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Jeni 85

LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Jeni 85

  1. I haven't posted in a little while because not much has been going on for me. I'm still seeing a personal trainer twice a week, and doing my cardio 5 times a week. Weight hasn't changed at all. Haven't seen my doc in a while, I'm going to see her in December. I feel like I'm in a rut, but then again, not? I don't know.

    I'm still pushing during my workouts, and trying to eat more healthy foods than unhealthy foods. At the markets, I'm now buying lower calorie items, and replacing red meats with turkey and chicken. I know I need to lose another 75lbs to get to my goal, but I'm really not in that big of a rush. If I lost 60lbs in one year, I would be ecstatic, because I know that without the surgery, I would have at least gained another 20. I'm toner, less flabby, and physically doing things that I never could do before, and in general, just moving so much more than before. No complaints.....All I care about is looking and feel good on my wedding day, which is next august, if I make it till then!:nervous

    So do you like working with a personnel trainer??? do you find it benefits you as opposed to exercising on your own... I promised myself that when i get a full time job as a medical assistant i will (as a present to myself) buy myself some sessions..:) I think i deserve it and definitely can use a get butt kicking exercise routine:faint:

    Mrs H

    I know I was saying this thread is like a ghost town...

    I'm glad my words had some impact for you. Woo Hoo!

    I just want everyone to look down at my ticker. I'm in 3 pounds away from -100! And that's since January first of this year. I'm so starting to chase numbers. I really want to take off those 3 this week! Then the goal is to get under 200 by New Year's day.

    I find it hard to believe just how much my life has changed. I've got so much to be thankful for this year. Thanksgiving will be filled with all the traditional foods and family, but I'm going to say a prayer of thanks for being able to be in control and healthier than I've been in my entire adult life.

    I love my band. And thanks you few who still come here to the Marchies thread who are sharing our travels with the band together. I appreciate you all.


    Juli you can do it!!!!! :whoo:

    And i agree this thread is kind of quiet lately...

    I love my body bugg.

    It has me motivated all over again. It's like it's April, one month after surgery, not 8 months later.

    I'm moving more and really aware of what I'm eating.

    I'll have to check out that book.


    So how does this body bugg work exqctly??? and is it worth the money....

    If its good i can always ask for it for Christmas..... (My mom keeps asking me what i want and i dont have an answer for her) :guess

  2. Went walking with my dog (well its more like jogging with the way my dog pulls... for a little dog he sure is strong) for 1.5 hours. When we got home my cocoa went straight to lay down and relax and didn't even move when i offered him food.. And i was the one who still had energy. Before this surgery I was the one tired after the walks with cocoa and passed out on the couch only after a 1/2 hour.star.gif

  3. your doctor mat have given you too much of an aggressive fill for you to handle... go try to make an appt with him sooner to have some taken out ... or all and start over again with smaller fills... 4.5 in one fill is a lot the ost i got was 3.2 and i was miserable...

    You really should reach that sweet spot with taking smaller fills.

    Things will get better... I promise;)

  4. i wanna join but.... running... lots of fear and anxiety there... and its october in the midwest with no treadmill... hmmmmm.... but i need something to get my head in gear again. ...

    maybe if i wake up early and try it around the neighborhood before everyone wakes up and sees me...

    but then again there will be folks heading to work when i'm lying on the side of the road....

    Lol... I thought of it the same way... i have the extra obstacle of asthma to overcome.. but excercise is good for those with asthma.. kind of a catch 22 deal...

    I ordered an Enell sports bra, they look pretty but the hooks in the front look 'itchy'. I had a bra like that once that drove me nuts. But since it comes recommended, I got one anyway!

    I really need one that takes the boobs away.

    Interestingly (and confusingly) enough, weight loss is increasing my cup size. The rib cage dimension is shrinking.. but all my pre-op bras, my boobs now bubble out the top ridiculously. I went from 46D to 40-42DD right now.

    I wish my cup size was getting bigger they along with the rib shrinking... My boobs weren't huge to begin with (42b/c)

  5. Getting stuck really does scare you, so I know what you mean. I have been stuck a few times. I pb'd once as well- now that is a horrible experience. I just have to remember to chew and slow down. I am sure it will be a habit soon. I find that it is such a small portion of food and it is hard for my head to be satisfied with it- but that part is getting better. I am starting to by happier with my small plate of food and it really does fill me up. I was really grieving the portion size at first.

    HEAD Hunger is then main thing that we bandsters have to get over... I know this was one of my issues i had to deal with... but it does get better:)

  6. im not sure how effective this will be for you but i recently read on the board that little tiny sips of pineapple juice helps...

    I actually tried it once and it helped (but when i say tiny sips i mean itty bitty ones. if to big it will defeat the entire purpose):faint:

    But your best bet is to avoid doing it at all by

    ---small bites

    ---chew chew chew chew.....

    ---fork down in between each bite to determine if your satisfied or still hungry...

    It takes a little getting used to but i promise things will get better... just follow the bandster rules and you'll get into the swing of things:p

  7. I have a HARD time eating Pasta of any kind. And I love italian food. What I did to get around the Pasta is use squash, zuccini, and eggplant in place of pasta. I cut it up like pasta in small bites and cook it in the sauce and it is wonderful.

    That sound really good... i definately going to try it next time....

    (did anyone ever try using the spaghetti squash???? i saw a recipe on the food network one day pre-band and have been meaning to try it ever since)

  8. Ok, so i know im losing weight and becoming happy with the wy i look and the way i feel but i still have the whole shy issue?!?!?!

    So im 22 almost 23 and have never really had a boyfriend... Some of the reasons are that: i am extremely shy, have always been overweight, and went to an all girls high school....

    I definately know if i just wasn't so shy i'd be better off...

    Any advice on how i can get over this????

    (And i kind of feel like im just about the oldest person who hasnt had a boyfriend)

  9. actually just made it today with homade spaghetti sauce and ground turkey... Yummy!!!!

    and like with any other food chew chew chew... But i do find that it feels a bit heavier on my stomach then the other foods i have been eating.... but its ok ill wait an hour an have some nice hot tea before bed and it will relax me...

  10. lawanda jessica thanks and im also always on the go so i definagely know how you feel...

    so today im having some friends over for dinner and i asked what they all wanted and of all things they want is spaghetti.. so i decided to make it the right way.. I went online ot a recipe for home made sauce.. i used lean turkey meat instead of ground beef and whole wheat Pasta and well i did a little taste test(literally at the end to see if any salt or seasonings were needed and so far its good... in a healthier style.. ) now all i got to do is wait till my friends show up which should be any minute now...

    Good luck to you as well:D

  11. Ok so after 3 weeks of nothing today i finally went walking with my dog (well its more like jogging with the way my dog pulls... for a little dog he sure is strong) for 1.5 hours and then went on the bicycle in my basement for a half hour... tommorrow im hitting the gym brite and early before work

    :)(thanks to mrs. husker and OH Juli for the words of inspiration and as juli likes to say it tough love words)

    :hail:I LOVE THIS SITE! :hug:and my fellow marchies.:whoo:


    p.s. when me and cocoa got home he went straight to lay down and was all pooped and i on the other hand still had energy to spare.... before the band it was opposite my dggie still had energy and i was dead on the couch after 30min.

  12. Mrs. Husker

    Thats actually a good idea... a stepper next to the bed .. i might go out and buy one...( but ill put it somewhere where i wont trip on it b/c i tend to well hurt myself walking barefoot and on even path :) )

    And my gym is actually close enough to walk or bike too.. actually saying that i think i may ride my bike to the gym today, while i still have a chance too :clap2:)

  13. Jeni,

    Here are some tough-love words.

    Are you happy with your weight where it is? You are down quite a few pounds. Are you content to stay where you are? Statistically most people only lose 40-60% of their excess weight with the band. Do you want to be part of that average or do you want to more successful than average?

    If you're taking a break have a real plan for its end time. Know that we are getting into the hardest time of year for people to maintain, let alone not gain weight with Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year pending. Is this the time to get lazy?

    Are you going to let the cold keep you on your butt until March, because it's just starting and that's a long time to wait to move.

    So, yeah, I got blah and then I got serious. I didn't have this surgery to be half assed about it. Yes, taking a break is important to keep form getting burned out, but don't let the weather determine if you sit out on life or not.

    Much love and hugs.

    OH JULI - Thanks i think i really needed that.. Its just hard when you take that break to get back into the swing of things... But NO MORE EXCUSES right? :)

  14. I'm so guilty of this!!!

    I never plan my meals to tell you the truth... at first it really didn't matter because i was loosing.. But now that things are slowing down i am starting t take a look at how i eat and basically changing the bad habits... It isn't easy but this is one of the challenges we bandsters have to overcome sooner or later. But the band is there to remind us when we are taking things a little overboard :)

  15. So i've been avoiding the gym for the past couple of weeks, and i now i should be going but i just cant get my lazy butt up and moving... :help: i think it may have to do with the cold weather approaching here in chicago... :rolleyes i know that thats just a lame excuse...

    Any words of advice???:)

    Anyone else find themselves getting lazy?:faint:

  16. Yay, i just calculated my totals and im at 44.8% (of my goal to weight 150) and 50.2% (of my PCP goal to weigh t 165) .. and still loosing... <br /> <br /> and keri i dont think i remember being under 190lbs either... my PCP wants me at about 165 but personally id like to be at 150<img src="http://www.LapBandTalk.com/images/smilies/silly.gif" border="0" alt="" title="" smilieid="59" class="inlineimg" />

  17. I hear ya on the gas thing! My Dr explained that the band restricts the gas from comming out in "burp" form :).....so out it comes on the other end. :paranoid

    He recommending using the gas-x as an after dinner mint every time you eat. I don't always remember.....so I just let 'er rip whenever I have a private moment.....or when only family is around. DH and DSs are a little disgusted with me at times...:rolleyes

    Actually i find since the band i burp more than i ever have... and thats talking pre-band when i drank carbonated beverages:paranoid

  18. Because it's reversible if there are complications. I also didn't like the idea of parts of my body being re-routed. And, I liked that it can be tightened if I start gaining again in a few years. Where, the RNY patients I know gain weight back and have no recourse. It's a one time shot with them, and not so much w/the band.
    I chose the band because I didn't want the invasive surgery. My recover was very easy. I also like the fact that it can be adjusted.

    They are both invasive surgeries .. Anything that requires breaking the skin is considered invasive... The band is less invasive.

    I was actually looking into the bypass when I read about the band. I feel its just so much healthier, theres no malabsorbion and the long term results are much better. I know we (I) may not lose as fast as the gastric bypass but I was more concerned about the health issues. Once they cut that part of your intestine away you never get it back.

    This is on of the reason why i didn't go with the GB... Malnutrition/absorption... and the whole idea of changing the whole digestive process freaked me out..

    1. Fast easy recovery.

    2. No reroute of internal organs.

    3. It is not a one time shot....i can get a fill if I start to gain

    4. I am not done having children, so I wanted to find a way to be able to loose the post pregnancy weight. If I had gotten RNY there is a chance I'd gain the weight back after pregnancy and it would be difficult to loose it. I didn't want to spend $ to get RNY just to be skinny for a couple of years then blow up again.

    5. I didn't want to look like a Bobble head doll. Like Star Jones.

    6. No malabsorbtion.

    Star Jones does look like a bobblehead... :heh:

    Thank you so much for sharing your thought and experiences on this thread...I just went to the info seminar on Tuesday and I think the surgeon/program like the RNY much better. I went in thinking its the band all the way, and walked out thinking why did I ever want the band. I will have a HUGE decision to make.

    My worries for the band are this...

    I am deathly afraid of vomiting. I know I am lame, but it is a real fear...

    It is also concerning to me to have a foreign body living in there (what effect will that have on me later on?)

    Will I sabotage myself?

    Can I afford all of the adjustments for years to come?

    Sorry, I am really struggling to find my way on this one. I appreciate that there is a place like this where I can come and interact with other who know what its like. Thanks!!

    2 years out GB patients and Band patients have about the same percentage weight lose but the band patients do it slower and more gradually while the GB loose more drastically at first.

    And by the way when you pb its not like vomiting really... it more so just comes up ... its hard to explain... but i cant stand vomiting and i experienced pbing a couple of times it aint that bad... (its not pleasant but not bad)

    Good luck with your decision just make sure you have all the facts down before you are completely sure :confused:

    (Oh and just a side note i had my surgery done at Loyola Hospital In Chicago IL, and they don't even offer the GB anymore...)

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