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LAP-BAND Patients
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About randa8218

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 08/01/1982

About Me

  • City
    Salt Lake City
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  1. Happy 31st Birthday randa8218!

  2. Happy 30th Birthday randa8218!

  3. It depends on your dr if you have to have your band unfilled. My dr said I should at 35 weeks just in case I needed a c-sec. But I wasn't having any problems and did not get it unfilled. I did have a c-sec and did not have any problems with my band being full still.
  4. randa8218

    back after baby

    I'm planning on going in for my first fill after the baby on monday so hopefully the weight loss can continue.
  5. I had a c-sec 3 1/2 weeks ago. It wasn't planned, so my band was filled. I had no problems what so ever.
  6. I just had my baby 3 1/2 weeks ago, got on the scale today and I am the exact same weight that I was when i got pregnant. I was so excited to see that. Of course it would be better if it was less, but that will come in time I'm sure.
  7. randa8218

    1 year bandvisery 11/21

    So tomorrow will be one year. I have lost 65 pounds to date. I'm just wondering what the average is that people loose over the first year. Im hoping I can loose another 65 pounds over the next year and I will be at my goal weigt!
  8. If your dating is off at all, it can throw the AFP test off. So make sure that is correct also.
  9. I also got the lap band in hopes of having a healthy pregnancy down the road. We aren't preventing pregnancy right now, so we will have to see how things go. Before I had surgery we had tried for a year and nothing happened since I wasn't ovulating. I also work for an ob/gyn so it's hard to see all my pregnant patients and not be pregnant myself when we want it so bad, but it will happen when it's suppose to i guess.
  10. Dr Hansen is great also he is in sandy at alta view hospital
  11. try beneprotein. I got it online at walgreens.com. It's about $11 with shipping. I have been using it in my morning smoothies for a couple of months now and it seems to do the trick. It was actually the protein powder the nurse at my dr's office suggested, she also has a lap band.
  12. randa8218

    High Blood Pressure Questions

    I have a weird thing going on with my bp. I have never had high blood pressure. it was 122/80 2 months before my surgery and ever since march it has been 150's/90's and then 2 weeks ago it was 170/102. I am not on bp meds, but i just thought it was really weird that i would get high blood pressure when I have lost 40 pounds. Who knows??
  13. randa8218

    any one in utah want to talk

    i didn't know that he has support meeting, I would love to go though do you have any further info on it?
  14. randa8218

    Ouch. (TMI)

    I work of an ob/gyn and we have seen the same thing a few times. since you haven't shaved in a long time it could also be something called a bartholin's cyst. Look it up on web md or one of those and let me know what you think. But I have heard they are very painful. I wince everytime my dr does the lidocaine injection, it looks awful.
  15. randa8218

    Anyone Banded Who is in thier 20's

    I'm 24 and i was banded nov of 06. I started looking at the lapband when i was 19 or 20 but couldn't get it until now. Love it though have lost 30 lbs so far.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
