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Jeni 85

LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Jeni 85

  1. Ignore them..... and don't let them drag you down... I admit it would have got me mad too (im not self pay but had to jump through hoops to get insurance to pay) but everyone makes their own decisions... if they want to eat all unhealthy food they wont be successful..while the rest of us bandsters who choose to eat well will be actually able to reach goal... and they wont...

    I know nobody's perfect but there is a difference between those whom try to eat well and those who don't give a damn..

    I know i've slipped up before but to sit there a purposefully do so is beyond my imagination

  2. both work well.... just think of which will work best for you...

    With WW you track in a little book and daily plate you track on the computer... which is more convenient for you... try doing both for a little while n see which you like better...

    I personally dont do either.. i just make sure i k=make healthy choices all day based on calories and Protein... and it has worked for me... The only time i track myself for a couple of days is when i hit a plateau to see what i need to change..:)

    Good Luck with any decision that you make:thumbup:

  3. :cursing:Okay, being sick sux!!! I went to the doctor today and turn out a have a Upper Respiratory Infection (URI)!!!:crying: It majorly sux!!! But oh well here is my day. I know its not a lot but being Lethargic and all. it makes sense.

    B: 8oz of cranberry apple juice

    L: 4 bites of vanilla cinnamon oatmeal

    D: About 2oz of apple sauce and some blueberries

    S: 3 baby carrots

    As soon as my mom gets home with that chicken noodle Soup im going to have some of that.. Maybe if it appeals to me.... The only reason i ate at all is because i don't like taking meds on a empty stomach.:).

  4. I finally decided to exercise more as a way to really get that scale moving.. Yesterday i spent 1.5hours at the gym!!! I really didn't want to go at first but was so thrilled that i did go afterwards... A lot more energy...

    But ya while i was there i talked to a personal trainer and he said he would get me a good deal if i get some sessions with them... So i decided why not.. I really need to add strength training to my routines and they will show me how to do that... I AM SO EXCITED ABOUT THIS!!!

  5. Hehehe - I have a similar approach when home. When I hit that plateau/regain phase in the post-op, I REFUSED to update my ticker until I could show that it had moved down again. It took from 14 Dec to 3 Jan before I could update it, but I wasn't going to update it UPwards!


    My body seems to "try on" a new weight and then waits awhile before it buys it. Maybe it's on a layaway plan. :eek:

    In that case my body wants to be 207 but misses being 209.:eek:...

    Actually, Its driving me up a wall crazy!!! I keep telling myself im gonna go back to weighing myself once a week, but am to dang addicted to that scale!!! :)

  6. Hey Marchies

    I'm trying to stay motivated and keep the carb cravings at the end of my day from ruining my success otherwise.

    How is everyone doing? Who needs motivation? Who needs encouragement? We are closing in on year since banding and we've got to keep the momentum rolling, no?


    That's definately me.... i want to lose 10lbs by my birthday but am so frustrated right now the scale is doing the funny up a 1lb down a pound everyday... ITS DRIVING ME CRAZY!!!!:) ... im trying to stay off of it but its so hard.... that and the fact ive been craving sweets like crazy.... :eek:

    I guess everyone hits rough Patches every so often.... :eek:

  7. I just bought one pair of casual pants and I can wear them to work when there is no workshops on. I have one pair of black dress pants and a few tops. I just bought a couple of new bras (had to,no choice). I just don't have anything else to wear. But I do award myself new boots, shoes, purses etc. I won't shrink out of them. ONe thing I've noticed is that I can wear high heels again, its wonderful. No more granny shoes. Helps me to feel sexier- even though I have a way to go yet.

    OMG!!!!!:eek: I feel the same way... i went happy with buying heels i bought like 4 pair in a 2 week period... its bad i know its just that i got so excited when i fit 8.5 heels and could walk in them!!!!;)

    But clothes wise at first i was good for a little while because the clothes i had were all tight on me (i refused to buy larger sizes.... i know denial but hey thats all the past now) but i try not to buy too much... i buy the necessary things (bras and undies) This is easy for me because i pretty much live in scrubs because i work all day and they are drawstring!! :(

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
