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Jeni 85

LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Jeni 85

  1. i just now saw your thread...i did not know about an unfill before my procedures, but had absolutely no probs what so ever.

    how did it go for you? Hope you had no complications.

    good luck, joanie :thumbdown:)

    everything went wonderful!!! Got 2.3ccs out before the surgery and it is now almost 3wks post op and am gettting it put back in.. But all is weell. Thanks

  2. Jeni,

    I am looking at your pics in your signature...you have come a long way in such a short amount of time! You look really really good and I am glad to hear you are feeling like yourself again! :seeya:


    Conratulations on getting your MBA!!!! :seeya:


    Thanks for the tips! I've used both FitDay and Sparkpeople before. My problem is not knowing what to do it's just finding the motivation to get off my butt and do it. I am working out again and following the lapband dietician's meal plans...I just need to stick to it. I am going on a cruise in 3 weeks so that's giving me a little boost...I need to get into my white bell bottom jeans again! ;-) :thumbdown:

    thanks tammy!!!!! ill be putting up my before plastic surgery and after.. as soon as i get them:tongue:.. i didnt take the afters yet



  3. I'm very very nervous Jeni! I keep thinking only two more sleeps then get the worst butterflies in my stomache!

    Also had a heart attack about half an hour ago when the anaesthetist's receptionist called to say that I hadn't pre-paid for his fees, and if I don't get the money to them by tomorrow morning, the surgery on Thursday would be cancelled. NO ONE told me I had to prepay his fees, otherwise of course I would have ages ago!

    It takes about 24 hours for money to transfer from my investment account to savings account and there was no way I'd make that deadline so I was close to tears!

    I called my PS's nurse in a panic, and she told me not to worry, that she'd sort it out. She must have because I then got a call from the anaesthetist's rooms saying, it's cool, you can pay as late as Thursday morning if you want to. Phew!!

    Not really happy about driving 45 mins to pay his bill on the day of surgery, but it's better than having the whole thing cancelled!

    Also had a huge 'farewell and good luck for surgery' lunch at work today and I ate the equivelant of 2 days worth of banded-life food in one meal, so feel HUGE. I can't wait to come out the other side now.

    How are you going, Jeni? Feeling better? How are the scars healing?

    Scars are healing beautifully!!!! I cant believe im only two weeks post op... my scars look like im 4wks out... light pink and all closed up!! a scab or two here and there but tiny things aroung the few sutures i get taken out on thurseday!!

    Im feeling almost back to my old self .. except looking a lot better -20lbs is quite a diff. and im already preparing myself for the next surgery!!!

    You will be fine i promise.. Us bandsters are tough cookies!!!

    My mom keep saying saying she cant believe how tough and strong i am to endure a big surgery... Like i told her if you want something bad enough the pain doesnt seem bad...

    I actually feell like i can eat huge meals as weel and am constantly hungry!!! I hate that feeling but 2 more days.. and i get a fill!!! Thank God.!!!

    I also cant wait till i can go back to the gym... im not completely 100% but i should be by next week... hopefully ill be able to at least do some light cardio/aerobics stuff.. ill go crazy if i cant... i know i have to wait at least 4-6 wks more for strength training stuff..

    Enough of my rambling....:P

  4. I went to autology again yesterday and my blood count has dropped to 110. It's at the very bottom of where it should be for them to be comfortable for me to go into surgery. Not great news for me personally but at least surgery is still going ahead. It just means that I couldn't donate any more of my own blood and will have to use blood from the red cross on the day.

    Saw the anaesthetist as well and he's given me a tablet for reflux to take on the morning of the op, and has ordered for me to have a sedative 1 hour before I'm wheeled into theatre. I think I'm going to need it!

    He's also confirmed that I will have a pain pump in hospital until I'm ready to come off it.

    Juli, I hate being unfilled. I can eat so much more now and it's hard to stop myself from eating too much because I'm constantly hungry. Plus the pathologist kept telling me yesterday that with one week to a major operation, it's 'no time to diet', so I'm torn between eating normally or going on a liquid diet to try not to gain.

    Luckily my lapband dr is visiting me on the ward 4 days post op to put some fill in!

    Its not being easy unfill.. at least you are able to get a fill 4 days post op.. i on the otherhand had to wait 3wks!!!:P

    But thats ok... its all good...

    So how are you holding up these last couple days before surgery????:biggrin:

  5. I just got back from Las Vegas to Celebrate finishing my MBA.


    Now I'm getting all my Ps and Qs in order for surger a week from today.

    These are busy times, but very good indeed.

    Yay!!! I'm so excited for you... Im almost back too myself except without 20 extra lbs of skin and fat!!! im excited!! I'm already thinking and preparing for the next one!!

    I know i may be slightly crazy but trust me... You get that inner core done the rest of your body looks out of place, like mismatched parts...... But unfortunately i cant get anything done till June :P Oh well

    At least i can go back to the gym next week to do some mild cardio!!! no strength training for at least 4 more weeks... no biggie im more of a cardio person anyway!!!

    But ya, all my clothes waist down including panties are falling off, and i need to buy all new things!!! Yay!!! good excuse to go shopping!!!

    Ok enough of my rambling.. good luck Juli.. Keep us posted!!:biggrin:

  6. Thanks Jeni. My local health food place reckons they have it, so I'll be going round tomorrow.

    Well, today I get unfilled in preparation for the surgery next week. :tt1:

    I feel like I'm losing my security blanket.

    I will not gain, I will not gain, I will not gain......

    lol... thats the way i felt...

    i cant wait to get refilled i go in april 2nd for my adjustment .... the same day of your surgery... ill be thinking of you!!!! Good Luck!!!

    And Karey yes it is a homeopathic remedy..

  7. Good lucky girl!!!!!!!!!

    Report back ASAP. How many drains do you have?

    I had 4 drains, and they are all gone!!!! Yay!!!

    My surgeon said im healing very well, and the incisions are looking great. He took out almost all of the stitches, only has a few more left, i have to see him next week.

    He also wrote me a note for work so i could get a couple more days at home till friday.....

    Well got to go to class...

  8. Come on down, hun! I'd be happy to show you around! Australia is beautiful, and Perth (where I am) is particularly laid back. You'd love it! I do!

    The silicone spray is called Kelo-cote, and it's made in the US. I looked long and hard to find a supplier in Australia. You start using it once your scars are closed over, so you can still get it now because you won't be using it yet for a couple of weeks yet. Check out makemeheal.com - I'm pretty sure they sell it online.

    I've also read about Arnica Montana and Staphysagria, but am not sure how available they are over here. Might have a look for them at my local health shop this Wed. Thanks for all the tips you've given us, Jeni! I apprciate how generous you've been with your advice. :crying:

    im pretty sure you can you get those online...

    np if you need anything else let me know

  9. Thanks for the tip, Jeni. I still haven't gotten round to getting a toilet riser, but will definitely put a wedge pillow on my list.

    As for the silicone spray - I've read that silicone assists the healing of scarring so that it doesn't form keloids (raised scars). I'm also olive-skinned, and silicone apparently can help with reducing discolouration too.

    Some of my lapband scars are raised and darkened, so if a silicone spray will reduce that sort of thing, I'm willing to give it a try!

    what is the name of that spray!!!!, actually all my scars have a discoloration to them, and one of them was slightly raised until this ps, it seems pulling the skin down helped flatten it out... but ya i definately would like too try it..

    if your into the whole homepathic remedies, there are 2 you can use

    1.) Arnica Montana- helps prevent bruising

    2.) Staphysagria- promotes healing of surgical wounds

    im using both, the company that makes them is Boiron, hope that helps. in the usa they sell them at whole foods, im not sure if you have one of those in australia...

    Help maybe if i ever make it dow there you can show me around!!.. Its my dream vacation to go down to australia for like a month!!:crying:

  10. Hi Jenny,

    Congratulations! You are actually very inspiring. I am not having a surgery yet but I am encouraged by your success. I have consulted a plastic surgeon before and he was really nice and professional - explained to me everything from pre-op to post-op, consequences, side effects, etc. But something came up so I had to cancel it. For now, I am just watching my diet.

    Thank you...:crying:

    as far as choosing a plastic surgeon... mzake sure to see a few and get a coupled different opions to see wh has the best treatment plans as well as the best bedside manner that is important.. also make sure to check out his or her qualifications as well..... I saw 6 different plastic surgeons before i decided... Good Luck and its wonderful to hear you gonna look back into the ps.. trust me you wont regret it!!!!

    As far as the plastic surgery goes, im going in tommorow to get my drains out, thank god!!!!!!! They are a bit annoying because the get in the way when trying to get dressed...

    Oh well, slowwly im starting to walk better, im not as hunched over as before.. and get this i finally got out in the fresh air today!!! it was so nice!!!

    ok ttyl, and wish me luck tommorow,


  11. What about a Cinco de mayo challenge??? ah thats kinda close though....or memorial day challenge...oh June first is Donut day we could do a donut day challenge ;)LOL


    I just stumbled upon this challenge now, so too late for me to join... ill join the next one, on april second... that should give me enough time to recover from my ps.. good luck lades, you are all doing wonderfully!!!:smile:

  12. Hey lellow.. you hanging in there????

    I cant wait till you and julie join me in the flatlands!!!

    to tell yu the truth i was able to get on and off the toilet without a riser... but i do wish i had the wedge pillows... actually ill see if i could con my mom into buying me one.. still need to sleep in that psition... i have been using alot of pillows!!!

    and why do you need a silicone spray????:smile:

  13. never had raw oysters...

    heck the first time i had sushi was like two weeks ago .. i had mini salmon rolls.. uyummy.. i was only able to eat 4, before my band yelled stop!!!!! i think 4 mini is equal to 1 large roll right???

    but anyways as soon as i can get walking like a healthy young adult and not like th hunchback of notre dame im going to purchase some more sushi rolls..

    as far as crawfish... never tried it... Is it good???

    Does it have a very strong taste or is it a more mild fish??

  14. lol, it's TOTALLY NOT WRONG!!!

    i'm going through a very similar situation... the more weight i loose, the more attention i get.

    i hate guys... especially shallow ones who now all of a sudden want to say hello since i've lost 50+lbs...

    DONT GIVE HIM ANOTHER CHANCE!!! and congrads on your weightloss!!!:smile:

    i completely agree!!!!!!!!!!!! and just gets more and more apparent the higher the weight loss goes.. im at 120lbs lost, now and its crazy...:thumbup:

  15. No gulps, just sips. You will have swelling after a fill.

    It's hard to figure out how to do it but try not to swallow so much air. If the air goes through your stoma... your stoma will act like a one way valve and it's gotta come out somehow if you get my drift. ;o)

    i agree with wasa!!!! sips not gulps!!! very bad gulping...

    i actually once had the perfect fill and i had a piece of meat and it got stuck.. 2 hrs later it was still bothersome.. no going up or down.. so i decided to gulp Water and that solved my problem... not that i would recommend this to anyone, nor would i do it again....

    And if you ahave a hard time with liquids with regular drinking not gulping you definately need and unfill... also make sure the Water is room temp. ... if its just some swelling from the fill a little hot tea may help with reducing swellling.... but dont go stuffing yourself afterwards .....

    i always have hot tea the friest few days after a fill it seems to help the swelling go down quicker in order for me to transition easier stage to stage.. good luck keep us posted!!

  16. I have P.C.O.S as well, i wasnt diagnosed with it until after being banded..

    I think i did pretty well for myself... 120lbs in 2 yrs isnt too shabby i dont think....

    Im taking the Metformin as well as Yasmin to control my PCOS, and excercise and weight loss helped control my pcos greatly.

    im still dealing with some of the annoying symptoms but to a lighter degree of seriousness..

    except for the hair loss. i still cant get that under control.. oh well beggers cant be choosers...


  17. Recovery is going well... but i tend to want things rushed and wishing things will go faster...

    My dr. says im doing great and healing fast as it is.. so im happy...

    Im very pleased with my results... and cant wait till end of may to get the full package deal and have my arm and legs taken care of!!!

    ive already did some online shopping for bathing suit/bikini and bought a two piece tankini.. it was exciting cant wait till it comes in the mail!!!

  18. I know, Jeni going first (well out of the three of us) has helped me too.

    She's just so darn enthusiastic about it all.

    Lellow hopefully you'll be back and posting before I head out on the 6th.

    I can't wait so see everyone results!

    Ladies good luck in surgery!!! And don't worry everything will turn out great!!!

    I know you ladies will be nervous beforehand but that's normal and i went through it as well... and trust me i was a nervous wreck!!!

    And thanks for those wonderful words ladies...

    Just remember how great you will look after!!!

    Word advice... make sure too find a plastic chair that will fit in your bathtub or shower.... this way you will be ale to shower sooner (and trust me you will be desperate to!!), this is because you wont be able to stretch completely , or stand to long either.. and with being on heavy pain meds not to safe to go standing in a wet bathtub:tongue_smilie:.. oh and have someone help you bathe!!

    I figured i would let you know this ahead of time so your prepared!! I was shocked because i thought i was and the plastic chair didnt fit in the tub.... i sat on a step stool.. not very comfy r easy to use for that matter....

    Make sure to keep me posted how things go... im excited for you ladies!!!

  19. Jeni,

    it's great to see you posting with such positivity so soon after surgery! How is the swelling? Can you see what you will look like once it all goes down?

    I see that you are having the same procedure done..

    when is it scheduled???

    As far as positivity , im usually a glass is half full type... always looking at the positive in every situation...

    So far i happy with the results..... the surgeon said it will look better once th swelling goes down. i cant wait to see!!!:lol:

    good luck at surgery

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