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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by chilihot59

  1. chilihot59

    New To This Site

    Re: the pain aspect and comparing to a C-sec, I've had 3 C-secs. My sleeve surgery was nothing compared to my C-sec's. I'm 10 days post op, feeling great, and other than wanting solid food, no complaints. I went home the day after my surgery, some discomfort, but more tired than anything. You can't tell that I've just had major surgery though. The sleeve is so much better. Good Luck and God Bless!
  2. chilihot59

    Bmi 50+

    I know it's hard to do, but, you need to quit smoking asap. I, was a pack a day smoker and quit two months before my surgery date. Hardest thing to go thru. But, my life meant more to me than the cigarettes and food. Smoking hinders proper healing, puts you at higher risks of blood clots, and developing pneumonia, etc.. i was sleeved 7/30 and as of today, smokefree for 2 months, 1 week and 2 days. I'm dealing with craving a cigarette, or craving food, or both. It is hard, but I refuse to be a slave to cigarettes and food ever again! Came through surgery just fine, aside from the typical post op stuff most of us deal with, it doesn't seem like I had major surgery! You can do it, you really can!!!
  3. The things we took forgranted in the past!!! Just think, it's the small things in life that can make us smile! We are happy just to be passing gas!!! I love this site! There's always something said that will make me smile or laugh each day!!! I'm am cracking up laughing, OMG!!! Please, I'm not making light of the question asked, because that was my #1 question at my 1st post-op visit yesterday. The answers today are the same my doctor told me yesterday! Wish we could put all this gas in our gas tanks, talk about a natural, low cost energy source! Have a great day guys:)
  4. Down 11lbs., since my surgery 7/30. Still on liquids for one more week, but my NUT added cream soups, light yougurt, and cottage cheese! Might not sound like much, but to me, it sounded as good as going to Red Lobster, lol!!! I know I have a long road ahead, but, I'm just gonna enjoy this moment!
  5. chilihot59

    1St Post-Op Visit

    Ok, well how bout, as good as CrackerBarrell!!! NOT!!! Lol!!! But the soup was delish!
  6. chilihot59

    Need Advice

    My prayers are with you and your family. Here's my hug for you:). The food journel is a great tool and resource. I, shocked myself when I started using it. Do you have a nutritionist? That would be a help. Going for walks would help you feel better and give you more energy, also. Hope this helps! Start taking care of you!
  7. chilihot59

    Sooo Excited!

    Congrats, to both of you:D
  8. Keeping you and you family in prayer! I'm glad you are doing better! I know you're anxious to get home, but, please take it easy!!!
  9. chilihot59

    Anyone From Buffalo, Ny Out There?

    @Ricki, you probably need to get some sleep after your sleep study, lol! Hi Riaa90, good to meet you! Dr. Hoffman is awesome and ball of fire! We got the luck of the draw . Stay in touch, what ever questions you have I'm here! I'm going back to my sipping, wish it was a real sour apple martini, but, Crystal Light appletini is doing the trick
  10. chilihot59

    Anyone From Buffalo, Ny Out There?

    Well, hi SkinniRicki, good luck with your testing and let us know when you have your date! How are you doing so far???
  11. chilihot59

    Anyone From Buffalo, Ny Out There?

    Good to hear from you, Kathy, and you're doing well!!! Wow, 8 months seems like 8 years to me right now!!! Just taking it one day at a time. Each day is like a victory to me. Another day I didn't blow a day's, heck, a week's worth of calories in one or two meals, I haven't smoked a cigarette, a day I did something special for myself, and putting on my seatbelt for this ride!!! Glad to hear from you neighbor!!!
  12. chilihot59

    Anyone From Buffalo, Ny Out There?

    Hi Ann48, Dr. Hoffman did my sleeve! He is wonderful! I'm doing well, other than gas issues and I'm tired of the liquids!!! No regrets and just accepting my new lifestyle! My 1st visit is Tuesday. I pray all goes well for you tomorrow and stay in touch! I'll be checking in on you
  13. chilihot59

    I Was So "disappointed"

    Well, bless all of you this morning!!! I've had a good laugh this morning with these comments!!! My incisions didn't too appreciate my laughing (6 days post op), but too bad!!! That was a good laugh!!!
  14. chilihot59


    RissyRoe, hang in there! I'm dealing with the craving right now and I want to cry!!! But, I'm determined to get past this and you will too!!! This is my second day of being part of this site and the second day I've seen a similiar rude and uncalled for response, totally unnecessary. There are however, many compassionate and supportive people, who will tell you like it is, but, their words are seasoned with grace! We all need a little grace from time to time, lol!!! Good Luck!!!
  15. chilihot59

    Vsg In Buffalo Ny

    I, just had my surgery July 30th @ BGH!
  16. The surgeon's really don't want us having anything with the red dye, i.e., red jello, so we'll know if there's a problem! But, you take a deep breath, calm down, and call your doctor's office! Be safe rather than sorry! So keep us posted and I'm praying for you!
  17. Congrats!!! Take it easy. Rest, sip, and walk is the best advice! This site will be your best friend, stay close!!!
  18. chilihot59

    Surgery On Mon 30Th Dr Nick

    Had my surgery Monday, came home yesterday afternoon. I'll be glad when the gas is gone, but walking helps! Praying for all of us and continued success!
  19. I'm new to this forum! So glad I found you guys! This is day 2 after the sleeve for me and aside from the gas pain, I'm doing well thus far! Time to get those sips in:) talk to you later
  20. chilihot59

    Day Two Post-Op

    I'm walking and moving as much as I can, but if the gas doesn't ease up by tomorrow, I'll try the Gas X strips. Thanks for the suggestions!

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