they, along with my husband they are my biggest supporters, and are part of what carry me through:) Here is a little of my own life experience..... I married my highschool sweetheart and had a baby, when she was 3 weeks old he was killed in a car accident. I moved away from my family in an effort to contiue my schooling to be able to support my daughter. I compleated schooling and opened my own buisness and am now very successful. ( I am not living on welfare as you have stated, that us mormons try to do) anyways, when I moved away to go to school it was dang hard, and I was dealing with a fresh loss, and nobody new me or why at times I would experience depression. I will say that my coming to terms with everything and being able to move on in a happy, healthy and strong womenish kinda way is DIRECTLY related to the LDS faith. I know that I will see my daughters sweet daddy somday in heaven:) Even though I have moved on and remarried another faboulously supportive husband and now have 2 more children I have never lost that fire to be a strong women and to make my own desisions. I have a wonderful husband whom I consult with and when it comes down to it he lets me make my own desissions, I in no way feel like he controlls me. How blessed I am to know that I am secure in my beleifs and have that personal relationship with my father in heaven to know that these things are true. I dont feel like reading some article that can be critiqued would in anyway sway my feelings with my religon. I think you can pick apart anything, and find negative
That's great that you went and got a motivating outfit. I totally love shopping and dont want to ever buy another outfit at the size I am. So I have been getting motivating outfits at every size so that just as quick as I get into one outfit I can begin looking forward to the next size down. I mean I am going to need clothing while getting to my goal weight, right? he he or maybe that is just my excuse to continue shopping.