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Jeni 85

LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Jeni 85

  1. try to at least stick with thicker liquids or like drinkable yogurt , extra liquified mashed potatoes... baby food..(the banana ones the best) i even sometimes do this now when i dont feel so good. Hang in there, you wanna become best friends with your band in order to do so you have to be really nice to it in the beginning

  2. was anything greasy... because i found that i have bad band pain after eating anything thats too greasy.. i also found that my band like something one day and the next completley hates it... take things slow and you'll eventually get use to working with your band...

    i've been banded almost 4mths and am still learning somethings i never knew.:)

  3. my period was never really regular... but after the band it got goofier... its bc your body is losing weight and its throwing of the balance ... once your body gets used to it you should be fine...

    i'm in school for medical assisting and we do glucose tests on each other everyday and every single day its different like a huge difference one day it will be 68 and the next day it will be 126 but the dr said its ok because i have been loosing a lot of weight lately.


  4. how long have you had the band in????? i had the same problem the first couple of weeks... i also notice that i start burping if i eat to fast (swallow to much air) or when i et a new fill the first couple days after..

    i only expirienced pain while burping right after surgery. but not now.

    good luck. if you have other question feel fre to message me :)

  5. how long have you had the band in????? i had the same problem the first couple of weeks... i also notice that i start burping if i eat to fast (swallow to much air) or when i et a new fill the first couple days after..

    i only expirienced pain while burping right after surgery. but not now.

    good luck. if you have other question feel fre to message me :)

  6. OK so i was going threw all the treads on here and realized that whenever someone has a NSV they have to put it somewhere randomly.. So i thought it would be a good idea to have a thread celebrating all of our NSV's. (i know im a dork!! :))

    Ok ill start off, a couple of days ago, i came across this pair of jeans my cousin bought me last year, no last year at that time i couldn't even button them at all (even when i tried to play the whole lets suck my stomach in and lay down on the bed game) So i was curious and just had to try them on.. and guess what I put them on no problem i even had my stomach relaxed. :) what a wonderful feeling. and today my mom bought me a top and i treid it on and it was to big... IT'S LITTLE THING LIKE THAT, WHICH MAKE YOU FEEL GREAT ABOUT YOURSELF!!!:clap2:

  7. i was required to have one... it helps in the insurance process to get the surgery because sleep apnea can improve with wieght los and that can be a reason they give to them and why you need this surgery... I was like you thought i slept great didnt snore but when i went for the sleep study they found that i have a minor case of sleep apnea... they gave me a c-pap (which i never use) supposedly if you have sleep apnea it is harder to lose weight.

  8. i think they are a mix of both. i had those same pains and when i had some to drink of eat (applesauce) it helped.. but those pains went away eventually i think its just foriegn object inside your body that the stoch muscles need to get used to:) if you have any other questions feel free to message me.. im not an expert at his but i know a lot :) (too much online research)

  9. Reason Why and How I Got Fat:

    • Portion Control:hungry:
    • Emotional Eater(happy/sad/stressed/bored ect.):P
    • No Exercise:opps2:
    • VERY BAD SWEET TOOTH (oh that explains those lovely cavities):P
    • Eating Late at Night:notagree
    • Bad food choices (aka Fast Food):eek:

    That pretty much sums it up, there is more reasons, like psychological issues behind it (parents divorce, being teased in school, mother getting me upset/depressed etc...) I definitely know that everyone has more than one thing that got them to their overweight state.... Its the combination of things thats the killer... but like they say "the first step is figuring out what caused the problem." and then take it from there.

    I'm on the right track now and I'm loving it!!!:clap2:

  10. If there is hanging skin im getting it removed no matter what... I've seen what sagging skin looks like (i watch way too many plastic surery shows) and there is no way i would want to deal with it. I mean if i put in the effort to lose the weight i might as well look good i mean im only 22 still young so i want to look my best...

  11. :DHi My name is Jeni,

    I was wondering if there is anyone here around my age who also got banded.(or thinking of getting banded) It just seems like im the youngest one in here Im 22yrs. old. (not that i mind im just curious);)

    Well anyways I got banded I March and am loving every min of it. I just feel happier and healthier.. 28lbs gone 4ever.

    Looking forward to getting to know other bandsters.

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