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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by chilihot59

  1. Sweetie, this one time you will have to encourage yourself!!! I know the pain and hurt you feel goes to you're very heart's core. But, he is a grown man and we can't change or control the actions of others. All you can do is focus on your health, life, and your babies! Will it be easy! Absolutely Not!!! But, you can do it, you Will make it! I would not want to be in his shoes for anything in the world!!! Karma is a trip! Wanted to say what Karma really is, we all know, but, I'll be polite! It's hard to do when you have children, but, do little things to pamper yourself. Whether, its buying a new shade of lipstick or nail polish, get a manicure/pedicure, put some candles in the bathroom and take a luxurious bubble bath, a new item of clothing, whatever puts a smile on your face!!! I've been through some difficult and heartwrenching days in my 59+ years, but, I pressed through. I stayed focused on myself and my children, with the belief that this too shall pass. Guess what, it will get better. Bit by bit, day by day! You keep your head up and don't you let that joker steal your joy! I'm speaking as a Mom now! There's a whole community here for you, remember that, 24/7! Sending prayers up for you and your family!
  2. chilihot59

    ..true amount of weight lost ?

    I agree with everyone else! I count from my highest wt to my current wt! Count evry ounce you've lost!!!
  3. chilihot59

    Any Buffalo Ny Sleevers?

    Wishing you the best of luck!
  4. chilihot59

    Admitted to the hospital

    Praying for your healing!
  5. The past two weeks have been like living in a dream! Yet, I have to pinch myself and say, "No! This is really happening!" This gonna be a long thread, can't help it. I, need to share with others the joy that is in my heart, the tears that begin to well up in my eyes, and the laughter that floods my soul! Today, it has been 4 months and 16 days since I was sleeved! My journey started April 9, 2012, my first appointment. My sleeve date was July 30th. I've lost a total of 97lbs, since April, 81 of which since sleeved. This time last year, I couldn't stand more than 5 minutes without my back and knees hurting and would have to sit down. My blood pressure was through the roof. I was in the beginning stages of congestive heart failure. I had to get custom made compression stockings because the edema in my lower legs was so bad! I was so short of breath just getting out of bed winded me. I have severe osteoarthritis in both knees. I couldn't go shopping unless there were scooters available, so often I had to get others to do it for me. Aside, from dragging myself to work, I went nowhere else! I physically couldn't do it! Well, today, what I prayed for and dreamed about is becoming a reality! I've gone from being on 7 meds for my hypertension, down to 4 and being weaned down on those. I've gone shopping, been like a kid in a candy store without needing a scooter, and spending too much money! I am moving and bouncing around so much, family, friends, and coworkers are amazed! My shoe size has dropped 1/2 a size and no longer a wide width. I'm down from a size 28 pant to a 22. Folks you already know about the clothes issue, lol!!! I've gone to concerts, the movies, and a gallery opening with my trusty cane dragging behind me! Sometimes my knee(s) get a little weary. I, don't get short of breath from walking or moving around. No more compression stockings needed. What really did it for me was when I ran into an old neighbor this past week. I haven't seen her in 15 years. We ran into each other in the parking lot at one the malls. We stood out there for about a 1/2 hr., talking and reminescing. When I got in my car, it dawned on me that I had stood for more than a 1/2 hr, including my time in the store, and my back or knees weren't hurting!!! I was in shock! Before my surgery, that would not have been possible! I am living and enjoying life again! I still struggle with, getting my fluids and protein in daily. My goal is to eat healthy each day, with some days I slip off the wagon, but I get back on. This journey is not easy, but so worth it! If this story can be of encouragement to someone, I am glad! Be encouraged, take one day at a time, and enjoy the ride! So buckle up! HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO MY VST FAMILY!! I LOVE YOU ALL!!! SMOOCHES!
  6. chilihot59

    nervous...at urgent care

    Wishing you the very best!!! Know you have much support!
  7. chilihot59

    That Moment When.....

    This is the first Thanksgiving I'm not stuffed, but very satisfied. Looked around the table at plates piled high with food and said, "Yuck" to myself! Not being judgemental because that was what my plate looked like last Thanksgiving. I had a taste of everything except the macNcheese. I love my sleeve and my new found willpower!
  8. chilihot59

    Osteoarthritis Improvement?

    I've lost 86 lbs so far and have severe osteoarthritis in both knees. Although I'm moving better, my knees hurt like hell. Planning on contacting my primary to see what I can take for the pain. Will also clear whatever is suggested with my surgeon. Can't sleep with this pain!
  9. chilihot59


    Cold isn't the word for it! I'm FREEZING!!! Cuddleduds and thermals here I come!!!
  10. Lifting you up in prayer. With God, All Things Are Possible!
  11. chilihot59

    Unflavored Protein Powder?

    Bottom line, you have to do what's best for you, your health, family, and budget. As your diet advances you'll be getting more protein from normal food sources. How many scoops you'll need per day depends on your postop plan, how fast you're advancing, and the the amount of protein in the powder/drink you are using.
  12. chilihot59

    Unflavored Protein Powder?

    I know it seems pricey, but, you only add one scoop to 8 oz of liquid. I add mine to 16oz of crystal light. That's 20g of protein. To sf pudding or a 4oz container of greek yougurt, I add 1/2 a scoop. I don't know how far out you are, but, you should be getting protein from other foods. Also, I don't spend anywhere near as much money on groceries as I used to so what I save I can afford the protein powders, flavored and unflavored. Just don't add the powder to hot liquids over 130 degrees or it will clump up.
  13. chilihot59

    4 Months Out - Barley Can Eat 2 Oz...

    The denser the protein the less it takes to fill you up! I was sleeved 7/30 and I can only take in 2-2.5 oz of dense protein. The nurse for my program said that was fine. I still do a shake per day as one of my two snacks. It also depends on the type of dense protein your having, i.e., fish, shellfish, chicken, pork, beef, etc..
  14. Some of what you'll need will depend on your postop diet plan. But, some generic suggestions: unjury unflavored Protein powder & chicken Soup Sugarfree popsicles, Jello, pudding G2 Crystal light or Mio Herbal tea Broths Shaker bottle-doesn't need to be expensive, but with wire whisk. Again, follow your postop plan or ask now for it so you can get a better idea of what you'll need. Best of Luck to you!
  15. chilihot59

    Any Buffalo Ny Sleevers?

    I was just cleared on Wednesday for water exercises and strength training/toning. I'm looking at LA Fitness, but, have to see what my insurance covers. The YMCA is covered, so we'll see. I'm still losing weight, glad about that and haven't had a stall. I'm so glad I had the surgery, because I didn't realize how bad I was feeling physically. Didn't have to use my walker when I went to my last appointment, just my cane!!! Didn't get out of breath, didn't need to sit and rest, just moved right along!! I also live and work in the North Buffalo area. Now I have to make time to fit in a structured exercise program! BTW, I had Dr. Hoffman also. Good to hear from neighbors:)
  16. chilihot59

    Protein Shake Combos

    I wouldn't add the fruit just yet. Torani and Davinci have flavored syrups you could add. Go online to Torani's website for all their flavors, the sugar free. You can find some different flavors at the supermarkets. Try adding a couple of tablespoons of sf pudding, or some greek yougurt, or light yougurt w/o the fruit. For me experimenting was fun and delicious! Hope this helps:)
  17. chilihot59


    Praying all goes well for you!
  18. I would tell whoever prescribed the BP med about the problem you're having taking the capsule and see what alternative there is. As for the other, see what the pharmacist might suggest. Try a few sips of liquid before taking the meds. You might be a little to dry for them to go down easily. Good Luck!
  19. chilihot59

    Fmla (Medical Leave)

    My surgeon had me off six weeks and it was FMLA. I had the time, so I was still paid for the time I was off. I also, had disability insurance and received that, which also helped with some of the extra expenses. My job can be rough, since it often involves physical interventions with agitated individuals. For my safety, that's why the six weeks.
  20. The Smooth Move tea works great! I have a cup every other day and try to keep my fluid intake up.
  21. chilihot59

    Bcbs Of Western New York

    I had Dr. Hoffman @ BGH. I forgot, had to get the psych eval, letters from treating physicians as to the necessity, and go on the phase 1 south beach diet. That's about it.
  22. chilihot59

    Bcbs Of Western New York

    I have Community Blue. I had to list previous weight loss methods tried, loose 5% of my weight pre-op. It wasn't that difficult at all. Whichever Bariatric group you go to in WNY have an extensive process, but they are thorough and I think that's why the insurance approval goes smoothly. I, went to my 1st visit 4/9 and was sleeved 7/30.
  23. chilihot59

    Torani Sf Syrup

    You can add them in protein smoothies, plain greek or lowfat yougurt, on protein pancakes or french toast, any recipes where you need that flavor or syrup, etc..

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
