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Jeni 85

LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Jeni 85

  1. Hi All, I agree with Juli, for some of them started out where you're at. I felt that way at first which kept me from going for awhile. Then I too had a buddy partner for a few months. When she stopped driving me to the gym with her, I had to decide do I continue or stop. But, since the gym bug had bitten me so, I'm still going. That was about a year ago now. Seeing my own results kept me motivated to go. Not that I don't slack off some times, but I still keep going.

    It may take awhile but you'll get there. You did it before you can do it again.


    Thanks gwen and juli...

    i know these things but yet i cant seem to overcome them.. im working on it i promise i will get back there.. i still work out at home and outside.. but now that its getting cold i have to keep things inside.. not that much in my house to do so, the gym needs to be used.. lol:rolleyes:

  2. I hope so too gwen.... but i'm waiting to see what my surgeon says after he reviews the notes he made in my chart, to make a decision whether or not i should go in for another decision... He is worried that there maybe a leak in the system (band) i hope not!!!

    Its great to hear that you got the much needed motivation that you needed to go to the gym.. I wish i had more..

    Although i will have more of a push to go later this month when my best frend gets a membership. so ill have a workout buddy... my main reason for not going because im still self concious about my looks and i dont like going by myself.. it helps to keep my mind off of that if im with someone..

    I know it seems silly... but this is one thing im trying to overcome.. i guess this will come with time..

  3. Wow, has it gotten cold outside.... i have noticed myself wanting to stay inside and under the blankets.... LOL... but thats not good... i have to get moving...

    Anyways, i went for another fill thursday and the strangest thing is i can eat more now than before the fill.. I dont know how this can be..

    I got worried so i emailed my surgeon..

    Has anyone ever had this happen to them???

  4. So Gwen (whitepants) are you on thyroid meds???

    I know i will eventually find something that works again..... It just kinda weird how the body works.. i have no appetite and am barely eating... but yet fail to lose weight... strange i think.. i know the body will hold on to every last calorie when not eating... I'm not doing this on purpose just don't have an appetite... but i am working on it....

    Anyways, i'm starting to feel a little bit better lately.... i think that the antidepressant is starting to work a little bit..

    Although im starting to get a bit concerned because i have noticed that my hands are a bit shaky lately and i also noticed today that my muscles in my arms are now getting shaky as well.. i am wondering if this is a side effect and if it is normal...

    Has anyone in here ever been on antidepressants and had this side effect???

    I think im going to give my doctor a call to see if i should be concerned...What do you all think??

  5. completely down to the birthday suit as they like to say.. but keep in mind they cover everything that needs to be private with surgical drapings...

    Also dont be embaressed.. the people who will be seeing you see naked people in the OR every day..... they do this for sterile reason.. clothing holds a lot or germs and bacteria thats why they dont want it in the OR

    As for diarrhea, i got it really bad.... but thats because i got sick after surgery and got a Clostridium Difficle infection... but once i was put on the meds i was ok after a couple of days..:rolleyes2:

    And never be embarresed to ask your surgeon anything.. i have talked to my surgeon about everything.. even things not related to surgery and he has answered them for me:blushing:.... no question is stupid... they are doctors, and its a part of thier job to make sure the patient is comfortable and well informed!!

  6. This whole hair thinning/hair loss thing really does suck... its bad enough i have to live with it but my mother reminds me of it everyday...

    enough to drive a girl crazy.. i started taking the Biotin today.. and am going to make sure im getting enough protien... also i have the pcos thing that causes hair thinning and my dr. thinks i may have low thyroid problem which im getting tested for this month...:rolleyes2:

  7. Jeni,

    Thanks for the new thread!

    I'm thinking diet mode now. I know that will get me flack, but I mean I've got to put food and how I eat into the front part of my brain. Now between Halloween and New Years there are so many food temptations that I'm scared to just coast through.

    I guess I'm lucky because on Tuesday I ate 10 (TEN!) fun size candy bars and the next day the scale fluxuated up. I knew it was going to be up because of other food choices too, but I attributed it directly to eating like a pig. It kept my hand out of the candybowl since then. But damn it hard.

    We have Thankgiving looming, then Christmas and New Years! There are too many parties and opportunities to eat like garbage. My goal is to be pretty strict with my self 90% of the time so I can have some once a year treats, like pumpkin pie WITH whipped cream...because we all know that WILL go down. :hurray:

    Let's do it. Minus 10 by 2009!!!

    I completely agree with you... these holidays are killers .... especially christmas.... Well the day of and the 2wks before when at my house we start doing all the baking.. and not to mention everyone bringing in baked goods into work... :rolleyes2:

    too bad the band doesnt stop us from making bad food choices... lol:tongue2:

    so anyone else want to join me and juli to be minus 10 by 2009???

  8. I figured it is time to start our new thread for November...:tt1:

    Marchies, we have to try even harder this month as the years end is creeping up... only 2 months left:eek:.. lets make em the best...

    I know some of us have been hitting dreaded plateau's :tt1: and bums in the road.. lets finally change that... WE CAN DO THIS!!!:tt1:

    I am determined to get off at least 10lbs by new years eve... Anyone else with me??:smile2:

  9. Jeni I've been thinking about you, have you had your test yet? I ask this for I have hypothyroid which lends to slow weight loss. So, extra effort is needed to loss the weight.

    I have not had the test yet... im actually going to have my blood drawn on Nov 15.... and should have my results by Nov 21st when i see my doctor next.... I definitely will let you know...

    Are you by chance on thyroid meds for your hypothyroidism???? That should help with weight loss...

    And actually the last time my thyroid was checked my dr. said it was borderline... that's why he suspects it may have gone lower... causing my current problems

    And here the new thread for the month of November


  10. Jeni,

    I just realized you are in Chicago!

    Girl we have got to meet in person next time I go out there. I'm guessing Januaray since the holidays are coming...

    What do you think?

    I WOULD LOVE TOO!!! i think thats a great idea... just let me know when your going to be in town...:thumbup:

    So anyways... i went to the doctor today and well i gave into his recommendation.... I never realized how man signs off depression i have.... he also had said that e himself had noticed i was the same person today that i was a couple months ago and he could see that i was carrying th weight of the world on my shoulders.... (i couldnt believe my doctor i have only been seeing the past 6-7mths could see that?!?!) this is basically what finally took me over the edge.. long story short im now on a low-dose antidepressant to help me manage the stress in my life and improve my mood..

    Also told him about how the weight struggle has been the past 3mths of the same weight while eating well and excercising.. the fact that my hair is thinning out more.. and the fatigue and dry skin..

    He thinks it my be my thyroid.. so im going to get it tested again...(i had the test back in march... e.i. when i was still losing... and it was fine..) so maybe this may be the problem...

  11. Janine, I'm in Ohio. I'm waving frantically look south and you might see me.

    My PCP wrote a letter to my insurance as did I. I'm waiting to see what they say. My weight is pretty stable, I'm kind of sad to say. But I figure I'll lose 10-20 more pounds before the summer gets here. I expect surgery will happen this summer.

    Thanks for sharing what your surgeon said. I'm actually going to go see a second surgeon in Cincinnati for a second opinion. I'll travel an hour and a half for better results, though I AM comfortable with the Columbus doctor. I just want a second opinion. KWIM?

    Jeni, we are lock step together at this point. Pound for pound, etc. This weight loss stuff is something, no?

    ya definately!!! its driving me nuts thats for sure...

    but as a side note.. im proud of myself ... i bought a new winter coat in a size 12/14!!! unbelievable!! my mom was shocked because i can now fit into a lot of her stuff...!!! lol:thumbup: she wears usually a 12 sometimes a 10.. i dont fit the 10s but i will soon enough..... im trying to be optimistic:rolleyes:

  12. UHC isn't going to budge on the 5 years of BMI >40, despite only missing it by one weigh in in 2003 that put me at around 38. Sigh. So, my next step is to submit under BMI >35, but with comorbidities. I have insulin resistence, but not diabetes, so that one's out. The only one left that I might have is sleep apnea. My question is this: was anyone out there shocked to discover they had sleep apnea?

    My husband thinks I have it because I am always tired and wake up constantly at night to use the bathroom (true). I also snore all night long, according to him. :grouphug: However, he never hears me gasp for breath or anything like that. I'm going to get the sleep study done regardless, but isn't this something that he would notice me doing, if not me?

    Thanks for the replies! :smile:

    When i was going through this process.. i was completely and utterly cinvinced that i dont have any sleeping disorders... But i did the sleep study in order to comply with my surgeons orders and was shocked to find out i had a mild case of sleep apnea...

    I dont really have any of the symptoms of it but still had it.. so its is completely possible...

    Im actually going for another sleep study in the next couple weeks to see if my sleep apnea has gone away.. i had lost 105lbs since i had that study.. and they say weight loss helps to fix the problem so im hoping to wipe my record clear of that..

    there are other comorbities out there... do you have high blood pressure... cholesterol...??? what about your periods?? are they regular or do you have anything like pcos or endometriosis which are usually linked to verweight and obese patients?? there are tons of things out there.... talk to your dr.. to see if they can help...:pray2:

    best of luck to you!!:laugh:

  13. Hi TammyJ,

    You are looking good in that avatar! Get your fill girl and keep peeling off the weight.


    My weekend was nice and relaxing. I actually ran, jogged really, again. Time with the GF is always well spent.

    The plastic surgeon has me swinging in my moods. He said that I'd be good to go right now and that there's a good 25-35 pounds of skin on my body that would be removed with surgery. That seems like a lot, but also my belly is just giant. I was really very large at my highest weight so it make sense. Now to process the fear of surgery and more enormous debt. I'll keep you all up to date, of course.

    I hope everyone is well.

    WOW!!! Where are all the marchies!!! I guess we are all very busy...

    Juli do what you think is best for you.. how much more are you planning on losing???? if its a lot i would consider waiting a bit longer... im waiting till im at 165 to have a consult...

    and at this rate it will be a long till.. i think my body is holding on to every pound as if i was starving myself.. but i'm not ... i'm eating right .. i'm excercise.. im not snacking i just don't get it.!!! i guess its just one of those evil stubborn plateaus!!! ill make it through eventually my body will cooperate.. although im wondering if the new steriod my dr. prescribed me has something to do with it??:grouphug: oh well!!!

    If thats the case... damn asthma!!!

  14. I have some reading to do from this thread and the Sept thread to see how everyone is doing.

    I'm doing okay...just need a fill and haven't taken the time to do it, but I will soon. This group always motivates me to get back on track.

    tammyj my band sister... im so glad to see you on here...

    we are now at the same weight lol...

    i hope you get that fill soon!!! how is everything going for you:confused:

  15. Evening Everyone, came back from the gym tonight and feel great. Question: is anyone having problems with the band when it comes to doing your abs exercise. Mine tends to get in the way when doing situps. So I tend not to do them, but they do the job so well.

    Jeni 85, remember you don't have to get to the gym. There are so many exercises you can do while sitting, standing and just walking. i.e. sitting, lift up your legs, do the bent knee pushup w/ the chair, do squarts while doing the dishes, washing up, suck in your abs while walking, there are so many you can do. This may get you inspired to get to the gym. Just do something. I came across a saying, "Don't make excuses, Make and effort". Take this to mind.

    PS - I do my morning exercises in the bed before I get up. Makes getting out of the bed easier. Especially, when it going to rain and my back acts up. I do my lower back exercises for sure then.

    thanks for the tip gwen...:lol:

    im very proud of myself i made it throught the day without eating any sweets!!:biggrin:

  16. Gwen,

    GOOD FOR YOU!!! I'm so excited that you are returning to school! I can see a great place for you working with other weight loss people. It really helps to have someone who's been there. Please keep us posted.

    Maybe your work has tuition reimbursement. Google scholarships. You never know what's out there. If you need a letter of recommendation I'll write you one. I'm not kidding. I'm good at them too. :wink2:


    You can get there by March easily. Someone stated somewhere it's not that you need to exercise more, you just need to maybe exercise harder. If you are like me you're phoning it in. Take it up a few notches and get serious in a few ways again about how you eat. You know, like really get your Water in, or give up all sugar for a few days. You'd be amazed how all the other good behaviors follow suit.

    I'm consulting with a plastic surgeon on Monday. YIKES!

    wow on Monday...!!! that's great.. you have to let us all know how it goes...

    And ya baby steps are the key to getting back on track and i plan on starting today.. im doing good so far... no junk food yet!!! lol:thumbup:

  17. Yeah, we are both in the same boat. I really was hoping to see 160 by the new year. I don't see that happening, but maybe.

    What are your other goals? Fitness or otherwise.

    I really wanted to be around 160-165lbs by the new year as well but its not very likely.... considering i have been stuck at the same point in weight for 2mths... evil plateaus!!!

    But i think the problem is i need to get moving again.. i have been slacking in the exercise department and with all the stress I've had i have turned to sweets..

    Luckily I'm still maintaining and not gaining...:wink2:

    So my goal is to get myself out of this slump I've been in and start losing again... as long as i hit that 160 goal by my 2yr bandiversary ill be happy.. because i really want to have my PLASTIC SURGERY around March/April, to be good and healed for summer...:cursing:

  18. I just wanted to share I broke the 180 plateau I've been fighting for a while.

    Go me.

    I hope you all are well. Hugs to my Marchie sisters.

    YAY JULI!!! I have been trying to do the same (182) and i know how hard it is!!! Your doing so great!!!

    It seems like we have been hitting or aiming for the same milestones for a while now!!! :eek:

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