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Jeni 85

LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Jeni 85

  1. Good Monday morning Marchies!

    Do you realize we are only a month away from March?! Well I did and it got me re-motivated! For the last three days I've been acting like I'm new at this. I've been tracking every bight, drinking 8 glasses of Water, upped my cardio, reduced my calorie intake... and I'm seeing success.

    I've been plateaued for so long, and it has everything to do with resting on my success that I'm not surprised at the immediate results. However, the plan is to keep stringent until after the anniversary.


    I'm making peace with my skin. It's a challenge because it's not pretty. I'm focusing on how good I look with my clothes on and how much better I feel. I have to say the skin is the only negative to this whole process but with the right perspective it's certainly something I can live with.

    Yes i did realize how close we are to March and i freaked out... I cant believe it is almost a year..

    You have a great idea to go back and act like a newbie following every rule.. i'm joining you in this goal... March 15th here i come!!!!

  2. I once went to the ER with severe chest pains and arrythmia. The doctor started to take my blood pressure, but the cuff was tight on me......he threw it on the floor and yelled at the nurse, "Bring me an elephant cuff!" My b.p. was not terriby high at that momen, and he said, "You're just like my wife...nothing wrong with you but being too fat." and sent me home.

    There have been many times when I did not go to the doctor when I should have because I knew what their first 'diagnosis' would be.....got a hangnail? Lose weight. Got a should pain? Lose weight. Etc Etc.

    ALL MY PREVIOUS DOCTORS WERE LIKE THIS.... AND i always went to get a new one after a while of thier degrading manners...

    my current pcp... well didn't want me to have surgery, and was completelyagainst it... she even argued my surgeon.... (thank god he believed in me and did the surgery anyway)...

    But i decided to stay with her because i wanted to prove to her how successful i could be... and how people could benefit from this surgery... (she doesnt believe in WLS) Maybe future patients of hers wont have to argue with her...

    And almost a year later she is thrilled at my results!!!:frown:

    I went to my PCP two years ago and asked for diet pills. He refused to give them to me and said, "Your only hope is the gastric bypass surgery. You will NEVER lose the weight you have to lose without surgery. You can try every diet in the book but it will not work for you. Your case is hopeless, so without the gastric bypass, you might as well keep eating what you want until you die, because that is exactly what is going to happen if you don't get the gastric bypass surgery." I said, "What about the Lap-Band?" He replied, "The Lap-Band would NEVER work for you, you are way too big for the band to be effective. Your case requires extreme measures, so don't even waste yur time or money on the Lap-band because you are far too out of control for the band to work. You would just eat around the band and never get proper aftercare because of your fierce addiction to food."

    I was unable to walk away after that conversation without cursing him out, so let's just say that my PCP is no longer my PCP, and he learned a few "new" words that day. I will not elaborate on WHAT the "new" words were, but I will tell you that when you are truly PISSED, you can make up some doozies from a combination of "not socially appropriate" four-letter, foul words. :hurray:

    OMG........He so deserved every word...

    I'm sorry i hope your new PCP is giving you the care you and all of us deserve...

    Dr. are supposed to be compassionate and respectful towards us... not to ridicule us for our weight.

  3. Funny thing ... i was just talking to my mom about this the other day....

    I am cold a lot of the time.... even as i type this my hands feet and nose are frozen....

    the worst part is im always cold and my mom (who is going throught menopause) is having hot flashes and hot all the time.. so there is a constant argument over what to set the thermostat at...

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