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Jeni 85

LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Jeni 85

  1. Ok, so this topic is a bit uncomfortable for me, :embarassed:but I'm to the point where its driving me crazy...

    So my period has never really been "normal" but ever since surgery it has gone out of whack ... I mean sometimes i don't get it at all or ill get it for one day it will stop for three and boom its back again... I'm hoping that its just because of weight loss but then again I'm kind of freaking out it can be something worse....

    Anyone else experience this??? (or something similar):):help:

    (I'm going to see my pcp aug 23 and am going to ask her about it)

  2. Hi, im 22 also.... got my surgery just before my 22nd birthday... Dont worry i felt the same way when i first came on here thinkning i was the youngest one... but think about it this way your taking care of yourself sooner.. I see your down 43lbs thats wonderful best of luck to you andf feeel free to message me.:)

  3. I lost approx. 45 lbs at my six month anniversary. I was kinda dissapointed but later I found out that I was drinking a Protein shake in the mornings because fuood was had to get down. That Protein Shake kept me from losing weight. It has an ingredient in it that wont stop you from losing weight at first but will over time. I just started eating Breakfast. I eat 4 or 5 shredded mini wheats. The nurse told me it won't hurt to eat with just enough milk to wet the Cereal. I eat that every morning and it also gives me my Fiber for the day. When I stopped drinking the drinks, I started to lose again. I have lost 60 lbs and it has been 8 months. I finally reached a short term goal I had. I am below 200lbs and I haven't been there in 16 years. I hope you do great but don't expect to lose fast consistently. It slows down after about four months.

    What protien shake were you drinking.... will BOOST or CARNATION INSTANT BREAKFEAST....:faint:;)

    I drink those every morning because im to tight to eat that early... if i drink one of those at 9:30 im usually good until 1:30/2pm

    i only take in about 600-800 cal a day

  4. i have mild sleep apnea... well at least thats what they told me... i got a cpap machine but i never use the darn thing...it seems everytime i put that thing on my nose clogs up and i cant breathe.. so i sleep w/o it .... i feel that i sleep fine and feel well rested when i wake up so i had absolutely no idea what they were talking about...

    Hopefully, this mild sleep apnea has cured itself since i lost some weight...

  5. I agree with jack

    But snacking seems to be a need for those working overnight.. Trust me i would know.... Not only do i work overnights. But i work in this little parking booth of a hotel.. where pretty much the whole night its me and the cars or virtually empty lot... This is when snacking is most tempting...

    I try to keep myself as busy as possible so i don't think about food... It also helps that im still in school so i do homework... But if i really cant avoid it, i choose healthy things like;

    *Yogurt (light)

    *Almonds (i find these fill you up faster and you eat less of them)

    *Jello (sugar free)

    *Breakstones Cottage Doubles ( lots of protien so it will actually keep you full longer)

    *Baby Carrots (i find i can only have at most 5 and im done)

    I hope that can help you a bit... Good luck... I see your doing great as it is!!!!!!

  6. i emailed my surgeon asking him what he thinks i should do and he said:

    "B-12 shots are necessary for operations that

    re-rout the intestines. For gastric

    banding, you should just make sure your

    multi-vitamines contain the full complement

    of Vitamin B-12 on a daily basis. If you

    decide to have the blood test, please

    let me know what the results are. Thanks."

    So im going in for regular blood tests in august,

    so while there checking everything else i might

    as well have them check the b-12... wouldn't hurt right?


  7. This is called bandster hell for a reason. The time between getting a band and getting to your sweet spot is hard. Hang in there, give it time. Get another fill, life will be good!

    Completely agree. it took me 3 fills lol... i was starting to think the worst of things lol.. but realized it was all in my head.... Definately give it time~~~:faint:

  8. Your restriction is probabyl not at that "sweet spot" yet... dont be discouraged... i know that for a month straight the scale would stick to the weight of 252-254... i was so disappointed.. I then decided i needed a fill.. as soon as i went for another fill and worked out it worked... Just stayed motivated... Oh by the way if your having those evil sugars (i was so guilty of this) you'll only want more so try to avoid them.. It took me three times to hit my sweet spot and soe others it took longer... remember each and everyones' body is different so we all have different fill levels.

    GOOD LUCK!!!! AND REMEMBER YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!:clap2::whoo:

    if you need support you got this board and feel free to message me on here anytime. (i am on here almost everyday) :lol:

  9. "easyband".... sounds a little contradictory considering it is technologically complicated..... LOL I love my VG band and wouldn't trade it for the world. So what that you have to go to the office for a fill, no biggie its safer that way...

    Here's one of the links i found interesting:

    Surgical Procedures: Adjustable Gastric Banding

    i still wouldn't trust it... If you just go to yahoo, type in Telemetric Adjustable Gastric Band there are other links as well

  10. im 4mths post-op and im loving everyday ..... things just are getting better day by day... i lost 42 pounds so far and i have a lot more energy... i am finally excercising and going to the gym at least 3x a week!!! It's an exciting thing... dont let the negatives get your spirits down always be optimistic and things will turn out great.!!!!

  11. Ok, so i was looking through all my surgery stuff the other day (all the guidelines) and on there i saw i should be getting B-12 Inj. every 3mths..

    Does anybody else have to do this??? :cry

    I know i should because i dont want to be at risk for b-12 anemia :sick, but something about a needle going in my gluteus medias (upper butt) does not soud the least bit appealing. :eek:


  12. Band Chick

    Thanks for the post, it's like my brother always said "Fat and Ugly can be fixed but stupid goes all the way to the bone"



    I completely agree!!!!

    Anyway i have a frined who acted completely supportive in the beginning but now she is like... "i would never go that far to have surgery and i can lose the weight by diet and excercise" (with an attitude) she thinks it to drastic... and what she dont realize that i needed it and had been through a lot of different diets that just didn't work... Oh welll i dont let it bother me anymore i did this for myself and not anybody else... just keep that in mind...


  13. <br /> 1. What date where you banded?<br /> 2. How many fills have you had/how much do you currently have in it?<br /> 3. What size of band? <br /> 4. Do you feel any restrictions?<br />
    <br /> <br /> <br /> * March 15, 2007, Loyola Hospital in chicago, il<br /> * 3 fills: check my sig<br /> *11CM Band<br /> *Yes i finally do... 3rd times a charm<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />
    <br /> Question, I am losing me hair, any suggestions? I had really thick hair, but my hair is getting thin. I am taking plenty of vitimins and the nurse told me to add Biotin so I started that.<br /> <br /> Any suggestions on high Protein choices. I need more protein I assume.<br /> __________________
    <br /> <br /> Khanson: Sounds to me like you definitely needs more protein,(hair, nails, and muscle) Not to mention staying full longer and the other benefits for our body. <br /> <br /> My doctor recommends me getting like 47g of protein a day. Thats something i aim for everyday.<br /> <br /> Some suggestions could be:<br /> <br /> ~Chicken (medium size grilled drumstick w/o skin is 12g)<br /> ~Tuna (individual packet size of albacore tuna has 12 or 19 g if i remember correctly)<br /> ~Cottage Cheese has a lot. I would recommend the cottage cheese doubles their good and not to high in cal. (11g for the individual size)<br /> ~Boost Drink, high protein, i recommend the chocolate one (15g)<br /> <br /> I'll usually start my day off with a Boost Drink (depending on how much restriction you have and how tight you are in the morning i find that sometimes it may take a hour to drink slowly.) but it gives you a head start on that days protein intake.<br /> <br /> This is what works for me, i'm not saying it will be good for you but i hope it at least gives you some help. <br /> <br /> If you don't like the foods above try going to, HIGHPROTEINFOODS.COM it has some good ideas on there.<br /> <br /> <br /> Best of luck!!!! <img src="http://www.LapBandTalk.com/images/smilies/clap2.gif" border="0" alt="" title="Clap2" smilieid="217" class="inlineimg" /><br />

  14. the only thing i seem to have a problem with is bread, soda, & greasy food.. I avoid it at all costs.... And sometimes if i have a few to many bites of boiled potatoes it hurts like hell and i completely regret it... lol but i dont even miss those things anymore... its like your taste changes.. I mean my new thing is cottage cheese with fruit and i used to hate cottage cheese (those cottage cheese doubles are also good- 11g of protein)

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