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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    krisq16 reacted to wallman in All Sept 12 Sleevers - Are You Ready?   
    I just got my time....915 tomorrow..I will be so glad..this pre op diet is getting old...I look forward to my new way of life!....best wishes to everyone tomorrow!....talk to u on the other side!
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    krisq16 reacted to Strangefruit in Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg - I Got A Date!   
    I am still breathless with excitement...and fear. Oct 22 I am getting sleeved! It kinda sucks that it is the day after my birthday, so clearly no food or alcohol based celebrations... but clearly, food and alcohol based celebrations are WHY I am 100lbs overweight, right?
    I keep - literally - pinching myself to see if this long wait is almost over. I started the program at Kaiser Permanente in November of 2011. And now I have a date. Wow. I am almost giddy.
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    krisq16 reacted to suepeeps in Sept 7Th At 6 Am!   
    I had my surgery yesterday and am doing great! I did have trouble getting my bladder to work but now it is fine. I can tell when my 4 hours are up for pain meds! They are very good about keeping on top of it. I go home tomorrow.
    Good luck to all of you.
  4. Like
    krisq16 reacted to DebInAZ in I Need A Lil Help Please:)   
    Hello there!
    I'm not sleeved yet but 35g of carbs as an awful lot per drink, I have fallen in love with walmarts body fortress whey isolate its only got 0.5 net carbs per scoop it comes in vanilla and mixes well in any liquid, I use blue diamond almond milk unsweetened (40cals per cup). Dr. want you to limit carbs to shrink your liver. I to am going to Mexico and their pre and post-op diets aren't that good. I have gotten a lot of info by reading a book called Weight Loss Surgery Cookbook for Dummies, there is also a lot of info and a cheat sheet/recipes on line if you google that title. The book has wonderful recipes for every stage of our journey. I found the book at overstock for under 12.00, good luck to you
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    krisq16 reacted to jd13 in Anyone 70 Lbs Or Less To Loose?   
    I only need to lose 50lbs to make it to my goal weight, I was sleeved 3 weeks ago and down 20lbs so far.
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    krisq16 reacted to sleeve 4 me in Anyone 70 Lbs Or Less To Loose?   
    By the way I lost the most weight the first month.
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    krisq16 reacted to sleeve 4 me in Anyone 70 Lbs Or Less To Loose?   
    I needed to lose 54 lbs to get to my normal BMI goal, I lost 64 lbs in 9 months. I've been at goal for 15 months now, 2 years post op.
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    krisq16 reacted to Soup-a-Woman in Soup Season Approacheth!   
    I made Soup today for the first time in months. Soup is the only reason I am reconciled to the end of summer and the end of my hiking season.
    New recipe - Split Pea with Shredded Ham
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    krisq16 reacted to yazun82 in Sleeved 9/3   
    It wasn't a walk in the park but it wasn't to bad! I only took a week off because I didn't want to go through HR plus they frown upon sick leave but that's all right I feel good! I'm gonna take it slow and pray for patience. I haven't been hungry yet when my mother cooks the smell just makes my mouth water! So I'm ready to go home, to not be tortured by good smelling food! Praying for the best on this journey! Hope to hear from your experience as well!
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    krisq16 reacted to lollyfidy1965 in Here In New England.... Bring On My Sleeve!   
    Do as much mental work as possible. By that I mean identify the psychological/emotional reasons why you eat, when you eat, what you eat, and start working to get those things under control now. Find books related to food addiction (I highly recommend "The End of Overeating"), and read them with an open mind and heart. Start eating with cocktail forks and "baby" spoons...taking tiny bites, chewing til its liquid, taking at least 30 minutes to finish a meal. Start eating those meals on small plates (mine are about 7 inches across) and bowls, so your brain starts to recognize smaller portions as "plates full" of food. And start walking, or doing Water aerobics (if you're able)....whatever you're able to do, in terms of exercise. It'll get your body going, and it will help make your recovery easier.
    Most important....do every single thing your surgeon and/or nutritionist tell you to do. Their instructions are given for a reason....and you're paying them for their wisdom. Take advantage of it!
    And remember....every time it feels "difficult"....every time you think you can't possibly drink one more Protein drink...every time you think you can't not eat something you're not supposed to eat....that you have chosen to take your life, your health, in your own hands...you've chosen to get healthy...and you can do it! You can be strong enough to make better, healthier choices! Your journey will be amazing!!
    Wishing you all the best as your day approaches!
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    krisq16 reacted to billyvmom in Today Is My Day!   
    Thanks!!! I am nervous but, very excited. Ready to say hit the road plus sizes!!!
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    krisq16 reacted to amandatxgrl in Just Started Liquid Diet Today! Please Pray   
    Omg sweetie I would go crazy if I had to do it for two weeks really! I have done really good it's hard to smell food though omg I wanna bit just one so darn bad! However I wanna feel beautiful again!!! We can do this woman, we have each others support!!!!!! Right!!! Lol we GOT THIS U HEAR ME LOL
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    krisq16 reacted to yazun82 in Sleeved 9/3   
    But I will not weigh myself anymore and just let my body do what it's gotta do! I'm concerned about the swelling because I go back to work on Monday. Mom said to wear loose fitting clothes...hello I had the surgery in part because all my clothes are super tight...lol jk! I'm hopping the swelling goes down a bit.
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    krisq16 reacted to yazun82 in Sleeved 9/3   
    Hello all! I was sleeved 9/3! Yay! Surgery went without complications! Praise the Lord! I know I am being impatient, but when I got home I weighed myself and was 10 pounds heavier! For those that have been in my shoes, how long before you start to notice a change? How long before the swelling goes down? I have been following the diet to the T and have been drinking my Water. I am so excited to continue working on new me!
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    krisq16 reacted to yazun82 in Sleeve 9/3 Anyone?   
    Thank you for your best wishes! Yes I am seeing a therapist once a week and am working on some issues but I am ready! Yesterday was pure liquids all day and had a sad day (my doctor had me on high Protein low carb and two days liquid) so although I wasn't hungry hungry I think my sugar might have been low! There is no turning back, I'm ready!
  16. Like
    krisq16 reacted to vsgm in Approved For Sleeve On Septmber 6. Any Advice?   
    Hi nice to meet u - welcome!! 6 mths ago I was where u were and now I can honestly say WOW this is the best thing ever because it FORCES u to stop eating before u ridiculously overstuff urself. It is the tool I needed because that in conjunction with daily exercise will produce amazing results which will leave u incredibly happy and others in complete awe! Good luck to u and please re-post after surgery and tell us how ur doing!!! It'll be a FANTASTIC journey!!!
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    krisq16 got a reaction from SusanR in Approved For Sleeve On Septmber 6. Any Advice?   
    Hello. I am pretty new here also.... I am 41year old wife & mom of 2 daughters and just got approval yesterday. No date scheduled yet. I feel the same .....so excited but nervous toooo ! i agree that keeping your health business somewhat quiet isnt a bad idea. I have confided in a few friends and have gotten mixed responses for certain.
    Best wishes ! Keep the faith it will be sooooo worth it!!!
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    krisq16 reacted to Butterthebean in How Do You Push The 1% Of What Can Go Wrong Out Of Your Head   
    I look at it this way. There was a 1% chance that my surgery could go wrong. But there was a 100% chance that my obesity was going to cause me to die young. Hard to beat those odds.
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    krisq16 reacted to Brian66 in Time To Get Real Here   
    I still consider myself a success story. I had my surgery two years ago (7/13/2010) and I have maintained a weight loss of about 120 pounds. I look and feel better than I have in my entire adult life. I am writing today because I want to keep it a success story while I still can.
    Here's the thing. I went to my surgeon for a check up yesterday and his first words were, "OK, now it's your be careful time." I gained 2 pounds since my check-up last year. His concern is that once the weight loss stops, your body re-sets itself to a new equilibrium and it is easy to re-gain weight.
    Am I surprised that I gained weight? Hell no. I am surprised that I didn't gain more. For a long time time, I've been cheating like hell in what I have been eating - Cookies, candy, chips, pretzels, etc. -- all the stuff I have always loved. Why did I do it? Because I could, that's why. I have been able to eat those things, albeit in smaller portions than I used to, and I have felt some joy and excitement because I have felt like I was getting away with something. I wasn't eating because I was hungry, I was eating because I felt like it was a challenge to see what I could eat. How messed up is that? I either kept losing weight or didn't gain anything, so it really did feel like I getting something over on someone (Who? Beats me.) My first thought when I saw the gain of 2 lbs was, "No big deal, what's 2 lbs when I have lost 118?" But then I started to think, every bit of weight I ever put on came in 1 or 2 pound increments and it really started to scar the cr*p out of me. I will not go down that road again. I have come too far and gone through too much to allow myself to do that to myself again. One of the main reasons I had this surgery is that I felt that even if I could lose weight with diet and exercise (highly unlikely), I just could not go through all that hard work just to have it come back. Even knowing that, I have continued to sabotage myself. Man, the power that food has in my life is really amazing.
    Anyway. I am writing probably more for myself than for others. I needed to admit these things and to make myself accountable so that I don't screw up one of the best decisions I have ever made.
    Just wanted to put this out there and to remind everyone -- "Let's be careful out there."
    Thanks for listening.
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    krisq16 reacted to Ms skinniness in Question About Co-Workers   
    I tell everyone! The people that give me flack are people that are insecure about themselves and are very judgemental people. They can have it, but at least I have planted a seed to help them think outside the box. Especially when they see my bod now. This is a great transformation. My best friend told me she couldn't handle my "skinniness." So now I've adopted the word "skinniness." I love my skinniness! LOL
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    krisq16 reacted to ProudGrammy in Question About Co-Workers   
    hi all
    i posted above (#3) that except my immediate family, i told no one. the truth is i don't really have any friends to talk to except all you guys.
    Yesterday i went to PT. One of the PT assistants i've known over the years, all of a sudden asked me if i had lost weigt, she said i looked great.
    I said yes with a secret smile on me. she said how did i do it (she is a very good average weight.) she asked me if was eating better food, quantities etc. i said yes thats true. but than i took a big sign and told her i had surgery.
    she said wow. and from there on she asked alot of nice questions and it was great, especially about the part that 85% of my stomach was gone. I am so glad i told her, and it felt great.
    Funny how things change
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    krisq16 reacted to SusanR in Approved For Sleeve On Septmber 6. Any Advice?   
    Hi! My surgery is scheduled for Sept. 8th, so we'll be starting journey about the same time. I have not told a lot of people for the same reasons as you. I'm 5'4", 270 lbs. Also looking for encouragement and a buddy for support & to give support. My children are all grown up. I'm doing this for me,my health is going downhill & I can honestly say I am sick and tired of being sick and tired!
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    krisq16 reacted to finallysleeved in 5 Confessions (Join In)   
    hello my name is Jason and Im an alchoholic, no wait. wrong web site, yes I lust for the baconader at wendy and a giant Dr Pepper and snickers and fried fish and popcorn ect. but PEOPLE that is the food that made our jea ns tight and our t shirts tight and underwear tight and I can only speak for myself, but I refuse to go back to that.
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    krisq16 reacted to zebrasprinkles in Approved!   
    Congratulations! I hope it all goes smoothly for you and quick! and you're post made me smile! it was really sweet! And I'm sure she did send it to you
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    krisq16 got a reaction from xavtay2 in Approved!   
    Yesterday would have been my mom's 65 birthday--- she passed almost 5 years ago from ovarian cancer. I promised her the month before her passing that i would get healthier. Although much time has passed, and every diet tried since then......yesterday the Drs office called and said I was approved! Now waiting for the next step and hopefully a surgery date !! Feel like mom sent me a small gift on her day !!!

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