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Jeni 85

LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Jeni 85

  1. kuebel J,

    It may be the bun from the hamburger thats killing you. Unless its extremly toasted, I can't eat bread that thick.

    Hope that helps!

    its most likely the bread... i've eliminated bread completely out of my diet b/c i can only handle like little bits at a time like a bite more than that i find that its painful... i have found that turkey burger are really good without out the bread with some salad on the side of rice or veggies... maybe that could work for you.

  2. and I am definitely restricted...maybe a little too much! I was at 1.5cc in a 4cc band after my 1st fill. Now I'm at 2.75cc. I'm such a worry wart. I said the same thing the last time, but this time I mean it. I am REALLY TIGHT!!! Drinking Water isn't a problem, but it took me 2 hours to drink a 4oz Protein Shake. After taking a sip, it would kind of sit there for a few seconds before going through the band. The warm cream of broccoli Soup I had for lunch went down a little easier. I'm hearing all these gurgling noises that I didn't hear after my first fill. I'm not sure if this is what "good restriction" is supposed to fell like or not. I'll be moving to solid foods on Thursday so we'll see! :omg:

    Hi tammyJ i was banded on March 15th also!!!! I just found it cool we had the same band date in the same city!!! :clap2:

  3. I know how you must feel, but don't despair!

    If you can't have surgery when next week, it will only postpone it, not cancel it. You really want to be in the best health possible when you have your surgery.

    I completely agree you should definately be i good health before having this surgery. It is minimally invasive but surgery is surgery and your body needs all its streghnth to heal that instead of having double the work of something else.

    A little off topic here but i was supposed to have my surgery done in dec 06 but had it march 07 b/c my family doctor wouldn't approve it. Luckily my surgeon went ahead and did it (after speaking to my doctor and finding out the only reason she said no was b/c she didn't believe in the lap-band).

  4. 1) Is anyone having success with the band restrictions only, meaning no real excercise regime. I have time to walk a couple of times a day, but no time to go to a gym.

    2) How soon did you go back to work? Do you think you could have gone back to work sooner? To a desk job?

    3) Has anyone regreted this surgery? How many reversals are you aware of?


    1) Yes, i am having success so far ... it has now been a little over 6wks and i have lost 25lbs and loving it... I don't do too much exercise, just go walking everyday like for at least a 1/2 hr, because i find that i have so much more energy now. Like they say a little bit goes a long way.

    2.) This varies on the person and how they react to the surgery and all.. It took me longer because i got really sick (not to scare you or anything. my doc says that this is very rare in patients) But im feeling absolutely wonderful now.

    3.) I have not for one second regretted it, i find only positive results from this surgery and i would do it all over again. And the only reversals i know of is b/c of something going wrong with the band like slippage or infection... But like they said that this very rarely happens.

    Wish you the best of luck on your journey.. and if you have any questions dont hesitate to ask....

    --Jeni M.

    (E-mail: jmakowski@ix.netcom.com):rolleyes:

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