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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by suejersey

  1. suejersey

    Yummy Shakes?

    I like Syntrax - most flavors. The strawberry tastes like strawberry milk to me. The double stuffed cookie is yum. I like the fuzzy navel reminds me of an Orange Julius. I like Syntha-6 but I think the carbs is kind of high. I haven't tried their light brand (something like Lean Dessert or something like that). And unjury chocolate, vanilla and unflavored are really good. For basic chocolate/vanilla I would go with these and then just add flavorings. The strawberry sorbet is HORRIBLE! Muscle Milk Light chocolate is good, too. I have tried probably 10 different brands and these are the ones I like the best.
  2. Here is my board http://pinterest.com/suejersey/bariatric-resources/
  3. suejersey

    What Are U Eating 3-4 Months Out

    I have cheese sticks for a snack. I made crustless spinach cheeses in a mini cupcake tin for breakfast or lunch. Tomato and fresh mozzarella, salt, pepper, balsalmic vinegar for lunch. Also can do the same with a portobello mushroom and melt the cheese for dinner. hummus and zucchini sticks for a snack. Turkey pepperoni for a snack. Last night I made dinner for the family and they ate all the chicken before I got to it - so I had the broccoli and stuffing (like a casserole) and added unjury unflavored Protein powder to up the protein.
  4. suejersey

    Sugars Or Carbs?

    My NUT said 60 carbs per day - try for no carbs at 3pm. Right now I have cut out all bread, pasta, rice and sweets out of my diet. I figure for the honeymoon stage (5 weeks out) I want to be sure that I am making good choices and building a new lifestyle. I have usually around 20 carbs per day right now.
  5. I have resumed all my pills (without crushing) with no problem swallowing, except for my fish oil. I agree, I think they are too big. I am five weeks out.
  6. I am 5 weeks out and having the same issue. My doctor and NUT suggested 2 stool softeners a day and miralax every 2 days. Also I was taking 1000 Calcium and really only needed 500 so that was "binding" my doctor said to cut out the calcium totally for a short time till things get more regular and then only do the 500. Also drink, drink, drink. My nut also said two bags of fresh spinach a week should do the trick. (I love spinach and it shrinks down to not much so I made spinach quiches to have for breakfasts and am going to make stractiatella (spelling is wrong) Soup this week too. Oh, and coffee sometimes helps But I think it is a problem that a good number of sleevers deal with.
  7. Today I had my coffee ( below 140 degrees) a cap full of SF Da Vinci raspberry syrup, 1 scoop chocolate protein powder and 2 TB half and half - Raspberry mocha. Yummo!
  8. suejersey

    What Vitamins Are You Taking?

    2 Celebrate multi, 2 500 Calcet calcium, 2 2000 Vitamin D, 1 5000 Biotin, 1 5000 Fish oil (normally, but not taking right now, hope to add in eventually) I am going to ask my NUT about the B Vitamins tomorrow.
  9. suejersey


    I hate my Multivitamin. Hate, hate, hate it. Tried the Flintstone's - gross. Trying the Celebrate now - not as gross but gross. The Calcet chocolate calcium is yummy though LOL! I suck on the Celebrate and try not to think about it too much, the gritty, Vitamin taste makes me nauseous too but I am really trying to remember to take it. And these Celebrate are TWO per day. Yuck! I go to the doctor tomorrow so I am going to check with my NUT on what else she may recommend. So I am not much help. But even though sucking on the multi prolongs it, it makes it a bit more palatable.
  10. Vitalady also has the syrups - they are the big bottles.
  11. I would love that booklet if you don't mind Susan.lapooh at gmail dot com
  12. suejersey

    First Comparison Photos

    Wow! Way to go! Keep it up. You look so happy
  13. suejersey

    Cilantro Lime Shrimp

    Sounds absolutely wonderful! Thanks for sharing.
  14. I was sleeved on October 11th. Down 26 pounds. Will take my one month "after" photos on Sunday so looking forward to comparing pictures. I am on soft foods and introducing new things. So far so good. I definitely am not getting enough liquids in. My sleeve doesn't seem to like when things are really cold so I drink closer to room temperature but need to get more Fluid in. Feeling good physically, energy and outlook on the future!
  15. suejersey

    I'm Really Looking Forward Too...

    -Looking younger - I look way older than I think right now -Not sweating -Keeping up with people when I walk -Being able to keep my house in better shape -Enjoying my family more - not just "watching" life -Feeling confident again
  16. Great job to everyone! I will have my one month on the 11th and will take my first month pictures so will post before and after then.
  17. suejersey

    Whey Protein

    I have been disappointed with Chike. I just got the sample and I find that they are very "frothy" I have been blending them in the blender with ice and soy or almond milk. Any other way people are making it that is not so frothy?
  18. So I got the Chike flavor samples and decided to try the chocolate today. I also decided to freeze a small banana and add it to my shake. I used unsweetened almond milk 1 1/4 cup. 1 sample packet of chike and banana and it was over 300 calories and 23 carbs. Guess I will not be having this combo for Breakfast again! I used almost half my calories for the day on breakfast. The good thing is that it seems like it is going to be very filling so I may not be able to finish the whole thing. Next time I will only use half a banana and make a smaller portion. Learned a lesson that you still have to watch the numbers even with Protein shakes!
  19. Wasn't able to finish the entire shake and it filled me up. I was still within my numbers for the day. Is banana "bad" or just higher numbers? I am 4 weeks out.
  20. suejersey

    Chewy Vitamin Question

    The flintstones are GROSS. I couldn't take them anymore. I don't know how parents can get their kids to take them. I went back to my prior vitamin but it messed with my pouch so I have to find something new. Need to talk to my NUT about it.
  21. I had surgery almost four weeks ago. What I would tell myself before surgery is - YOU ARE IMPORTANT. Your body will begin to hold you back from LIVING and you and your FAMILY deserve better than that, so take the steps, pay the price and go for it. I am only a few weeks out so I can't say I have regrets but when I think about that this is FOREVER it can be daunting. I am not in any way unhappy that I did it, I know it will extend my life and allow me to LIVE again, not just watch from the sidelines. I have my first holiday (Thanksgiving) coming up so we shall see how that is. I plan to eat my two favorite things - stuffing and spinach casserole and skip the rest. I know I will be satisfied, as far as full in my stomach, and hopefully my head will go along. I haven't had too much trouble with the head hunger or temptation so hopefully that continues. Someday I will have a taste of cheesecake or a sip of milkshake or a small ice cream cone, just not right now and not in the sizes that I used to have in the past and those small treats will be enjoyed but not missed in between. The surgery really is a wonderful TOOL. Good luck in your decision!
  22. Same with the nausea, I just started my fourth week post-op. I find if I have my shake right away, even though I really feel like I don't want it, that it helps a lot. Someone else suggested having a shake before bed so that your stomach isn't so empty in the morning.
  23. What about ground beef, egg salad, different types of soup with unjury chicken broth for added protein?
  24. suejersey

    Nauseous Mornings?

    I have found the same being nauseous in the morning. I try to have my shake as soon as I get up and even though I am not really interested in having it once I start sipping the nausea goes away and I enjoy the shake.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
