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Jeni 85

LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Jeni 85

  1. Yay for YOU! That 20 pounds of skin IS amazing. That should knock you right past your goal into your "super goal," right? Obviously, there was no reason for you to wait any longer to have surgery.

    Gosh, how exciting. When are you going to post pictures?

    no i was 190 pre op

    ill post pictures as soon as i have them available to me.. but keep in mind im only 4days post op.... im not seeing the surgeon for another week march 23rd when the drains come out!!

  2. With my Anchor TT I was hunched over a good 3 weeks. I had a wound issue tho. But man oh man did my back hurt so freaking bad from being hunched over. It does get better tho, I promise!!!

    WOW over 20lbs!! thats amazing, your going to be smoking.

    My Dr took about 9 off of me and I couldnt believe it, I am now able to wear bikini panties and they aren't hidden by my tummy. WOHOOOOO

    yay thats awesome...!!! i always wanted to see how cute tey looked.. but everytime i put them on they magically dissapearred into the skin!!!!

    so i cant wait to be able to see how it looks..

    like my plastic surgeon said you have tiny little body/core hiding there.. our job is to bring it out..

    like i always said no pain no gain..!!!

  3. i just had the belt lipectomy and am super happy with the results.. i have a thigh lift scheduled for june...

    the way he is doing my thigh lift is not only is he doing the cut in the groin area but he is going to take the incision down the thigh to where the excess ends (which luckily isn't down too low)

    So he is taking the two different types of methods and tailoring them to my needs... so make sure you are very clear with what you want with your surgeon and he can tailor a plan for you.. It very important that you and your surgeon are on the same boat...

    with this being said i still havent had that procedure done.. but im only 3 days out from the belt lipectomy and am happy with the results already!!

  4. Hi all....

    Surgery went well and im doing ok.... It's not like its a walk in the park, but its getting better everyday... I stayed two nights in the hospital and came home last night at 9pm and went straight to bed.....

    Pain med make me very drowsy so thats all i wanted to do, is sleep..

    But it looks great!!! And the surgeon said he got off at least 20lbs of excess tissue!!!

    Tammy my banding sister!!! its so goo to hear from you again... today is our day!!

    And gwen your bandiversary is on my birthday March 27th!!:)

  5. Hey you two, my two most inspirational people. Juli, sorry to hear these issues in your life at this moment.

    When all is over and you're on your way to recovery, your band anniversary will be much celebrated and hope you'll feel it was truly worth it.

    Jeni, good luck and I'll be saying prayers for you. It's understandable your nerves going haywire. You'll hear this many times - just try to relax and all will go well. Have a positive mind set and the healing will go by fast and smooth.

    Well till next time. Good Nite.

    Awww... Gwen you are too sweet!!!! Didn't realize that i was an inspiration....

    And yes my nerves are going haywire... i cant sleep... in 36hrs i will already be 20min into the procedure!!!!

    What helped a little was going to the gym and hopping onto the elliptical for 40... i guess the adrenaline rush was a good idea... im gonna go to the gym tomorrow night and the morning of the procedure...

    ok ill come and check in possibly tomorrow night or if not after surgery

  6. Jeni,

    A 360 with a vertical incision, my arms and a revised breast lift, no implants.

    Mine isn't until April 6th. You'll be well on the road to recovery at that point and can tell me all about yours.

    You'll be alright. I know you're excited. I'm excited for you too!

    thanks!!! i am very excited about getting rid of the excess stuff:w00t: and ill be 3wks out when you go for yours.... so i will definately let you know

  7. Hi Gwen,

    I really thought there would be more anniversary action here on the March thread.

    You could hear a pin drop!

    My anniversary which was yesterday came and went on a pretty emotional day. Call it PMS, my grandmother is on the verge of passing away, my kid is on new medication, school is nearly out and my surgery is just weeks away. I've got a million things to think about. My anniversary for banding just didn't seem like something to jump for joy over.

    Don't misunderstand, I love that I got the band. It has been the most life changing thing I've been through, short of becoming a mother. I couldn't be more thrilled with the results.

    However, maybe like everyone else who isn't on here, life is so much more than the story of having my band.

    Anyway, my Marchies I hope you are all doing well. I really do hope to hear from you.

    Jeni, Good luck! You are in my thoughts.

    Juli good luck with everything... and i know what you mean, there are so much more in our other things ineveryone elses lives that are on other than thier bands...

    I too am having plenty of stressful situations to deal with!!

    And needless to say I am absolutely terrified about thurseday!!! Surgery Day!!!

    I have never been more nervous about anything than this.. i got myself so worked up, that i have no appitite and have thrown up any food that i attempted to eat today!!!

    Dont worry im keeping in my Fluid intake.. and drinking plenty of protien drinks to make up for not eating.. its just nerves and it will fix itself after surgery.. and plus i am getting unfilled for surgery on wednesday...

    So anyone have any god ideas t help calm pre-surgery jitters!!???

  8. I'm not yet banded but here's something to boggle your minds:

    I lost 80 pounds on my own. over 2 years. I still had 60 to go. my skin (thighs, tummy and boobs) were already starting to show clear signs of needing to be tightened up.

    My INSURANCE will NOT cover PS if I lose weight on my own. IT WILL cover PS if I have WLS (of any kind) and my sagging skin is a direct result of WL due to a procedure THEY paid for.

    I was below 40 BMI when I noted the sagging skin. I've gained 40 pounds and now I'm eligible for WLS again.

    Yes I'm having it and yes I will be having PS as soon as I can get that.....

    Lucky you.... i just found out my insurance wont approve the procedure!!!!!!!

  9. You should ask your surgeon about this because every surgeon is different about when certain activites shold be resumed. At 2 weeks after a belt lipectomy, you make still have a drain, and your incision will still be in the early stages of healing. For my patients, pools and hot tubs are a no-no this soon after surgery. It may be closer to 4 weeks before you are able to be in a pool, and even longer in a hot tub (hot tubs have risks of infection, burns, and the "soaking" can really affect your healing)

    thank you.. makes sense...:confused:

  10. Dr. Schulman, I'm going to be undergoing a Belt Lipectomy on March 12th...

    My birthday is on March 27th and i was planning on having a little get together for my birthday at a hotel..

    So here is my dilemma... I was wondering how long after the procedure would i be able to get into a pool/hot tub at the hotel... I know its a pretty large incision, so i really want to know when it will be ok...

  11. Hi All, Juli and Jeni, as your surgery dates approach, I am almost as anxious you are. You two make me feel as if I'm there with you holding your hands. My prayers are with you both.

    I started with the personal trainer in a group of four. I like this setting for I feel like a lot of pressure is not too much on me.

    Hope to read good things from you.

    ThANKS!!!!!! That is so sweet.......

    Im literally counting down the days... 8 more days!!!:scared2::blush:

    I have such mixed feelings... Im excited but scared at the same time...

    But i also found out i have to have my band unfilled for the procedure... What are the odds of me convincing my band surgeon to refill me that following week?!?!?!?

    So im going to be getting my belly button pierced next month after im almost back to normal.... I know this seem a little teenager thing.. but i wanted one at 16 (couldnt have it because of weight) and now i will be able to show it off... so i dont care what my mom says im doing it!!:thumbup:

    Lol i know im rambling im going to stop now...

  12. So i just learned from my band surgeon that i should probably get an unfill before my surgery on March first in order to prevent any harm to the band, stomach, and esophagus..

    This kind of surprised me to hear this...:hurray:

    I really am dreading an unfill because of previous experiences..

    The last complete unfill i got was right before my cholecystectomy (gallbladder removal) back on July 31st.

    It took me 5/6 months to finally get restriction again... I dont want to go through this again...:party:

    So what i wanna know is how many people had to get their bands unfilled for surgery??

    And if you didnt get an unfill where there any complications???

  13. Hi Marchies.

    I hope with the anniversary some old names pop in. TammyJ, Denise, etc. Come on!

    I completely agree with Juli.. I think its about time we hear from those bandsters!!!! We miss you ladies!!!!

    So 11 days till my surgery!!!! Im getting more and more nervous each day it gets closer....

    But anyways, i went to the gym yesterday and ended up staying there for 3hrs!!! I usually only go for an hour but i was for some odd reason having a good time...:thumbup:

    But im a little sore now!!!!:wink:

    Oh well, i managed to do 45min on the elliptical and probably could have done it longer but decided to do some other machines i have never tried before... like all the strength training machines!!!:eek:

  14. WOW... It is so hard to believe that this month we will all reach our 2yr mark... I think this will be a great time for all of us to give an update and reflect on the past 2 years..

    I think we have all done wonderfully... And i am so happy i was able to share this journey with all of you wonderful ladies... We are all such beautiful inside and out, but i think that some of us are coming to see that about ourselves and growing more confident as we progress.

    Thank you all for your wonderful support and great stories... I'm pretty sure we all are proud ourselves. I know im proud of all of you!!!

    So lets make the next year the best one yet and work even harder to shed off those last few stubborn pounds till our goals!!!

  15. Jeni,

    If you are like me I'm half way between terror of not waking up and knowing it's going to hurt like a *&%ER.


    You'll be fine. Write about your feelings if you don't already. It will help

    oh trust me i know exactly how you feel... imagine the feeling i got in the pit in my stomach when i realized that its only 15 days away!!

    <SPAN id="BLIXY COUNTDOWN CODE BEGIN" style=“visibility: hidden"></span> <embed src="http://www.blixy.com/countdown/BlixyCountdown13.swf" flashVars="MovieOvers=3&TitleOvers=3&BGOvers=3&TextExpiration=Plastic%20Surgery&TextTitle=Plastic%20Surgery%20%23%201&GlowColor=null&NumsColor=16777011&TextColor=16776960&BGColor=51&Second=0&Minute=0&Hour=0&Day=12&Month=3&Year=2009&" quality="high" bgcolor="ffffff" width="300" height="200" name="index_admin" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" /><br><a href="http://www.blixy.com">Create your countdown widget and more at Blixy.com!</a><br> <SPAN id="BLIXY COUNTDOWN CODE END" style=“visibility: hidden"></span>

  16. Hi all!!!:w00t:

    OK, after visiting many plastic surgeons and thinking long and hard about my decision i have come to the final decision.

    Dr. Leonard Lu, M.D., F.A.C.S (New Horizons Center for Cosmetic Surgery. Skokie, IL)

    I'm having plastic surgery this year...:thumbup: Actually, my first surgery is scheduled for March 12th and the next one is sometime in June.. My Surgeon it was too much to do in one operation.

    Surgery # 1: March 12, 2009 Agenda (6 hours)

    Belt Lipectomy/Lower body lift:

    This includes:

    **Lipo of back/stomach/legs/and mons for contouring.

    **Also in this procedure i will have a mons lift (that area should not be so sad and droopy lol:redface:)

    **And a brazillian butt lift (where he will take some of what he lipos out and injects it into my bottom to make it fuller and more round)

    Surgery # 2: June 2009 (4 hours)

    *Brachioplasty (extended down to bra line to get rid of the "side boobs"!!!

    *Inner Thighplasty ( inner front butt)

    *Lipo of upper back near bra line

    I am beyond excited about this process.. I know that maybe it would be better to wait a little longer but i think after all the opinions ive had now is a good time. All the surgeon say that even if i plan on losing another 15lbs after surgery that my results wouldnt be altered because they pull everything so tight!!

    My weight has been at a basic stand still since october and well quite frankly i am comfortable at my size right now.. The only problem i have is that i cant stand the extra materials hanging down, they need to get altered and quick.. Hey i got rid of my baggy clothes why wouldn't i do this..

    My Pre-Op stuff is already done and ive put down my down payment and surgery #1 is scheduled... No turning back now.

    I'll keep you Posted!!


    P.S. Oh and i believe that this may be the thing i need to do to finally feel like a normal person.. Needless to say my brain is still having a hard time catching up with the weight-loss.. Just a great way to end this chapter in my life

  17. im stuggling as well.. but i decided not to look at the scale for a while and just worry about getting exercise in and eating healthy the next 2 1/2 wks before my surgery.. want to be as strong as possible so recovery time isnt too bad..

    I have been focusing on this the past two weeks and am very proud to say i am able to do 30min on the eliptical without any problems....and i still go do other excercising afterwards...;)

    I went to see my band surgeon on thurseday and he asked me if i would like to give a testimonial for a brochure he is creating for his practice because of how successful i have been.. and i said yes of course!!!:(

    As surgery date approaches i find myself getting more and more nervous.. but still completely excited it is the weirdest emotion to explain.. and im having surgery 3 days before my 2yr bandiversary!!

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