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Jeni 85

LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Jeni 85

  1. Jeni,

    BC is the only way that I was "regular" as well. However, since I have been banded I have had 4 periods in 6 months which is what I usually get in 2 years! I think the weight loss is really helping.

    Ya, weight-loss is a major help in the pcos area.. by dr. goal is to lean me off the birth control the closer to goal and see if i regulate a little more... she says she would be happy with 1 period every 3 months..:)

  2. Hi Rain, the pork chops sound good, but I made pork chops Sunday in sauce in the slow cooker and really got sick. I think they stuck even though I took small bites. Got the slimy thing. I have them in the fridge but am afraid to eat them.

    i cant handle the heavy meats like steak and pork chops... i think i may just try that recipe with chicken or turkey:rolleyes2: i think it would be good

  3. Mine showed up 3 months post-op. But I have PCOS, so to get it more than twice a year is rare for me.

    I didn't know i had pcos until i went 10mths without a period post-op.... i was never regular before banding but i just thought every 3-4mths for one period was normal for me...

    so now the only way i get a period regularly is if im on birth control:blushing:

  4. I would try to explain to them the whole procedure and how it works.. Show them the animation on lap band.com or eve show them this board.

    Like i know now first hand that if i don't want to watch how i intake my calories i will not lose and i will possibly gain... the band is a tool to control portions... but does not distinguish between healthy good for you foods and bad high cal jun foods... that is complete will power and you still need to exercise like everyone should be getting...

    I admit nobody's perfect and i could have probably lost more weight i didn't have those occasional slip-ups... a

    But i am damn proud of my 82.5 lbs i have lost and im almost a year out...

    I think you will do great.. and hope to have you join the bandwagon soon enough...

    Best of luck to you,

    Jeni M.:thumbup:

  5. My PCP told me, without me even mentioning that I was thinking of surgery, "I don't believe in weight loss surgery." So I never discussed it with her. Luckily, my insurance did not require a letter from my PCP, so it didn't matter in that respect. It was kind of a bummer, though.

    My PCP was against it. and "doesn't believe in weight-loss surgery" but now she is completely thrilled with my results:biggrin:

  6. I had a breast lift and implants done 3.5 months after my surgery. I opted for 800cc implants overfilled to 1000. I realise this is considerably more than average, but it's what I wanted. I went from a very deflated 38DD with my nipples pointing to the ground to a perky and full 38H with nipples that point dead ahead and was thrilled. :blink:

    However I had a complication and developed an infection in my left breast and had to have the implant removed. This wasn't due to the surgeon's error or something I did or didn't do, it just happened. I go in for re-implantation on March 12 and am very excited about that! :eek:

    I plan to get a Tummy Tuck done in future, but want to get within 10lbs of my goal weight. I still have to lose another 20 to get within that 10, but I have a goal to focus on. :)

    Since losing weight, I've developed a rash under my flabby tummy/upper pubic area. I've been doing all I can to keep it dry and clear the rash up, but just when I seem to get on top of things, it will flare up again and not respond to the different creams and powders I have on hand. With any luck because of this complication, I'm hoping that my TT surgery, or at least part of it, will be covered by insurance. I questioned my surgeon's nurse about this at my pre-op consultation yesterday and she seemed to feel that it was worth submitting an application with my insurance co. to see whether or not I'll be approved.

    Right now I'm not ready though, and I have to have the surgery within 30 days of the approval (should I be fortunate enough to get it) so I'm holding off for a little while longer. It will give me a chance to lower my weight and raise my bank account. That's plenty of incentive for me. :biggrin2:

    JOHNSON AND JOHNSON MEDICATED BABY powder works wonders... im having the same issue and im only a little over 1/2 way to goal

  7. Here are two quick ones....yesterday we went to Outback for lunch. Whoever designed their booths must be an avowed 'fattie hater', because they are HORRIFIC!!

    I've been able to get in them since a couple of months after surgery (couldn't EVEN before!), but getting out was not always a pretty sight and often required my husband's assistance. Yesterday, I was up and out of the booth before HE was and we both looked at each other with shock, then began to LOL!!!

    The other one made us LOL, too!!! A couple of weeks ago I noticed (don't know when it actually happened!) that my navel has gone from looking like this --> O to looking like this --> | !!!!

    Now that's not at all 'pretty', but, it'll be 'fixed' eventually, but for now, it's a big NSV......SOMETHING had to have happened for that dramatic change!

    YA ... a couple weeks ago i came out of my friends bathroom with my shirt up saying that my belly button is now a sad belly button:lol:my friend was drinking something AND COMPLETELY SPIT IT OUT BECAUSE SHE COULDNT HELP BUT LAUGH

    It went from a nice round circle to a frown... lol .. gotta love the hanging skin:eek:

  8. Wow!!!:( Can you believe we have gotten this far already.. It seems just like yesterday we were just starting our journeys with much anticipation and a little bit scared... But look at us now.. Here's to the start of our second year; Hopefully it will be as successful as our first...

    Thank you to my fellow Marchies for all you support.. I know we can help each other through the rest of our journey..

    Best of luck to you all and CONGRATULATIONS on all of your Success!!!:thumbup:



  9. What about screws and plates due to an ankle repair... does that metal cause a person to have issues if they are "shocked alive?" I never thought about it until someone mentioned the metal piercings here.

    Okay doctors, nurses, and meds students, what's the verdict? :thumbup:

    I have a screw in my ankle:huh2: and they said that shouldnt effect me in any way....

  10. Janine, You are a trooper!!!!!!! I hope you are feeling better now and can eventually get re-banded. You've done so well and I wish you continued success. You can do this with or without the band!!!!!

    Thanks Jeni, I am hoping that making some changes in my diet will fix the problem. I'm in need of a fill and able to eat quite a bit so my stomach may not be happy w/ all this excess food. We'll see what the doc says on Monday...hope my band is OK and I can get a fill.


    Hopefully all goes well.... and everything is alright...

    Hope to hear from you soon banding buddy!!! :thumbup:

  11. Morning Marchies!

    My restriction is tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. But it's good. I'm able to get all my nutrition without having to blend my food. I can't eat early in the morning and I won't eat after 6pm which is annoying but beneficial.

    I used to pack in a third of my daily calories with after dinner snacking. Mind you I was still mostly not eating too many calories, but I'd go from having a great day to having a marginal day because of what I ate between 7 PM and 10 PM.

    At least now I eat dinner and stop putting food in my mouth. That's been such a struggle, I feel like I'm hungry, but I know that I am not. I'm just breaking a long ingrained habit.

    And what's good is that when I don't eat after 6 I don't have sleep issues, like no acid reflux. I was worried that I'd have to get an unfill. My fills are tricky and unfun so I really don't like playing with the levels.

    Enough about me...

    Jeni, girl, keep your eye on the prize. You are doing fantastically well. Even if you don't make that goal, look how far you have come, baby!

    Gwen, I love when the clothing shifts, I believe our bodies change shape a bit even if we aren't losing weight. My scale hasn't moved much but I'm ready for the next size down pants. Also, I love your name, White Pants. Is that a goal of yours? Or do you sport white pants all the time? To me that's a goal. I'd love to wear light pants or even khakis, but don't, yet.



    Thank you Juli for the encouragement... I am definitely thrilled with how much i have lost so far and at this point ill be happy to lose 1lb...

    But i realized one thing the past 3-4 wks i have been struggling i have stopped using the birth control which was helping regulate my periods due too PCOS... so i think maybe my body just flipped out... Im seeing my doctor tommorow so i can go back on the pill ... so im asuming things will go back to normal...

    But i had a great day today food wise and exercise wise... My personal trainer kicked my butt (like im paying him to do) but im so happy he did... im going to start looking at inches lost... because he has me doing a lot of strength training....

    But enough about that... Im happy with how far i have com so far.. I would have never been able to do this without the help from my band...

    TammyJ... i hope all works out well for you... I actually was having so heartburn and reflux problems as well and changed my diet around .. turns out it was the food not the band... Best of luck and let us know how things turn out....

    Janine... I'm so sorry to hear about your band...:blushing: but things will be ok.. just stick to the new habits you have learned from your band and you should be fine.. It may be hard but we will all be here if you need the support!!!:wub:

  12. Jeni

    All I've got to say is hang in there. Sorry I'm not much help.


    thanks juli

    Jeni 85, there's still a chance. It's only 18 days till the 15th and you are exercising and at that TOM. I'll say it again and again, weigh your foods. You may not lose the 12lbs by then but some weight loss. You're still ahead of the game at feeling a restriction.

    Oh Juli, how is your new restriction doing?

    Mrs Husker, did you get to the doctor yet and how is your restriction?

    I think I may be losing again. My pants are looser and longer even in my heels. Staying fuller longer, cut back on needing a snack, other than fruits and have been making a yogurt drink. Opposed to a Protein drink which made me gain weight. So far so good.

    I've been having trouble eating Pasta, especially spaghetti. Going to try rice for awhile. But still need to drink something hot in the mornings to get down Breakfast and sometimes before lunch. dinner is okay, but still need to take extra small bites and wait to see if I have a reaction.

    Hoping to read good posts from everyone.

    i never did weigh my foods... i guess i could try that...

  13. i can start S L O W L Y on the tmill after 2-3 weeks out. maybe 1.5-2.0 MPH (ha - that's where i started when i first started working out, and that was pushing it... now it's S L O W)..

    i know i wont be able to push myself for a few months, but i have that Disney Minnie Marathon (9 miles) the first weekend or so in May, so i have motivation.

    good luck with the tt... let us know how it goes

  14. Thank you. :blush: It's frustrating for me to look at it because it doesn't look THAT much different to me. :thumbdown:

    are you kidding me??!?!?!... It does to me...

    your only 3mths postop... and big difference

    But then again it takes a while for your mind o catch up with the weight loss... if you dont mind me asking... how much have you lost??

  15. Hey everyone...Garth happens to be my cousin. I also watch the show periodically (when I'm not too busy studying!). I have a 10 cc band and asked Garth to recommend a surgeon in ATL for me to have the band done- I must say that he is a fantastic doctor and is concerned for the well being of his patients, so there is nothing to worry about. The doctor that he recommended to me is Dr. J. K. Champion who also happens to be an amazing surgeon. Good luck with your surgery and let us know how the consult goes!!

    THAT IS SO NEAT!!!:blush: I LOVE THE SHOW!!:thumbdown:

  16. Grrr. I don't know how much good these are going to do. Like I said, I don't have a really good before pic. The best I could find was my pic a couple days post-op of my incisions. You can kind of see the stretch marks to (MY) left of my belly button.


    I just took this one. Not a great pic and I don't think it does justice. Crappy camera phone and in a badly-light office bathroom. LOL Probably can't tell much of a difference. My marks weren't TOO bad to begin with, but you would have been able to see them had my tummy been bared. Now I don't think they are as noticeable in person.


    MAN...does that stomach get ANY smaller? :blush:

    :w00t:WOW!!! YOUR STOMACH LOOKS SO MUCH BETTER NOW.... (and im not talking stretch marks, i got so much smaller) AWESOME JOB!!!:thumbdown:

  17. So here's the story i have been sick the past three weeks.. first i had this dang cold, which then turned into An Upper Respiratory Infection, and now i have bronchitis.. it really sucks and to top it off i think i am getting my lovely time of the month... It does suck...

    And for the past three weeks the scale has been fluctuating the same two pounds 207-209... when i checked it this morning it was 211!!!!! (i didn't change my ticker because i know im getting it back down) But what sux is im not eating horribly (didn't have much a appetite the past couple of weeks) and im actually exercising.. and im even drinking the recommended Water for the first time since banding!!! i was dying to hit 199 by march 15.. but at this rate im not going to hit that in 2 months...

    I normally am pretty good about keeping my calm and cool during these times but its just driving me nuts!!!:thumbdown:

    Any advice????

    (i feel that my fill level is at good restriction)

    {also starting to freak out a little because i have been feeling light-headed a lot lately}

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