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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    Jenipher1982 reacted to soocalchic in Almost 4 months out down 47 lbs! Pics   
    So I'm a band to sleeve revision so 2 times a looser lol.. Here are some pics of me at my heaviest and now at a size 12 I was 315 at my heaviest I'm down to 213 still have 40 ish lbs to lose but I'm excited thus far

  2. Like
    Jenipher1982 reacted to MsFab1988 in Sharing my 8 month post op video for motivation!   
    Just wanted to share my weight loss video for those who are interested and or about to be sleeved! I had failed with the lapband but I was not going to fail with the sleeve...I have 30 more pounds to lose until I reach goal...Goodluck to u all and I hope this motivates u...the link is below
    *Sorry meant to say 7 months postop*
    Check out this video on YouTube:

  3. Like
    Jenipher1982 reacted to barbi1281 in Progress - 4 Months Out   
    I just wanted to update everyone! This has happened so much better and faster than I (or anyone in my world) ever expected . I had my sleeve done on October 16, 2012. I was low BMI but hypothyroid so this should have taken longer but I'm so close to goal that I can taste it. I started at 194 with a goal of 115. My goal has since been revised to 120-125 as I've taken into account my short curvy body type. That said, as of this morning I weigh 134.8... I need to reach 128 to be a normal BMI and I know I'm almost there! I've posted a pic showing me today as well as my highest weight which was right before my Hypothyroidism was diagnosed (first pic) and my weight a few months before surgery (middle pic).

  4. Like
    Jenipher1982 reacted to 920amy in 200 calories   
    This slide show really makes you think about what we put into our bodies. Look how much celery?!
  5. Like
    Jenipher1982 got a reaction from ladyhummingbird in All of my December sleevers...   
    Sleeved 12/11/12 20lbs down!
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    Jenipher1982 got a reaction from stacygrdnr in What's it like to have the flu post op?   
    I had the flu a week ago(7 weeks post op). This did not cause me to have any stomach issues or vomiting. I had high fever, dizziness, body aches, cough etc... I took a trip to the ER thinking it was a leak or something. They gave me 2 liters of IV Fluid and sent me on my way. They also gave me antibiotics for the cough and yucky looking stuff i was coughing up. I couldn't somach the antibiotics and stopped taking them.
    I was in bed for about 5 days and lost 8 pounds. It was pretty miserable, but luckily it didn't happen right after surgery. I couldn't even imagine how that would feel. I was not able to drink much and didn't eat for 2 days. I finally was able to eat chicken Soup and get more fulids in. I was also pretty dehydrated.
    I did receive the flu shot back in October, but think this was some other flu virus.
  7. Like
    Jenipher1982 reacted to Chimera in With Valentine's Day Approaching - Heart Eggs   
    Show some LOVE while being healthy?
    Here's how to make HEART EGGS:

    Fold a thick cardstock or cardboard piece down the middle.

    Place hardboiled egg on it's side, in the middle of the folded cardstock
    Take a long wooden type piece that would extend most of the way along the carboard (a thin, clean, wooden paintbrush handle, a chopstick, thin dowel, etc) and place over the top of the egg so there is slight pressure.

    Rubber band the ends of your stick to the top ends of the cardstock.

    Place in fridge and after about 3 or 4 hours remove. Cut egg in half. Serve as a cute side to someone you ♥

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    Jenipher1982 reacted to stacygrdnr in Today i found out that i streched my pouch   
    ****. So we and others know to avoid them!!!! Right
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    Jenipher1982 reacted to stacygrdnr in plz post before and after pics ! :)   
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    Jenipher1982 reacted to stacygrdnr in plz post before and after pics ! :)   
    Starting weight 258
    Surgery day weight 250
    Current weight as of this am 235
    Sleeved Dec 11th 2012

  11. Like
    Jenipher1982 reacted to Mater in plz post before and after pics ! :)   
    The mobile app doesn't show all those options... I was 370 then 350 day of surgery and am 244 now... I'm 6'3" and large frame so I'm about done... I had my surgery on 2/7/12
  12. Like
    Jenipher1982 got a reaction from ladyhummingbird in All of my December sleevers...   
    Sleeved 12/11/12 20lbs down!
  13. Like
    Jenipher1982 reacted to ProudGrammy in I hate this surgery.   
    hun sounds like you didn't have any physical problems during or after surgery???, thats great
    so the main problem is you are now hungry???
    you must have been aware that you would not be eating immediately after the surgery, and your way of life would be changing??????eating much less food - doing a whole new way of life with your eating
    you made the wise decision to have WLS involving cutting out 85% of your tummy. this is not a decision i hope you made lightly - you chose to have major surgery!!!! i could tell you look smart
    you wanted to improve yourself, be healthier, happier for yourself, family, for whatever other reasons too
    looks like you have a lovely young family. you want to be able to run along that cute little one, cute big one too get healthy for them in addition to you of course
    don't give up so quickly please ???
    i "don't think" you mean it when you say "wish i was back where i started"???
    do you mean you want to be that unhealthy person forever???
    I "think" i know that you want to be better, and not go back to your old ways, that brought you to this point in your life
    i feel bad that YOU feel bad - but please, give the sleeve a chance, its barely 2 weeks old, don't give up on it
    we all deserve a second chance
    chin up
    don't give in/up before you've really started
    good luck
  14. Like
    Jenipher1982 reacted to stacygrdnr in Scared as hell   
    Yes head hunger is very hard to control. I am craving healthy things though. Carrots, Celery, Lettuce, Fish.
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    Jenipher1982 reacted to Donny in 2 months out and 87 lbs gone!   
    I just compared my shirtless pics on holy wow what a difference! Today marks my 2 month surgiversary and I have gone from 385 to 298!!!! Keep working hard y'all! I have hit 3 stalls that discouraged me but pics say it all so here's my current!
    48 - 38 jeans
    3xl - xl shirts!

  16. Like
    Jenipher1982 reacted to Newgirlie in A newgirlie...literally. 1 year out   
    When I chose my screen name last year, I knew that I would live up to the name. I am literally a new person since my vsg on 12/2/11.
    The girl I was (i say girl, but im 33) was 266 lbs, unhappy, and beginning to go downhill Healthwise. I started the process and it saved my life. If I had not, I would never have discovered and conquered severe sleep apnea and high blood pressure. This has been a complete life style change.
    I am down to 163 lbs. I hit exactly 166 on my surgiversary, which was amazing to me that I lost 100 lbs! I went from a tight 22 to an 8, 3xl to medium, heck my shoes even went from 8 1/2 to 7 1/2!!
    I will say that this wasn't always an easy road. It was hard to conquer my eating, portions, and "head hunger" in the beginning. The weight melted off the first six months, and after that every pound was work. I still have the motivation to keep going. My personal goal for me is 133, which would leave me at half the woman I was. I excercise with zumba and watch my carbs. I drink Water and limit sugary drinks. Have I had bad days? Heck yeah, sometimes too many. But my motivation kicks in and I get back on track. I log my food and excersice when im focused lol. I will also say I hit a moment of depression around month 7 and 8. But sunny days came when I realized I am in control!
    My many nsvs include being able to ride amusement park rides with my kids, playing and running with them, wearing skinny jeans and if I say so myself looking darn good in them! I bought myself some beautiful leather boots just because they can zip up over my calves. My bro in law blurted to my mother in law behind my back that I look like a model! My mom didnt recognize me at the mall last week. My husband and kids are so proud of me, they loved me then and now.
    Last but not least, the biggest goal for me was to regain my self confidence. At the risk of sounding full of myself, I longed for the feeling I had when I was slimmer, the feeling of being able to walk into a room with my head held high and knowing I look damn good!! In essence, im not a new girl, I just got the old me back. And I will say im better than before because of my experience. I struggle at times with the attention, because I feel like I was human before this and people were mean. Ive been humbled by this and just thank the Man above for allowing me to go through all of this and appreciating every second, pound, and inch.

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    Jenipher1982 reacted to Webchickadee in Omg! Half-Way There!   
    Started at 319 lbs on May 1, 2012.
    Lived through the difficult 2 week liquid pre-op diet (-11 lbs!)
    And now, in less than 6 months since surgery, I am OFFICIALLY 50% of the way to my goal!
    I feel AMAZING!
    For the first time in my adult life (and I'm 43 years old...), I can fit into a size 18; I can shop in "normal" stores, and I KNOW it only gets better from here. I'm off all my asthma meds (even when exercising), after previously taking 3 puffers and 2 oral meds for the last several years.
    I feel truly blessed to have found the Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy procedure; to have had the opportunity to self-pay and go to Mexico and have one of the top docs (Dr. Kelly) perform my procedure flawlessly; and to finally find the "skinny girl" inside of me that's been hiding behind all the weight all these years.
    I would like to thank everyone here who has been supportive, who has shared their own stories, struggles and successes; has patiently answered my stupid questions and given encouragement and advice. You all ROCK and I'm looking forward to giving back as I continue on my journey.
    The next half will go more slowly (I know), so I've joined a gym, hired a trainer and I'm going to sweat, pump, pound and flex my way to the fit, athletic confident body that I've always dreamed of having.
    And by this time next year, I'd like to be able to say I've completed a 5K, a 10K and a Tough Mudder!
  18. Like
    Jenipher1982 reacted to DebInAZ in Preop Advice Please   
    I just wanted to say I am only 11days out and I feel fantastic, I am also a nurse, so maybe that gives me a little edge but I just thought I could help.
    If your Dr is the best, and you have the confidence that he can call the shots, and he say's its a go because you have no infection or problem at the time of your date, Do It!!! you will be totally healed without weight limits in 6 weeks. But in the mean time there wouldn't be any reason you couldn't pack before your surgery and even 1 week after your surgery continue to pack and organize. I went shopping on day 3 from noon until 7pm and I am 60 yrs young, with HBP, and diabetes, with a little arthritis in my hips, NONE of this holds me back! You will have a weight limit, and basically will be told no pushing, pulling, straining, lifting for just about 4/6 weeks, nothing about packing and planning?
    My advise is follow your Dr's orders and if he says its a go then don't hesitate, procrastinate, or even think about it...RUN as fast as you can to the procedure and have it done...it will be the best day of your life, it may even save your life!!!
    If you haven't had a flu shot get one! between now and then stay away from crowds and especially sick people, even if you have to wear a mask in public do it, wipe off anything that the public uses with antibacterial wipes, and wash your hands after everything.............AND GO HAVE YOUR SURGERY!!!
  19. Like
    Jenipher1982 reacted to Piplula in Anesthesia   
    This is a common fear! I have had many procedures where I have been put to sleep. If you haven't been put to sleep before, it's a strange feeling. I am an old pro at it, but I always hear my heart rate bump up then settle back down right before lights out. Anesthesia makes me violently ill afterwards, so if you are this way ask for a scopolamine patch. It's used in cancer patients for nausea...worked when I had my hysterectomy , but for the sleeve I had the worst nausea of my life..just be ready for anything. And of course, some people don't experience any nausea. I think perhaps the unnerving thing about it is that you feel the sleep coming if you will. Just talk to the doctor doing it. My OBGYN asked what I was going to dream about and I remember saying I want to be on a beach as a size 6 in a bikini...and then I woke in recovery... Remember the doctor who is administering the meds really wants you to wake up too and will do everything possible to keep you safe. Be sure to tell the anesthesiologist your fears and they will calm your fears and take care of you. Of course they have to come in and tell you about the dangers of it...but it will be ok. It takes all of 10 seconds to go to sleep. I always feel the meds going in my arm from the IV kinda cool feeling and then I taste it...then here comes the heavy feeling...not a crushing feeling...just a relaxed heavy feeling. Don't try to fight it, just lull to sleep and then you will feel groggy when they wake you in recovery. You more than likely won't remember a lot of what went on and that's ok..I don't remember waking in recovery ..I remember being wheeled into my room..so it will be fine I have a feeling. It's ok to be a scared, just talk to your anesthesiologist when it's time and they will help you...good luck!
  20. Like
    Jenipher1982 reacted to Yukon Kara in 199!   
    13 months later I have gone from 319 to 199!!! I never thought I would see a 1 on that scale every again! I want to scream it from the roof tops, but I live in a pretty remote northern community, so really it would just be the ravens and wolves hearing me yell, so I will yell it on here instead!
    WAAHOOOOO FOR 199!!!
    And here I am in my Halloween get up- I put on a bearded hat and am a woodsman! ahahhaha
  21. Like
    Jenipher1982 reacted to lisa2job in Kid's Menu   
    I have found most places very accomadating that I go to , but I usually dont order off the kids menu, I just order appititzer or somehting. or share with whom ever I am with. a cup of Soup is always my fall back anywhere I go
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    Jenipher1982 reacted to thehappycat in Kid's Menu   
    If I want to order off the kid's/senior's menu, I start by saying I just had surgery and I'm on a really strict diet and can only have a little bit of food. So far no one has told me no. But always be sure to leave a nice tip when you're done.
    Sometimes servers won't let you do it because the kid's menu has lower prices, therefore a lower total, therefore a lower tip for them. So if they let you, treat them well. They will appreciate it.
  23. Like
    Jenipher1982 reacted to Tryan in August Sleevers Where Are You? Check In Please!   
    Date sleeved: 8/9/12
    Start weight:282
    Weight today:235
    What you eating and how much daily: most days 64 oz of Water. 1egg for Breakfast, snack- peanuts 2oz or a pack of 100 cal beef Jerky it has 18 grams of Protein. Lunch- I piece of tilapia 19 grams of Protein. snack 100 cal greek yogurt vanilla 13 grams of protein. dinner 4-5 oz turkey or chicken or a piece of fish.
    Daily work out: not enough but usually 3 days a week. 1 hr on the tread mill at about 3mph then I work on strength training on either arms legs or stomach for about 30 minutes
    How hungery are you?: not very, mostly head hunger. When I'm not busy I tend to want to reach for food
    How you feel physically: better then I have in a long time.
    How you feel emotionally:torn, somedays are really good and others I want to eat like I used to or I want the weight to come off faster. Its crazy.
    Are you glad you chose the sleeve?:I'm glad I chose the sleeve
    Anything extra to say?: I often wonder if I will be one of the people that stop loosing weight after I have dropped 50 pounds and I always worry that I will be one of the people that gains my weight back.
  24. Like
    Jenipher1982 reacted to Nena619 in Got My Date!   
    Looks like I will be getting my sleeve on 10/29/12!!! Super nervous, happy, excited, lol and totally ready for a new life!!!! Lets do this!
  25. Like
    Jenipher1982 reacted to COsleeveDude in Can Eat Everything   
    Yes. Quit trying everything and stick to the plan.
    Now that I'm a couple of months out I have also found that I can tolerate anything I've tried. But I also found it took about 4-6 weeks before I really felt the full effects of the restriction and consistent greatly reduced hunger.
    That having been said, people can use bad habits to defeat the sleeve. The surgery won't work on its own, it's just a tool.
    Good luck.

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