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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by chilihot59

  1. chilihot59

    Any Buffalo Ny Sleevers?

    @Seelessofme, good luck tomorrow. Maybe, you can do a protein shake in the morning on your way in. Let us know how it goes:)
  2. chilihot59

    Any Buffalo Ny Sleevers?

    @Seelessofme, glad to hear you're doing well. How are the rest of you Buffalo sleevers coming along? I'm having some trouble getting an acceptable amount of protein in. So much was going on personally. Got scolded at my last visit. But, doing better the past two days!!! Still not back to work, but, that's due to my job duties. Hope everyone is doing well
  3. chilihot59

    92 Lost

    That's great!!! Keep up the good work!!!
  4. I got hooked on 7Eleven's sugar free slurpees, particulary the cherry limeade!!! Then I start adding ice too it. Maybe hooked isn't accurate, ADDICTED is the truth! Lord help me, lol!!! But, give me some ice cold water and my sleeve and I are content:)
  5. At the start of my journey on 4/9/12, my weight was 366lbs and my BMI was 61. It was my first clinic visit. I was sleeved on 7/30. At my 2nd post op visit, I'm down to 314lbs and my BMI is 52. I still had to use my walker because of my knees, arthritis, but, I didn't get short of breath or break out drenched in sweat. I know this is just the beginning, but, I had to pat myself on the back because I can't believe I'm really doing this! My only regret is, I WANT TO CHUG DOWN A BOTTLE OF ICE WATER!!! If only, lol!!! My fear is, Lord please don't let me turn into a cougar!!! Ok, I'm cracking up over here!
  6. chilihot59

    My Story

    Hang in there!!! I know what you're going through. My doctors, four of them all said I needed to have this surgery. My mobility had gone down so bad that I needed a walker to ambulate any distance, which wasn't much at all. I, had to use a scooter if I went shopping. Other than going to work or church, I spent most of time at home. The constant pain, not being able to do the things I enjoyed, doing things with my grandchildren, and basically no quality of life, I came to a point enough was enough. I chose to live! I still need my walker when I go for walks, because my knee(s) might give out, but, I don't get out of breath, or have my back start hurting, or sweat profusely, and I've been able to shop for at least 30 minutes and not need a scooter. You hang in there and think about all the fun things you'll be able to do without the extra weight holding you back!!! I, wish you all the very best;)
  7. chilihot59


    Oh, oh!!! Eating slowly is absolutely a must! I've had two close calls and that did it for me!
  8. chilihot59

    7 Months Out With Pics

    You look great!!!
  9. chilihot59

    Fever Post Op

    I, didn't have any respiratory problems. Make sure u are getting your fluids in, take the antibiotics on schedule, and check your temperature @ least in the morning and evening. Hope you feel better!
  10. chilihot59

    Dr. Oz

    Did anyone see his show today? He discussed the benefits and positive impact Bariatric surgery can have on secondary medical conditions brought by obesity. Although, they only discussed the bypass and the immediate improvement it has on Type 2 diabetes, I felt it was a step in the right direction. I, wish the sleeve had been discussed, maybe because there is not as much longterm data regarding the benefits, it wasn't addressed. However, Dr. Oz is a supporter of Bariatric Surgery as a beneficial tool to fight obesity. He and the other doctors he had on the show, made a point of emphasizing that surgery is not an easy way out option, because of the the lifelong committment the individual has to make to a lifestyle change. They hope that more training will be provided in nutrition in medical schools and that PMD's will learn more about Bariatric surgical options and not be hesitant to refer their patients if they are suffering from other serious health issues secondary to obesity.
  11. chilihot59

    Dr. Oz

    @thedogsmommy, good luck on Tuesday, keeping you in my prayers! @iegal, thanks for link!
  12. chilihot59

    Dr. Oz

    It was just great to hear the doctors tell the world that we have not, by no means, chose the easy way out by having bariatric surgery to aid us in our fit against obesity. We are committing ourselves to a lifestyle that is totally foreign to us for th rest of our lives. If you don't know, we are some strong folks, with inner strentgh like nothing I've encountered!!!
  13. chilihot59

    Size 18-20 To A Size 4

    Well alright!!!! Somebody would have to slap me, cuz I wouldn't be able to stand myself, lol!!!!
  14. chilihot59

    An Nsv That Made Me Blush ;p

    That is too cute!!!
  15. chilihot59

    Sleeved 2 Days Ago

    Walking was the main thing that helped with the gas pain! It will eventually go away, but, I USED THE Gas-X strips also. But, the walking is the best help there is!!! It does get better:)
  16. Congrats! Rest, sip, sip, walk, rest, sip, sip.......lol!!! I'm happy for you
  17. Congrats! Rest, sip, sip, walk, rest, sip, sip.......lol!!! I'm happy for you
  18. I was sleeved on 7/30. If I could survive on just sipping liquids, an occassional sf popsicle, or my 7Eleven sf slurpee, I'd be so happy. I really don't have an appetite. Now, I eat because I have to for fuel and sustenance. What I've learned is to put my self on a schedule. Although, a few bites and I'm full, about 2-2.5oz. I'm recognizing when it's time to stop eating and the difference between my head hunger and the true hunger rumble feeling. But, I'm loving this!!!
  19. My family, close friends, and co-workers. I, really don't care what people think or say! I, did what I had to do to save my life!!! After 59 yrs of helping and caring for everyone else, I'm Doing Me and Loving It!!!
  20. chilihot59

    Anyone From Buffalo, Ny Out There?

    Hi Pandabear, I have severe osteoarthritis in both knees. I, was advised by my PMD and ortho that the more weight I could get off the better. The band has the lowest weight loss percentage of WLS options. The bypass was out of the question unless for whatever the sleeve wasn't an option. I'm so glad thus far that I got the sleeve. It's by no means a walk in the park. But, the weight I have lost, has helped my mobility, decreased my pain, and has had a positive impact. My ortho doctor will be prescribing a pain med that will not bother my sleeve, as I do have some stiffness and pain at night that Tylenol doesn't quite help. I, was placed on the south beach diet phase one at the start. You might want to get the South Beach diet book. It's a start and not as bad as people said. I was on phase one for 1 wk, then, went to phase 2, and so on. It was a good preparation for me. Also, use this forum for information gathering. You'll be well informed and gain a good support system. Whatever questions you have, have more than likely been asked and answered here! Wishing you the best in whatever you decide!!!
  21. chilihot59

    The Count Down Has Begun......

    Prayers for the best and a speedy recovery:)
  22. chilihot59

    On The Other Side

    If you're in pain and uncomfortable, take you're pain meds!!! That's not being a wuss!!! If yor pain isn't properly managed it will/or can interfer with your recovery. I am not a proponent of taking pain meds if not necessary, but, you just had major surgery, even if you don't look like it! Walk as much as possible to help with the gas. Don't worry about having a BM for right now, as long as you're passing gas. Take care and Happy Sipping!!!
  23. Keeping you lifted in prayer!!!
  24. chilihot59

    Any Buffalo Ny Sleevers?

    I, use the Unjury vanilla flavored and their unflavored powders. Also, from GNC, I get the Gold Standard 100% whey vanilla ice cream flavored. These are the only ones I've been ok with. Unjury is online and they have sample packs u can purchase of the different flavors and their chicken soup. Folks have said "Chike" is pretty good and They have samples you can order online. Sam's club has Premier protein drinks which a number of people seem to like. At GNC, there are the Isopure clear flavored drinks. They're 40g of protein in a 20oz bottle, but, I didn't like it at all. Try to get some recipes for your own protein smoothies. Get some sugar free syrups for your smoothies and plain greek yougurt. Check out, Torani online, and Wegman's carries sugar free flavored syrups. They're the type they use at the coffee cafe, just ask.
  25. chilihot59

    Protein Shake Ideas

    Oops!!! I meant protein, lol!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
