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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by prettysleeved1

  1. Period? Maybe you need to get checked for fibroids, endometriosis or cysts? When you were 400, did you feel "it?" In other words, did your weight keep him from going all the way in? If so, it could be the hymen issue but the thing is that when I lost my virginity, there was blood but not so much that it came out on its own. I only saw it when I wiped and it was one time.

  2. Although I really want to give you a silly picture, I'll be serious this time:

    Getting "drunk" is not good for anyone, sleeve or no sleeve. Every time you drink, the ethanol is having an effect on your central nervous system. Alcohol diffuses (spreads out) to your body tissues. It also thickens your blood, hence the post-drunkenness headaches.

    You are only 5 weeks out. You don't want alcohol entering your stomach that has recently been cut. While I have no fundamental objections to alcohol and before the sleeve was a rare drinker, you being anxious to get drunk is no bueno.

    Dang...that was hard.

  3. Another issue could be the amount. I think our parents and grandparents had it right when they made us eat cooked food at home more than eating out. These children are spending their formative years on McDonald's, hot Cheetos and milkshakes and by the time they start school, the damage is apparent. I taught Kindergarten and they were already totally zombie'd (coined) out.

    The food you eat, fuels your brain.

    I had a student with Asperger's that was really bright and was able to function reasonably well, but after lunch (school lunch), it was like he was in a parallel universe. Once he had to take his afternoon pill...terrible. Part of the problem is that doctors don't really learn anything fecund about nutrition outside of what we all were taught when we were in 1st grade.

    The worst part is that there are bunches of people getting rich off of it (ie. pharmaceutical industry). Back to conspiracy mode, the better foods are usually in the more affluent areas. I'm fortunate that I live down the street from a Whole Foods, a produce market, and another holistic grocery store. But, there are people who don't and are being shortchanged because of it. Even Wal-Mart is shameful (which is why I avoid it).

    If I had it my way, fast food would be the most expensive food item one could purchase; not fresh meat and produce. The Big Mac would be $20.

  4. In my own personal opinion, J.Hudson lost the majority of her weight from the devastating lose of her mother and nephew!! She had alot of guilt on her conscience we that tragedy occurred!!

    There's an article online where her friend says that she started her weight loss after she had her baby. It took her 20 months but since she wasn't in the public eye like that back then, the general public thinks it was overnight.

    Weight Watchers wouldn't risk a false advertisement by using her to promote their system when she really had weight loss surgery. I'm sure they gave her all kinds of scans before they wrote her an endorsement check.

  5. Let me tell you about carb addiction. My cousin's son is autistic and eventually my cousin gave up and lets him eat what he wants. This kids diet consists of chips, fried potatoes, one brand of white bread and only one type of spaghetti. He will not touch dairy, meat, Beans, fruits or vegetables. He exists on simple carbs. I suggested Protein shakes, but to get him to drink 8 oz would entail three hours or retching and gagging. Same with any other food. Isn't it funny that his drug of choice is carbohydrates?

    This kid is the poster child for carb addiction. He looks like hell and I am surprised he's still alive. He's not fat because he barely eats at all. He is 5'5" and probably 80 pounds. His skin is blue tinged. Despite this he is getting taller and he is getting huge stretch marks on his skin. It has no elasticity.

    A note on rice: I know it's a staple and a must in Southern cooking - especially Cajun and Creole, but white rice is completely, nutritionally devoid. Some can never tolerate it, but others do just fine. Just for experiment sake, try brown rice or better yet, quinoa. The stuff is high in calories, but loaded with Protein. The texture reminds me of cous cous and absorbs flavors like rice does.

    My vices now are diet soda and Crystal Light. Stupid huh? I'm all healthy except for the chemical mixture I constantly drink.

    Wow! As a confirmed conspiracy theorist, I absolutely HAVE to get this book now. I'm convinced that the premise of this book isn't just "theory" though. Think about it: Lay's slogan is "Betcha can't eat just one!" Hm. They're pretty much telling us that they know we can't stop eating them.

    I'm curious though, lollyfidy1965. How does knowledge and understanding of the process make it easier to resist unhealthful food? The disgust and horror factor? Like, I don't eat hot dogs because I learned what was actually in them.

    Or should I just read the book myself? B)

    Ya'll know what? I used to teach years ago and I always told my co-worker that there must be something in the food because children these days are different emotionally and intellectually. It had gotten to the point where I could tell a student, "take this paper and put it in the trash" and by the time they walk to the trash can, they've forgotten what they're supposed to do with the paper. They are having trouble focusing, learning, with fine motor skills,

    I am not exaggerating.

    I also have to wonder where all of these developmental issues are coming from all of a sudden. I'm only 31 and when I was in school, we didn't hear about ADD/ADHD/Autism. The main issues when I was growing up were Down Syndrome and physical disabilities. We already know our food supply is more chemicals than food these days and I'd really like to see some research on the issue. While I think that these diseases have a long history, I have to wonder why they went from being rare to rather prevalent.

  6. Another issue is money. If you knew weighing 50 pounds too much would cause you to lose a $10M check, I guarantee you'd have it off within a month. You'd wire your jaws shut and just drink Slim Fast through a straw if you had to.

    J. Hudson has always been an excellent singer but she got no acknowledgement after American Idol until Dreamgirls playing the chunky one and then lost weight and now she's everywhere. She's a smart one too because she got the weight loss and the endorsement checks in one swoop.

    The misery comes with trying to keep it up. They say Karl Lagerfeld hooked himself up to a Diet Coke machine and he has kept it off but if I had to live on 300 calories/day and Diet Coke FOREVER I'd go insane.

    Then, there's the ever-popular crack-cocaine diet that is used often in Hollywood as well.

  7. I don't think Jonah Hill had it because he never got to an "ideal" weight and then started gaining some back. Someone brought of Octavia Spencer and I feel the same way about her. She's never been small and is still not small. I'm thinking she would have been way smaller by now.

    As a side note, it says something when weight loss these days is indicative more of WLS than the traditional method.

  8. Keep contacting your doctor until he responds.

    My question is why let your family pressure you into eating when they didn't support you to begin with? You know they aren't doing it out of love or concern so why play along? It's like playing William Tell with your arch enemy and you're the one with the apple on your head.

    I'm not a doctor so, again, keep contacting your doctor and more importantly be honest and when you finally get him.

  9. the reason I posted this is because my son was enjoying some doritos with Lemon and tapatillo and got to wonder if sleever are able to handle some things like this and if they have how was the experience on this note can any body tolerate hot sauce or chili like jalapeño salsa but I'm happy that people had kick of this posting

    I've had Louisiana hot sauce and it didn't bother me but it was hotter than I remember it being.

  10. You know, I really thought this was a great place for advise, obviously, there are a lot of "perfect" post op people who don't require any advise! how dare you mock us! I myself seen a question someonr asked and answered it honestly and am getting laughed at? This obviously isn't the place for me. I'm really embarrassed for you.

  11. Uhm...doctors speak in terms of what the literature tells them. A bunch of numbers and averages. Think of what would happen if he told you you'd lose 120lbs and you topped out at 80lbs. You'd probably be disappointed and think he had something to do with it. In reverse, if he tells you you'll only lose 80lbs. and you end up losing 120lbs., you are pleasantly surprised and he looks like a hero.

    If it's any consolation, I know of plenty of people who have lost ALL of their excess weight with the sleeve; and many of them had to lose waaaaaaaay more than 120lbs.

    At the end of the day, it's what you make of it.

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