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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    suejersey reacted to lsu2868 in Fitness Plan ideas   
    Great topic and a great way to get workout ideas. For me, I am 2 weeks post op today. I have started a walking program to build up my strength. For now, I walk on the tread mill in 10 minute intervals about 3 to 4 times a day. At work, my boss and I measured out the warehouse and 9 laps around the outside lanes of the warehouse equals just over 1 mile. Well, the first time I tried it I thought 9 laps was no big deal..lol I did it, but was worn out the rest of the day. So, The rest of the week I walked 4 laps everyday. This week I am going to add a lap and walk 5 laps. Next week 6 laps and so on. Oct 1st, I plan on starting the Couch 2 5K program. I am also looking for a bike to begin riding. I used to love riding and I am very much interested in getting back into it. I will just be glad to get my strength and stamina back up to normal, but I am not letting it slow me down.
  2. Like
    suejersey got a reaction from lsu2868 in Fitness Plan ideas   
    I work out 4 days per week - usually take off Tuesday and Saturday/Sunday or Sunday and another day during the week.
    Monday - Body Combat class
    Wednesday - Either Tabata or Zumba
    Thursday - Burn and Firm Class
    If I am heavier on the cardio then I will do weights on my fourth day. If I am heavier on a class with weights then I will do a cardio class (like Zumba on my fourth day).
    I do almost exclusively classes. they keep me interested and motivated.
    But this week I did 30 minutes elliiptical, 10 minutes star climber, 20 minutes upper body weights.
    I am 10 months out.
    This coming week I want to try the Turbo Kick class.
  3. Like
    suejersey got a reaction from Butterthebean in Gym vent   
    I have to vent about the gym.
    I can.not.stand the:
    super tan 50 year old ladies (I am 47 by the way)
    who park their convertible BMW
    in the corner of the park lot so they don't get scratched
    wearing full make up when they show up at the gym
    with matching
    and outfits
    who come into class and complain about the instructors
    and the routines
    and how the old instructor was so much better
    UGGGGHHHHHH! We are here to stinkin' workout, get or maintain health and
    get stronger. Please, I can't stand it.
    Thank you, now back to your regularly scheduled programs.
    And I hope I didn't offend anybody.
  4. Like
    suejersey got a reaction from DonRodolfo in lazy   
    I agree that if I take off more than 2 days in a row the next day is really hard to motivate myself to go, but once I am there I am okay.
    As far as fatigue, not laziness, you have to make sure you are getting enough fuel to be able to sustain the workout. So getting enough calories is important. When I first started working out I was still very low on calories (600 per day) I have now gotten up to 1000 per day and am much more able to sustain a HARD workout. Of course my fitness has improved, but I definitely feel that getting more fuel has helped.
    And you need to listen to your body. Some days I feel that my body just can't handle the same level of exertion as other days and I listen to my body, push myself, but give myself some leeway. It's a never ending journey so there will be ups and downs on that journey, just be consistent. My favorite, favorite saying...."Fat is hard. Fit is hard. Choose your hard."
  5. Like
    suejersey got a reaction from Butterthebean in Gym vent   
    I have to vent about the gym.
    I can.not.stand the:
    super tan 50 year old ladies (I am 47 by the way)
    who park their convertible BMW
    in the corner of the park lot so they don't get scratched
    wearing full make up when they show up at the gym
    with matching
    and outfits
    who come into class and complain about the instructors
    and the routines
    and how the old instructor was so much better
    UGGGGHHHHHH! We are here to stinkin' workout, get or maintain health and
    get stronger. Please, I can't stand it.
    Thank you, now back to your regularly scheduled programs.
    And I hope I didn't offend anybody.
  6. Like
    suejersey got a reaction from Geministar in My reset button   
    You can do it. And YOU are the one who will do it. So don't let anyone discourage you. This is hard work as well but you have a far greater chance of success with this tool if YOU work the program. It's all up to YOU!
    And as we can all attest it is so worth it! God bless.
  7. Like
    suejersey got a reaction from DonRodolfo in lazy   
    I agree that if I take off more than 2 days in a row the next day is really hard to motivate myself to go, but once I am there I am okay.
    As far as fatigue, not laziness, you have to make sure you are getting enough fuel to be able to sustain the workout. So getting enough calories is important. When I first started working out I was still very low on calories (600 per day) I have now gotten up to 1000 per day and am much more able to sustain a HARD workout. Of course my fitness has improved, but I definitely feel that getting more fuel has helped.
    And you need to listen to your body. Some days I feel that my body just can't handle the same level of exertion as other days and I listen to my body, push myself, but give myself some leeway. It's a never ending journey so there will be ups and downs on that journey, just be consistent. My favorite, favorite saying...."Fat is hard. Fit is hard. Choose your hard."
  8. Like
    suejersey got a reaction from DonRodolfo in lazy   
    I agree that if I take off more than 2 days in a row the next day is really hard to motivate myself to go, but once I am there I am okay.
    As far as fatigue, not laziness, you have to make sure you are getting enough fuel to be able to sustain the workout. So getting enough calories is important. When I first started working out I was still very low on calories (600 per day) I have now gotten up to 1000 per day and am much more able to sustain a HARD workout. Of course my fitness has improved, but I definitely feel that getting more fuel has helped.
    And you need to listen to your body. Some days I feel that my body just can't handle the same level of exertion as other days and I listen to my body, push myself, but give myself some leeway. It's a never ending journey so there will be ups and downs on that journey, just be consistent. My favorite, favorite saying...."Fat is hard. Fit is hard. Choose your hard."
  9. Like
    suejersey reacted to HDubSleevery in Long term prognosis   
    I've been gone for a while, but it's Saturday night and I'm on the net. So here's my 2 cents...
    I was sleeved 2 years ago. Do I have hunger now? Yup. Is it the mind-numbing, all-encompassing, wake me in the middle of the night so I can get a Krystal type of hunger that it used to be pre-sleeve? Nope.
    I haven't made it to goal yet. I have 20 lbs to go. In the last two years, I've had my thyroid removed (it was leading to an overactive heart rate and had to go). I learned that I have a rare autoimmune disorder shortly after that. I lost my job. I moved across the country by myself with my little one to a place I knew very little about. I quit the new job that was crushing my soul.
    So where am I now and what does it have to do with the post? I only have 20 lbs to go. I have passed my first belt test in my martial arts classes and am training for tournament next month (with my little one)! I am training to do the Race for the Cure 5k walk next month too. I have a new job that I really enjoy with a lower stress level than I have ever had in my career. I am gluten free and pay much more attention to what goes into my mouth.
    I still underestimate the amount of food I eat (I pulled out my food scale last week). I still have a hard time getting my Water down (I'm trying a lot of new/different tactics). I am back to my Protein shakes at least once a day. There are things I am working on, but not making it to goal yet doesn't keep me up at night. I'm so much better than where I was 2 years ago, and I'm ok with that.
    One gift my surgery gave me (and I have to keep reminding myself) is that I am more than numbers on a scale.< /p>
    (Wow, this got long!)
  10. Like
    suejersey reacted to lsereno in Long term prognosis   
    One thing to note from the study is that at one year, average EWL was 61% and at five years it was 57%. Turn that into pounds so it's easier to see that if I wanted to lose 100 lbs. on average I lose 61 lbs by the end of the first year and when rechecked at the end of five years, I have regained 4 lbs. So for me, the more telling statistic is that EWL is around 60% on average. And it's best to get there in the first year because as the years go by, it's more likely to gain a little back. Key word is a little, on average. Now that takes the people who get to 100% EWL and those who gain everything back and averages them.
    And of course we are not average here, we're all hanging around because we want to do better. At least that's why I'm still here. I don't want to go off, get complacent, quit weighing, and wake up morbidly obese again.
  11. Like
    suejersey reacted to Joe I in muscle soreness   
    That pain is just the weakness leaving your body. Relish the feeling because after doing strength training for a while you will no longer have the muscle soreness. I miss the pain it made me feel in touch with my body.
  12. Like
    suejersey reacted to magz010 in muscle soreness   
    Hello Active Sleevers! I just recently really stepped up my workouts by joining Crossfit. I was never an athlete, so it's a whole new world. I am getting a great workout, but I am also getting my butt kicked. I have such sore legs after leg day, it's ridiculous. I know it is temporary, I'll work past it, but I am looking for your insider athletic secret tricks for recovery. Anything you do to sooth the aches and maybe even prevent them??
  13. Like
    suejersey reacted to DonRodolfo in lazy   
    I do and that's why I try to limit taking days off between workouts. Anything more than 2 days and i have to drag myself to the gym. Today my body is really sore. Instead of taking a day off, I'm just going to walk casually on the treadmill for about an hour. I'll probably take tomorrow off but it's scheduled not just "I don't wanna go".
  14. Like
    suejersey got a reaction from 13BC in Gym vent   
    I am glad I am not the only one! What drives me the most nuts though is the complaining about the instructors and putting them down. I had one woman walk out all in a huff in the middle of the class making it very clear that she was not impressed with the class. Give me a break, then YOU become the instructor if you are such an expert.
    Laura - are you serious or joking? Good for you on the Porsche if you are serious. My mini-van is so beat up you won't even be able to tell someone scratched it if they did LOL! I was really just commenting on the "whole package" There are literally 3 different women that do all of the above and then so many others that are a bit of each.
    I just go to the gym, sweat like a pig, work hard and get out.
  15. Like
    suejersey got a reaction from Butterthebean in Gym vent   
    I have to vent about the gym.
    I can.not.stand the:
    super tan 50 year old ladies (I am 47 by the way)
    who park their convertible BMW
    in the corner of the park lot so they don't get scratched
    wearing full make up when they show up at the gym
    with matching
    and outfits
    who come into class and complain about the instructors
    and the routines
    and how the old instructor was so much better
    UGGGGHHHHHH! We are here to stinkin' workout, get or maintain health and
    get stronger. Please, I can't stand it.
    Thank you, now back to your regularly scheduled programs.
    And I hope I didn't offend anybody.
  16. Like
    suejersey reacted to mark! in Gym vent   
    I guess I'm obnoxious. I park my jacked up, loud, stinky, beast truck across 2 parking spots in the back of the lot. Then again, I don't go to the gym and eye everyone else and notice what they're doing, I'm usually too busy busting my ass.
    1st world problems.
  17. Like
    suejersey reacted to newat52 in Gym vent   
    Yep, I park in the no ding zone. Hubby is dingaphobic. My little RX doesn't have a ding on her. It helps me get my 10k steps! Not so good on the matchy matchy. How about some running shorts and big over sized t shirt. Everything is over sized on me right now!
  18. Like
    suejersey reacted to dkellly in Gym vent   
  19. Like
    suejersey reacted to TwinsMama in Gym vent   
    Okay a bit off topic but when I was in my early 20s in grad school I started taking aqua aerobics in the AM. I have always been able to swim so I thought I'd bump it up and try deep Water aerobics. The class was full of older (think late 60s and 70s) people.
    So I get in the pool thinking I'm hott stuff because surely I can do way more than these seniors. Well we came to the floatation part of the workout and we have to balance on these long floaters. Needless to say I could not catch my balance.
    I had 5 ladies in their 60s and 70s holding me and helping me get on and balance on the floater. I kept falling over and they were laughing so hard at me. It was not only humiliating but they kept calling me kiddo and trying to hold me up by my butt. For the rest of the class (WEEKS) they laughed and teased me every time we got to the floatation part of class.
    By the end of the class I loved those ladies but boy, thinking I was hot stuff got me nowhere fast in that class. Lesson learned!
  20. Like
    suejersey reacted to Butterthebean in Gym vent   
    It's been many years since I've been in a gym. I do everything at home. But the last time I did belong to a gym, a lady dropped her phone while talking and walking on the treadmill. The treadmill sucked the phone underneath and crushed it....and she was yelling at the manager and threatening to sue if he didn't pay for her new phone.
    Every afternoon all of the treadmills would be occupied with soccer moms either talking or texting on the cell phone while "walking". How you can text and still work hard enough to lose weight I have no idea.
  21. Like
    suejersey got a reaction from Butterthebean in Gym vent   
    I have to vent about the gym.
    I can.not.stand the:
    super tan 50 year old ladies (I am 47 by the way)
    who park their convertible BMW
    in the corner of the park lot so they don't get scratched
    wearing full make up when they show up at the gym
    with matching
    and outfits
    who come into class and complain about the instructors
    and the routines
    and how the old instructor was so much better
    UGGGGHHHHHH! We are here to stinkin' workout, get or maintain health and
    get stronger. Please, I can't stand it.
    Thank you, now back to your regularly scheduled programs.
    And I hope I didn't offend anybody.
  22. Like
    suejersey got a reaction from Butterthebean in Gym vent   
    I have to vent about the gym.
    I can.not.stand the:
    super tan 50 year old ladies (I am 47 by the way)
    who park their convertible BMW
    in the corner of the park lot so they don't get scratched
    wearing full make up when they show up at the gym
    with matching
    and outfits
    who come into class and complain about the instructors
    and the routines
    and how the old instructor was so much better
    UGGGGHHHHHH! We are here to stinkin' workout, get or maintain health and
    get stronger. Please, I can't stand it.
    Thank you, now back to your regularly scheduled programs.
    And I hope I didn't offend anybody.
  23. Like
    suejersey reacted to rdt210 in Gym vent   
    I'm so thankful that me gym isn't like that. Or maybe it is with the after work crowd...I work from home so I go in the morning with all the older people. :-)
    However, I do have a comment for the girl who wears her weightlifting gloves through our entire STEP class: you look like a total idiot.
  24. Like
    suejersey got a reaction from Butterthebean in Gym vent   
    I have to vent about the gym.
    I can.not.stand the:
    super tan 50 year old ladies (I am 47 by the way)
    who park their convertible BMW
    in the corner of the park lot so they don't get scratched
    wearing full make up when they show up at the gym
    with matching
    and outfits
    who come into class and complain about the instructors
    and the routines
    and how the old instructor was so much better
    UGGGGHHHHHH! We are here to stinkin' workout, get or maintain health and
    get stronger. Please, I can't stand it.
    Thank you, now back to your regularly scheduled programs.
    And I hope I didn't offend anybody.
  25. Like
    suejersey reacted to SkinnyScrapper in Gym vent   

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