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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by caitlinrose88

  1. caitlinrose88

    Young Sleevers

    I'm 24 I was sleeved on June 4th and it has been a roller coaster ride for the past 2 weeks but every day gets better and I am finally able to get more foods/liquids down, sleep more comfortably, and move around a bit more. I am down 20 pounds so far! Healthy is starting to look good on me I am so excited for this journey and I'm glad you posted for people your age because it is helpful.
  2. Wondering if I will be able to have a bigger sip of Water eventually and about how far out? All I want to do is chug water I am SO thirsty. I know my body is telling me I am dehydrated and I'm trying my best to sip and chew ice. Can anyone assure me for my sake of mind that I can take a normal swig of water in my life again and it won't always be these baby sips?! Help!
  3. caitlinrose88


    At 5 or 6 days post op I literally sent a text to my mom that said I am never eating eggs again. I tried half of a scrambled egg really puréed chewed extra and ate slowly and for 4 hours after I was in TERRIBLE pain. Burping, gassy, am I gonna throw up pain... I tried to keep it down but it was just not agreeing. Anyways you know what comes next foamies! No fun. My nutritionist told me a lot of people cannot tolerate eggs at the beginning. Sorry that happened but now you know to avoid them for awhile.... Hope your feeling better!
  4. I have!! I am 9 days post op. I was having TERRIBLE pain after surgery, they had me on dilaudid for pain which made me so sick all I did was dry heave for hours and I even threw up blood which scared me to death , my dr told me it was ok bc it was a small amount but gahh those 2 days post op were terrible. Has ur nurse told you to keep alcohol swabs near? If you wave them in front of your nose the smell will help with your nasea. And hopefully your getting some zofran or phernergan for it as well. I am so sorry that feeling is terrible but I promise every day gets better. I am still struggling with little hurdles but I know we can do this!!!! Keep reading these forums and focus on the positive!! several weeks from now when you've lost a number of pounds and your feeling better you will say aha! It was worth it, I remember why I am doing this... Hope you feel better soon.
  5. caitlinrose88

    lets be honest, 1 week post op

    I am the same way, I am a week and 2 days post op and I've had those thoughts "what have I done" but I am confident it will get better. And that has been the great thing about reading these forums. I have hope! I am having a hard time keeping anything down but Ice, water, smoothie, or Popsicle. ..and it's getting old. I'm hanging in there. I'm not getting the recommended protein in but I'm trying hard. I am hoping to start being able to eat something soon. All I want right now is to chug ice water or a sprite but I know that would be a bad idea. Patience is a virtue....
  6. I noticed recently that after urinating when I wipe there is a scant amount of a pinkish sort of color to the toilet paper. Has anyone noticed this or know what it may be from? I am not due a period for several weeks and I am not pregnant. I plan to ask my NUT, but am curious until then..
  7. Hi everyone I was sleeved on June 4th and I feel pretty good, but I am still in a bit of pain. My doctor told me that i seemed to experience more pain than most during my overnight hospital stay, I had to have some heavy duty pain meds to keep the pain under control... i have noticed that every day gets better but it feels like i am progressing very slowly. I remember them saying most people could go back to work a week out but for me I am still not feeling great. I don't have much energy. I am getting my Vitamins in but have a hard time fitting Water and foods in too. I have pains when I swallow its almost like I feel whatever it is going all the way down to my stomach but then the pain goes away after a minute. I have found that Ice cubes are good to chew and help me get my water in. I think I just need a little advice from you guys that have been through this. I can't wait to feel better and I am so anxious to be able to eat more than just 2 tablespoons of food at a time. I am also so anxious to eat "normal" food again. I am so sick of liquids and puréed and it's only been a week! I will be able to have some of the foods I like again right? I'm going to make healthy choices even when i can fit more in my stomach, but it would be nice to know that i will be able to have a slice of pizza or a sandwich in the future! I know it will take time but I feel a bit discouraged! Other than this little rant all is well! Thanks for listening! Caitlin
  8. caitlinrose88

    6 days post op & could use a pep talk!

    All of you are such a great support system! I needed this encouragement. We CAN do this!!! And though this week has felt like a decade it will be better (proof first hand from y'all and not just a pamphlet!) thank you thank you!!!
  9. Everyone's pain will be different. I have been taking lortab (crushed in yogurt be the liquid was too nasty) every day for my first week post op. I had a great deal of pain in the hospital also. Every day gets better and i find myseld cutting back on the amnt needed everyday.. but you know your body so you have to judge if your needing the pain meds still and if you are that is ok! There is nothing wrong with that! I talked to my nurse today and she said it was completely normal to still be in some pain a week or even 2 out. Some will and some won't just make sure the pain you are having is from surgery not from getting too full or eating too fast! Good luck and I hope you feel better soon
  10. caitlinrose88

    6 days post op & could use a pep talk!

    Wow thank you so much everyone who has replied. This has been extremely helpful and my spirits have raised. I am already feeling better.
  11. caitlinrose88

    6 days post op & could use a pep talk!

    Donrodolfo I appreciate the feedback..When I said puréed beans I mean more like a soup thinned down with water. Your right about sipping, not drinking!
  12. caitlinrose88

    6 days post op & could use a pep talk!

    Seanja thank you so much! That's what I needed to hear. I am allowed liquids and soft this week but like you said I need to just take it slow. I think my body is just ready for liquids and it is nice to hear I can progress as I can tolerate and take the time i need. I think I just got the "am I ever gonna eat/feel normal again blues" I appreciate your encouragement and support!
  13. caitlinrose88

    6 days post op & could use a pep talk!

    I've had chicken broth along with other soups, Popsicles, yogurt, puréed beans, and protein smoothies
  14. caitlinrose88

    New here

    Hi guys I am also new to this group. I'm going to have the sleeve on June 4th, I am super excited! Really nervous! Anxious, happy! All of the above! its very nice having people who are going through the same experience to talk to and for support. I'm sure I'll need it! I just graduated nursing school..I saw that some of you were nurses! Very cool. Good luck to all, i hope to gain some advice and encouragement from the group. thanks for listening!

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