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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by chilihot59

  1. chilihot59

    Any Buffalo Ny Sleevers?

    GOOD MORNING BUFFALO!!!! How's everyone doing? I pray all is well! I'm loving life! Down 140lbs since surgery, 7-30-12, gallbladder had to go and spent my 60th B-day in the hospital, all things considered I wouldn't change a thing:)
  2. chilihot59

    A New Beginning

    My journey since 7-30-12
  3. chilihot59

    PhotoGrid 1366752164237

    From the album: A New Beginning

    Still evolving!!!
  4. chilihot59

    Any Buffalo Ny Sleevers?

    @BeeFree, it does take some time to adjust! Take it one day at a time. Make sure you get your fluids in and walk around as much as possible. Good Luck:)
  5. chilihot59

    Any Buffalo Ny Sleevers?

    I'm thinking of going this Wednesday. I think I need the accountability of being part of a support group.
  6. chilihot59

    Any Buffalo Ny Sleevers?

    Wishing you the best!!! Remember to: sip, sip, sip and walk, walk, walk!
  7. I was sleeved July 30th and down 115lbs since my surgery. I had to get those carbs under control. I'm feeling great!!!
  8. chilihot59

    Anyone From Buffalo, Ny Out There?

    I think I will plan a benefit for myself to raise money for new clothes!!! This is crazy, lol!!!
  9. chilihot59

    What is sliming?

    Flatline___________________. Lol!!!!!!
  10. chilihot59

    Mall trip

    My daughter asked me to go to the shopping mall with her yesterday. I hesitated, thinking, "nope, not able to do this". Well, I, decided to give it a try. Have n't been in the mall, let alone able to walk around one in more than three years. I did it! We had so much fun!!! Loving life, loving my sleeve, loving me!!! P.S.- Think I'll start posting my NSV's on my fridge, to keep motivated!
  11. chilihot59

    Urgent care

    Your surgeon's office should have someone on call. Call the office asap and speak with them, so they can advise you in the meantime. Take it easy. Hang in there!
  12. I love this thread! Sometimes, people aren't looking for a "professional opinion", a scolding, or advice. Sometimes, people just need a pat on the back, a kind word of encouragement, and a "you can do this"! A soft answer turneth away wrath! And yes, we all have phenomenal inner strength to have embarked on this life long journey!!! Winners, every one of us!!!
  13. chilihot59

    Absolutely No Appetite

    Hang in there! You will get your appetite back and taste buds back. There are still some foods that don't taste the same to me, but, things are much better. I'm about six months out and there are days I don't feel like eating nor have a taste for anything. Those days I just focus on getting my protein and fluids in. I'm so pleased with the weight and clothes falling off, I don't worry about the food. There are those days when I really do have a taste for certain foods! So, hang in there!
  14. chilihot59

    Which surgery would you have first?

    I opted for the VSG first. My orthopedic surgeon even agreed to have the WLS first and get as much weight off as possible before having knee replacement surgery. I can say my mobility has drastically improved with my weight loss thus far. I will still need the knee surgery, but, I'm walking so much better.
  15. I was able to swallow whole pills a few days after surrgey, but they were small. My vitamins and calcium were chewable.
  16. Lets see....hmmmmm....what have I gained from my weight loss thus far???? Well, I've gained the ability to clear 10+ inches of snow off my car all by myself, help with the shoveling, spreading ice melt, and no back ache or knees hurting!!! I, also learned that I need some Artic gear when I go out, cuz, "Baby, it's cold outside!", lol!!! All kidding aside, I feel a sense of accomplishment in reaching small goals, I feel good about myself, and I smile more!!! Happy New Years everyone! Muah!!!
  17. chilihot59

    Theee weeks tomorrow

    It's normal. Your new tummy will let you know what it is and is not ready for! Just be patient with your tummy! The poor thing has a tendency to be tempermental, confused, and a brat at times! Don't get too frustrated! It gets better:)
  18. chilihot59

    Low blood pressure scare

    Track your BP every day, if your systolic(the higher number) is under 90 and/or your diastolic(the lower number) is below 60, let your primary know. Also, give them your readings.
  19. chilihot59

    Scared and desperate

    Maybe I'm reading wrong, but, are you or aren't you classified as morbidly obese? Do you have any co-morbidities, health issues caused by the obesity? Check into you health insurance thoroughly to see what their criteria is for approval. Also, if you let us know your city/state, someone on the forum might be in your area and can suggest a surgeon or bariatric center in your locality. Also, they may be familiar with the health insurance you have and its process. As far as being scared of the surgery, that's normal. All of us that had the surgery were scared and anxious. But, when you consider the long term risks associated with obesity, we moved past our fears and did what we had to for a healthier, longer life! I wish you the best!!!

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